Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Insanity Review by Robert Hudgens

Robert tells us why he is loving the Insanity Workout by Beachbody. Have questions or want to know more, let us know.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Shakeology ~ Healthiest Meal of the Day

I just had to share this with you. I have come across this shake that has 70 vitamins and nutrients called Shakeology. It tastes amazing (at least the chocolate does). It only has 140 calories, 1 gram fat, 18 g of Protein, and 18 g carbs. I have compared this shake to others like MonaVie, GNC's meal replacement shake, EAS meal replacement shake and nothing compares. My weight has gone down, my nails grow faster as does my hair, and I feel so good. I can totally tell when I do not have my shake. I feel sluggish and my body starts to crave it. Watch this video and you will want to take this Shakeology as well.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Beachbody's Insanity Workout review

Ok, so I just got the new Insanity Preview workout in the mail. This Insanity Workout is Plyometric and circuit training. It is 40 minutes long and all I can say is SWEAT DRIPPING, GASPING FOR BREATH, AND FEELING THE OH SO GOOD PAIN. This workout series is designed to give you amazing results in just 60 days. You have got to WANT IT REALLY BAD!!! This workout is NOT for beginners or anyone with health issues. If you are interested in this series, please let me know. I will put you on the list for this workout so you can have it as soon as it is released. Just email me at

Saturday, April 04, 2009

More Celebs are doing P90X instead gyms and trainers.

Post by Carl Daikeler:
The Rumors Were True

Any Beachbody complaints about not getting noticed by the media are distant history. And P90X is the best free publicist we could have hoped for.

Without spending a dime on endorsements or PR efforts, word continues to spread about the shift in health and fitness from gyms and trainers to our DVD programs, and it seems to be nearing a real tipping point.

First it was Chicago lead singer Jason Scheff who used P90X and the coaching opportunity to motivate himself to get back into shape. Then it was NFL kicker David Akers who's trainer suggested P90X to answer coach Andy Reid's command to get back into pro-bowl condition. Then People ran a story on Poppy Montgomery from Without A Trace. Then we got calls that Sheryl Crow has transformed her body with P90X, and went on and on about it on the red carpet of the Grammys. Then at the Pro Bowl, Baltimore Ravens' super star Ray Lewis told the media he uses P90X.

And then there was a rumor that a "Twitter Tweet" surfaced that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were asking questions about this P90X thing they keep seeing on TV.

It looks like the rumors were true.
Look what just got posted by People Magazine...

Atlanta Braves fielder does P90X !!! Another Celeb joins the P90X craz!!

Post by Carl Daikeler:
Heads Up In Atlanta!

In Sunday night's baseball season opener I am going to be torn between two teams: My hometown Phillies and the Atlanta Braves.

On one hand I'll be cheering the World Champs on to another great season, but on the other hand, I will want to see Atlanta's Matt Diaz light the place up because now he and I have something in common.

Here's what I read in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution today about Atlanta's fielder Matt Diaz who lost 30 pounds in the off season... Guess how:

Braves Q&A with Matt Diaz
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Do you want to know what Brave fell for an infomercial? Read on about Matt Diaz...

Q. How did you lose 30 pounds this offseason?

A. I hate to admit it, but I did an infomercial. … My wife ordered P90X. I saw her doing her leg workout, and it was similar to stuff I did in rehab. I thought that’d be a good way to ease my way back into weightlifting. After a week you realize there’s no easing into that workout.

Q. You watch videos as you work out?

A. They send you 12 videos with 12 different workouts and a diet plan. If you want it, it gives you recipes for every meal, six meals a day …. We moved our kids upstairs out of the nursery and changed the nursery into a P90X room. We got a pull-up bar and dumbbells. … I’d do a P90X workout with my wife in the morning, a baseball workout in the afternoon and go jogging with my wife in the evening while dinner was crock-potting.

Beachbody Coaches should love it when people say "I hate to admit it" about doing our videos. That just shows you how timely the decision is to become a distributor of our programs. Most people are still programmed to think that schlepping to the gym or paying a personal trainer is the only "respectable" way to get in shape.

But as we add success story after success story and star upon star to our customer list, the tipping point is approaching, and the $18 Billion gym business will shift as 200 million overweight Americans realize they can get fast results right at home with the support of a community that is focused on people helping people get real results!

Thanks for being a part of the solution! Let's end the trend now Atlanta!

Want to be part of the craz with P90X?? I can show you how you can become a rep for this amazing product or I can just order the product for you so you can start your P90X "room".

Join our team for amazing results both physically and financially.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Top Coach Robert Hudgens and his wife talk about Beachbody

Hudgens' Lifestyle Has Changed Because of Beachbody
Beachbody is an incredible home-based fitness company. It has blessed us beyond what we would have ever imagined. If you are into fitness and helping other get fit and lead a healthy lifestyle, than you to can join our team and create a profitable home-based biz. Let us know if you want more info. ;)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Vegas Camp 2008

Robert and I attended Tony Horton's Las Vegas Fitness Camp last weekend. We had a fantastic time catching up with our Team Elite coaches as well as several other coaches with Team Beachbody. Robert and I hosted a Team Elite event in our suite at the Mirage and it was a success. We had over 25 coaches from all over the US come and network together as well as listen to some valuable training tips from some of the leaders. Of course Tony kicked out butt in the workouts and we learned lots in the seminars. If you haven't attended a Tony Horton Fitness Camp, then I would suggest you do so. It is a great way to revive your workout routine.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Our Trip to Maui!!!

Robert and I recently got back from an amazing trip to Maui, HI. Robert won this trip by being one of the Top Coach winners for Team Beachbody. There was 16 other winners and theirs spouses on this trip. We had some of our closest friends going on this trip with us which made it even more fun. We stayed at the Grand Waelia for 5 days. This resort is just beautiful. Each morning we did a live workout with Tony Horton. One day was yoga, and I must say I don't usually like yoga but this was so peaceful. We were outside on the beautiful lawn overlooking the ocean. I now have a new outlook on yoga. Beachbody catered to our every need on this trip. There were surprises around each corner. One night they gave each of us cash to go out and have dinner with some of the other coaches on the trip. Then they gave us backpacks packed full of great goodies like yoga mats, jackets, t-shirts, water bottles and much more. One of the reasons for this beautiful resort setting is because Team Beachbody was filming an infomercial that will air this summer. This infomercial will be advertising the Beachbody Coach opportunity. So look for Robert and I on national TV this summer...YIKES!!We made some great lifelong friendships on this trip. We can't wait to win the next Top Coach trip for 2008 to Mexico!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Beachbody is Changing our LIVES!

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

Thanks for stopping by to take a quick peek into the Hudgens' family. So since I last updated, LOTS has gone on. First Robert has official retired from his perimedic job. There are no more 7pm-7am shifts. No more sleepless nights! No more sleeping all day and then going back to work to help save lives and get paid hardly anything for it!

Robert has retired to become a full-time Beachbody coach. He loves it and so do we!! He is home all the time and has ample time to spend with Bryson and Ty. What is even crazier is that Robert wakes up each morning LOVING what he does. He helps others get into shape and then helps those people reach out to others. It is so great!

Come May 5th I will officially be a full-time Beachbody coach myself. I have sold my TRENDZ CLOTHING store to move on to big things. Speaking of "move", The Hudgens' are moving back to DALLAS!!!! That's right...Dallas is getting us back! Robert is sick of the cold and snow and frankly, I'm sick of hearing my Dallas friends tell me how nice and beautiful it is there when we are knee deep in snow. So sometime this summer (hopefully around mid-July) we will be buying a house in the Highland Village area and moving in. We are looking forward to reconnecting with many of our friends there in the area.

I just created a myspace page but I heard that myspace is "very yesterday" and it is facebook now. Well I will open one of those later this week but for now here is my myspace page

My next Blog entry, I will update you on our Maui trip that Robert WON for being a Top Coach with Beachbody!! I'm telling you unbelievable things are happening in our lives. All because we starting working out to fitness videos. If you are interested in finding out how it can change your life too, just drop us a comment or email.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


OH MY, I have got to update everyone. I can not believe I have not posted since March....yikes. So I will start with some of our most exciting news. As many of you know already, Robert and I are involved in a health and fitness company called Million Dollar Body. We are both coaches and love helping others get into better shape and live a healthier life style. Besides offering great home workout vidoes, Million Dollar body also offers different contests and one of them is a monthly transformation contest where they choose 8 people (4 male & 4 female; one each in different age groups) to win $1K. Then out of those 8 they choose 1 male and 1 female to win $10K!!!! Robert was choosen as the May $10,000 winner!!!!! It was a wonderful surprise and one he earned. He has really transformed himself. Not only physically (which he does look great) but also spiritually and mentally. He is so much more confident in himself and this confidence has already taken him into new areas in his life that he would have never ventured into. He continually thanks God for his health and understands why our bodies our God's temple.
Million Dollar Body came all the way into the middle of Iowa's corn fields from Los Angeles to video their new May winner. Here is his video:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My Basketball Stars!!

OK, the basketball season here in Decorah for my boys lasts a total of 4 weeks. Bryson is in the Sharp Shooter league while Ty is in the Biddie Ball league. I love to watch them play. It is so cool to see Bryson's skills develop over the past few years. Ty still has a ways to go but he is fun to watch. Ty's league is more like 3 & 4 year olds with balls and not quite sure what to do with them. Ty even went over into the 5 year old game and shoot a basket into their hoops. Those were a bit higher but he made it and then had to go and high 5 everyone. So funny these boys. Hmm I wonder where he gets it from.

A Winter Highlight - Snowmobiling

Now this took place a few weeks back but Bryson had such a good time I had to share the pictures with you. Bryson's Papa and Aunt Megan took him snowmobiling on one of Papa's friend's land. There was tons of snow that had just fallen the day before so it made for great conditions. Bryson loved it and has requested a snowmobile for this coming christmas. Hmmm, I might have to think about that.....ok, done thinking - NO!!! Once a year on someone else's snowmobile is just fine.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ty Turned 3!!

Ty is now officially Three years old. He acts as if he is 6 sometimes and an early 2 other times. Ty has many changes ahead of him now that he is 3. First we are working on potty training which so far is going pretty good. Then we are snipping off all pacifier tips to get rid of that pesty thing. He thinks there is nothing better in the world than his pacie. Ty had a small Birthday Party at McDonalds with two of his friends, Gus Grimstad and Tyler Juve. He had so much fun with them. The one thing he wanted at his party was party hats. I haven't bought party hats in so long that I forgot that they even made them anymore....shame on mom. My boys are getting old and I am sad that I no longer have a small child in the house. OH well on to bigger things now....sports, sports and probably more sports. Both boys are in love with all kinds of balls, whether it is golf, basketball, soccer, football and baseball. Robert loves this about his boys and lucky for them, I can through a decent ball here and there.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Cozumel was Wonderful

Robert and I had a great trip with two of our friends to Cozumel. We were there for 7 nights and 8 days. We stayed at an all-inclusive resort and I think we ate our fair share of food. We layed out, took a snorkel cruise, rented a jeep and toured the island for a day, and just relaxed. It was wonderful!! When we left Mexico the temperature was 85 and when our plane touched down in Minneapolis at 9pm it was -15 degrees. YUCK!! OH to dream of the beach....

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Winter is here in FULL FORCE!

It is snowing the biggest flakes I have ever seen. The snow is acumulating so fast and I am guessing we have 6 inches now and it is still falling fast. The boys love the snow. Bryson is getting good at snowboarding. Robert and I love the beauty of the snow and I personally think it is so romantic, however we are ready for it to melt already. 6 more days till we are on a flight to Sunny Mexico onto the beaches on Cozumel for 7 whole days. WOW I can't wait.

Bryson Turns 7

I can not believe that Bryson is already 7 years old. It seems like I was just sitting in the hosipital holding my first newborn baby. Now 7 years later here we are in Iowa throughing a Football themed party. Bryson had 10 friends meet at Grace Fellowship Church and they had fun running relays, playing in-door flag football and kicking through a field goal. They took home footballs for their party favors. The party completely wore Robert and I out but I loved seeing the smiles on the boy's face and it was totally worth it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Pictures from Festival of Trees

For some reason my blog and I are not getting along. I have tried to upload images to the first blog regarding lunch with my grandmother more than 4 times. So I have given up and just am hoping that they will post to this entry. So here we go.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lunch amongst the Trees

This past week was a little crazy. I had something going on almost everyday and then Bryson had a fever causing him to miss 2 days of school and putting a strain on our already hectic schedule. Last Tuesday Trendz provided clothes for 3 models that were in an eye and sunglasses fashion show. Wednesday was Bryson's first day home sick with a fever spiking at around 102.9. Poor thing he just felt hot and yucky. Since I am normally off on Wednesdays this worked out well, however I did have a lunch arrangement going on that I really didn't want to miss. Each holiday season there is a week long event called Festival of Trees. Every day or evening during that week a special event or meal is held and the ticket sales go to help the hospital clinic raise money. This past Wednesday was a luncheon. My grandma is in town and my mom, Joni and i all planned on going. The room is surrounded by Christmas Trees all decorated with a theme. It makes for great picture taking. Bryson seemed to be feeling better by Thursday morning so I sent him to school. My friend checked on him at lunch and said he was playing full speed at recess and looking good. So I was relieved, and thought I did the right thing by sending him back. He came home from school and said he was tired, laid down in his bed and slept for almost 2 hours. So I guess he wasn't "OK". When he woke up from his nap he again had a fever so needless to say he did not go back to school on Friday. I normally work Fridays at the store, so luckily Robert was home that day. The final event for Festival of Trees was a women's Makeover evening. Through the whole month of October and some of November, people could send letters and nominate women whom they felt deserving of a makeover. Five women were chosen and they received a $200 outfit from a sponsored store, their hair cut and colored and makeup applied the evening of the event. Trendz sponsored a wonderful women named Jean who is a single mom with 2 children. She is a nurse for a doctor in town but often struggles to make ends meet and never puts herself first. She was so fun to have in the store and so willing to try anything on. Jean never shops for herself and just loved the pampering. I wanted to be able to give her an outfit that she would actually wear more than just the coming out night. I wanted her to be proud and confident in it and of course comfortable. We found the perfect outfit and shoes for her and Saturday night when she came out showing her "extreme makeover" she looked awesome. It was really a rewarding event to be apart of. This week was almost a blur of events but this one I will remember for a while.

Decorah Yard Greetings

Robert has started a business called "Decorah Yard Greetings". Decorah does not have anyone in town that offers the stork birth announcement, so we saw a need for that. He as also offers a tractor for Birthday yard signs. And lastly he offers the Flamingo display. It is a slow start because the ground is getting ready to freeze so he is not going to market it until early spring. We did do a craft show to kick the business off and that is where the pictures were taken.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Spooky Halloween

Ok so i have not been good at updating my blog in a timely manner. But I just had to start with Halloween. The boys loved there costumes. I had a great looking Iowa Hawkeye football player and a precious green dragon. The weather was not the best here in Decorah on Halloween night so Ty didn't do too much trick-or-treating. We don't need the candy around the house anyway (mom just eats it all). Bryson went out with some neighbors and trick-or-treated the neighborhood while I answered the door. Unfortunately Robert had to work. He was able to take them to a few houses before he left. We had a great time!!!