Friday, 14 February 2025

Jack the Ripper ID

Evidence has come forward after a hundred and thirty-seven years that might identify the serial killer known as Jack the Ripper. In 1888 there were a series of five street murders of women in Whitechapel, London. The bodies were badly mutilated and the culprit was never caught. Today, these crimes have taken on a aura of macabre legend and tourists can take "Jack the Ripper tours" where you can see where each of the bodies were found and even have a pint in pubs where the victims drank. The murders have been the theme of books, films, computer games and TV shows. Numerous suspects have been investigated by the police and, much later, by folklore researchers. Now a historian believes he has finally solved the mystery. Russell Edwards managed to obtain a shawl belonging to one of the victims, Catherine Eddowes. She was found dead in the early hours of September the 30th, the fourth of the "canonical" victims; ie: those with the modus operandi most associated with this criminal. She was wearing the shawl at the time and Edwards had it screened for DNA. Two specimens were found, one was from Catherine herself, confirmed by comparing it with a living member of her family; and the second was of somebody called Aaron Kominski, one of the men suspected of being the killer from the start. The police didn't have enough evidence to prosecute him at the time and such forensic technology was, of course, not available in the 19th century; but Edwards claims this closes the case. He hopes that there will be a coroner's inquest soon and the living families of both Catherine Eddowes and Aaron Kominski are supportive of his effort. Source:

Aaron Kominski spent most of his life in a lunatic asylum and died in 1919, aged fifty-three. If he is Jack the Ripper then he is more or less a conventional serial killer, very sadistic and with a sense of extreme misogyny. However, many researchers have asked legitimate questions about the Whitechapel murders and there are suspicious elements, such as why so many police files related to the crimes were classified for a hundred years. It was when this moratorium expired in 1988 that Stephen Knight wrote his classic book Jack the Ripper- The Final Solution. This inspired the fictional film by Tim Burton, From Hell and the documentary by Diana researcher Christopher Everard called Illuminati III- Murdered By The Monarchy. Source: These publications provide different perspectives and details, but the theme is that there was a connection to the Royal Family. Skeptics immediately will scoff at all this and consider this new information a vindication, a typical example of unknowns serving as breeding grounds for speculative conspiracy theories. However, the inquest has not yet happened and despite the length of time since the initial investigation, there will be those wishing to defend the historical reputation of Mr Kominski. Despite his mental illness, Kominski was not described as violent by his doctors at the asylum. He was also not committed until 1891, three years after the murder spate ceased. It is rare for serial killers to stop their rampage unless they die or are captured. He was also a Polish Jew, an immigrant who spoke mostly Yiddish. He was not the smooth-talker in fluent English that witnesses describe Jack as. Also, the presence of DNA alone is not necessarily proof of guilt. DNA evidence is not the crystal ball most people seem to think it is and this is my principle reason for opposing the death penalty. Even in much more recent times there have been some pretty dodgy convictions based on DNA evidence, such as Bradley Murdoch, an Australian case in which a man allegedly killed a British tourist and kidnapped his girlfriend. Source: Another lone nutter being conveniently blamed would be just the thing the Royal Family would want if indeed there is some connection to them. In this new age of transparency, even after well over a century, scandals can come back to haunt them.
See here for background:

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Anna Paulina Luna Press Conf

A few days ago Anna Paulina Luna, United States House of Representatives for Florida's 13th congressional district, made a declaration. She was going to host a press conference on what she called a major announcement of national importance; "The American people deserve the truth. We’ve been kept in the dark for far too long." Considering her interest in the UFO subject, often supported by her fellow Floridian Jared Moskowitz, the entire UFOlogy community was on tenterhooks over what she might be about to reveal. Rep. Luna has been backed up by James Comer who is the chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The address was very short, just eighteen minutes, but it is one of the most incredible things I've ever heard an elected official say. Ms Luna announced the creation of a task force to administer President Trump's executive order to declassify "federal secrets" which she will be leading. She pledges that the second Trump administration will prioritize increased transparency. This is a "new era" with a new relationship between the people are the state; "the light of truth." She's fed up of American citizens being treated like children. Ms Luna is being assisted by the Department of Defence and Department of Justice. This is the incredible bit! Next she lists a number of subjects she intends to focus on with her task force. These subjects are a classic rundown of popular conspiracy theories; JFK, RFK, MLK, UAP's, 9/11, Covid, Epstein's list etc. Tired of saying "told you so" yet? Other congresspeople are going to assist her such as Nancy Mace, who is renowned from her chairing the last UAP hearing. Ms Luna claims everybody in congress has a top secret clearance. That might be so, but even with top secrets people are briefed in on a strictly need-to-know basis. She has made an appeal to members of the public to assist, which can only mean the task force will involve civilian researchers, conspiracy theorists in other words; people like me. I'll be only too glad to help. Source:

It's amusing that right up until the moment APL began her speech, the backslappers were still gloating about how this would be another "nothing burger" and it was an over-hyped scam to get as many people watching the latest announcement about interest rates or inflation figures. Nothing could be further from the truth. Interestingly this news comes at the same time Steven Spielberg's new UFO movie has had its working title changed from The Dish to Disclosure. This decision was made despite filmmakers not usually liking to reuse titles, and I'm referring to the famous 1994 erotic thriller by Barry Levinson. I'm interested in the strange way Spielberg's new movie is being publicized. As I've said before, see:, it is not normal practice to reveal a lot of information to the media about a new film while it is in pre-production. Usually the film is made in private and marketing will begin a few months before the release date. Why has Spielberg broken that rule? Something is definitely in the air. What happened yesterday in Washington is not actually Disclosure. Nothing Trump or Luna have done so far is revolutionary in itself, but it reveals an awareness and understanding among elected government about the secrets kept by the national security state and a willingness to take them on in a political war. This has never happened before in any nation in history, to my knowledge. To say I am curious and excited to see where this will lead would be a gross understatement.
See here for background:

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Irish CVD Bull

See here for essential background:
Last night a group of men in Donegal, Ireland defaced a border road sign near Derry. The gang, who call themselves "Troublemakers Ireland" and live up to their name, put a giant sticker on the sign so instead of "Welcome to Northern Ireland", it now says "Welcome to OCCUPIED Ireland." Source: It's is very frustrating to watch people who obviously have a lot of energy and a social conscience being so misguided and naive. They are literally living in a fantasy world in which they are soldiers in a war from centuries ago. As I explain in the background link above, the Celtic Victimhood Delusion is not confined to Wales; in fact Wales is a minor example compared to Scotland and Ireland. The effects are equally destructive though. It has caused the Irish people to shut their eyes to the facts of the modern world, that "British imperialism" ceased to be a thing long before almost everybody alive today was born. The CVD has allowed the stormtroopers of the Brussels globalist empire to infiltrate the Emerald Isle totally unopposed. The people see it going on and just shrug their shoulders and say "well at least they're not the feckin' Brits!" It's incredibly ironic that the same road sign also warns drivers that speed limits beyond it are all in miles-per-hour. Why? Because the EU has forced Ireland to use metric measurements. The honest and realistic thing to do would be to take down that sticker and put it up on the other side of that sign. The closest thing we have today in Europe to a land of freedom that has broken away from imperialistic oppression is the United Kingdom.
See here for more background:

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Minnesota Iceman

I've come across a video whose title and thumbnail compelled me to watch it; and unlike most similar clickbait this did not disappoint. It tells the strange story of the "Minnesota Iceman". This was a sideshow display that toured numerous venues in the late 1960's displaying the frozen body of what looked like a Bigfoot or similar creature that had been shot and killed. Despite its name, it's not certain that the creature came from Minnesota USA. The tour manager claimed it came from Siberia where such creatures are known as Almasty. He said it also might have been a Vietnamese "rock-ape". It was supposedly owned by a millionaire from California who wished to remain anonymous. The FBI and Canadian customs once investigated it because they thought it might be a human who had been murdered but took no further action when they realized that the creature was obviously not human. The iceman was investigated by two pioneers of cryptozoology, Bernard Heuvelmans and Ivan T Sanderson. After careful study they concluded decisively that the iceman was real. Sanderson even gave it a Latin name, Homo pongoides. They completely dismissed the common accusation that it was a hoax in their very detailed 1968 report. But then something strange happened. The exhibit was withdrawn from display for a while and when it returned, the being in the ice block was now very obviously a latex dummy. This was sold on Ebay in 2013. Why the switch, and what happened to the original corpse? This iceman's promoter, Frank Hansen, relates that in 1969, shortly after Sanderson and Heuvelmans' article was published, he was visited by some "officials" who told him the body needed to be taken away for examination. He never saw it again. What he got back was the rubber model. Source:

Now, these recurring incidents of state actors confiscating evidence of esoteric phenomena and suppressing knowledge of their existence is a very common theme in UFOlogy, see: Possible motives include fear of how the revelation that we are not alone could affect trust in government, academia and the church etc; or that ET propulsion and energy generation technology could ruin the oil industry. I've even asked whether the same applies to other branches of fantastical study, for example see: How on earth could we knowing we share this planet with another upright ape cause any harm? There must be a reason because this is not the only example of such a conspiracy, see the background link below. The answer could lie in the field of strategic psychological warfare. It could be detrimental, from the government's position, for humans to know we share this planet with such creatures. Upright locomotion is rare in the animal kingdom. Humans are the only known living primate which walks like that. Our closest known relatives, the chimpanzee and gorilla, walk on all fours because they are primarily tree dwellers. There are many extinct apes which walk upright and it could be Bigfoot is one wrongly listed as extinct when it is not, like the coelacanth. Its description matches a very big upright walking ape known through the fossil records as Gigantopithecus blacki which supposedly died out a hundred thousand years ago. Maybe it didn't. The mass psychological and cultural effect of Bigfoot, Yowie or the Yeti etc being real could cause people to think and feel in a way the authorities do not want us to. It might give us a subversive affinity with the natural world. Not to mention the fact that all the mainstream scientists would have to admit they were wrong and, as we know, many of them don't like doing that; including some of the most influential ones with media careers, for example see: Therefore Bigfoot hunters may need to take the same precautions that UFOlogists do. Be prepared for a cover-up the moment you make your report. Collect evidence and keep it secret; photos, DNA samples, spoor plaster-casts etc.
See here for background:

Friday, 7 February 2025

Tulsi Mentions UFO's

After the victory of Donald Trump in the recent US presidential election a common refrain was that the American people were simply not willing to elect a "Woman!" president. This is an excuse not to face up the fact that the Democrats' last two female candidates were such corrupt and untrustworthy harridans. That's why they lost. If they put a decent woman on the ticket she'd gain more votes. As somebody so often accused of misogyny, see:, it might surprise you to learn that one of my favourite statespeople in the world is Tulsi Gabbard. The young Hawaiian and lapsed Dem has shown herself to be dedicated, honest, patriotic and open-minded. She is not perfect, but compared to the bureaucrats of the previous regime she is excellent. She is very antiwar; being a former nurse in a field hospital she has seen the results of it firsthand. I was very pleased when she was picked by Trump to be his Director of National Intelligence. Every cabinet member in the United States has to go through a "confirmation hearing" which is rather like an elaborate job interview. The legislators can be robust and demanding in this session, especially if they oppose the administration. Tulsi will also be regarded as a traitor by the Dem Senators and Representatives. I was curious to see if she said anything about UFO's. Her predecessor Avril Haines did, famously coining the adverb "extraterrestrially", see: Haines did this at an informal public interview in a church, but she never referred to the alien presence in any official capacity. Amazing, Tulsi Gabbard has done so. She volunteers the information in her opening statement: "In our meetings, many of you expressed bipartisan frustration about recent intelligence failures and the lack of responsiveness to your requests for information... UAP's, drones and more. If confirmed, I look forward to working with you on these issues." She also brings up the origins of Covid and refused to call Edward Snowden a traitor. Source: It is very significant that she has made this stance at such a crucial point in her career. She could be excused for omitting the little green men when having to prove herself to the panel of belligerent lawmakers. This means that she intends to take the matter of NHI very seriously when entering office, the highest position of the military and intelligence infrastructure of the United States. This comes at a time when the new administration has been giving our mixed messages, and that has been confusing and disappointing, see: I'm pleased to say Tulsi has gained the votes she needed. The committee stuck to party lines and the GOP are the majority. Source: (Robert F Kennedy Jr, Trump's other most controversial pick, also passed in his bid to head the Health and Human Services department, see: With Tulsi Gabbard in charge can the don't-look-don't-tell attitude to UFO's really continue?
See here for background:

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Square on Mars

The media is roaring with news that an artificial structure has been found on the planet Mars. To begin with the photograph was rejected as a fake, but pretty soon it became clear that it is not; it is a real image taken from space by the Mars Global Surveyor probe. This is not the first time either; anybody who follows this subject will know all about the "canals", "Face", "tunnels" and various pyramids etc. The structure is what looks like a square wall or enclosure about two miles along each side. It is partly buried by fine loose rock or sand and so if it is a square not all of it can be seen clearly. Because of this, skeptics will dismiss our thoughts as an example of "ink blot pareidolia", meaning when we see regular segments of an unformed shape our imagination fills in the empty spaces to make us think we're seeing a complete shape, see: This controversy is not helped by the fact that a number of fake enhancements of the original image have been circulating and people are promoting them as real, for example: The real image is spectacular enough in my view; nobody should be substituting sexed up AI versions. I don't think this is just ink blot pareidolia; but as I've explained that is impossible to prove or falsify. As I've often predicted, the skeptics are doubling down by clutching at straws, saying it is a pyrite formation without any evidence at all. This is another skeptic vice, the "clown's day off" fallacy, see: The location of this square wall, if it is that, is unfortunately a long way from the Perseverance rover, well out of its range. However, Elon Musk has volunteered to send his own probe to Mars specifically to investigate this anomaly. Source:

I take a great interest in the possibility that complex life once existed on Mars. We know that in the distant past Mars was a very different kind of place. Liquid water flowed on it which means it must have had a much thicker atmosphere and it must have been an awful lot warmer; in other words it was more like earth. Perhaps life did evolve there, maybe even an intelligent animal species capable of building objects like the anomalies discovered. This must have been several billion years ago, long before life began on earth. Or maybe some of the structures are more recent and were constructed by extraterrestrial intelligence, or even very recently by humans involved in the secret space programme. There's no way of knowing without a proper mission to investigate; and currently all Mars probes with landers have avoided Cydonia and other regions where strange objects have been spotted. That needs to change. Let's hope Elon sticks to his word, or maybe the government could just release the files.
See here for more information:

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Brexit 50p

I swear somebody at the Royal Mint is gaslighting us! A few weeks ago it was announced there was a two pound coin coming out themed on George Orwell, see: Now, on the fifth anniversary of Brexit they have brought out a new fifty pence piece to "celebrate" it. The reverse simply has the words "Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations. 31 January 2020." Several high profile Remoaners have pledged to boycott the coin. If they ever get one they will refuse to use it... Fine; feel free to send them to me! One of them is the obnoxious Philip Pullman... who unfortunately does write very good books. He also complained because the sentence has no Oxford comma, meaning one that precedes the word and. Even though this is officially correct grammar, it has fallen into disuse and only staunch pedants would make this point; but knowing Pullman's leftwing bigotry I'm sure it's an ulterior motive. Well, not so ulterior; he as he has admitted it. (There's a song about this subject with a very watchable video, see: One artist has been embossing the EU stars onto the coins he gets. Source: As with the Orwell coin, it seems contradictory that the authorities would laud Brexit with this ultimate honour. Are they just having a laugh at us as they melt down every coin ever minted and replace it with the CBDC, or does this have another purpose? Is somebody inside the Bank of England on the side of freedom and is taking power; and giving out secret symbolic messages to give us hope?
See here for background: