Monday, May 28, 2012

Our New Addition!

Reise Kent Wolford
 May 23, 2012
12:47 pm
8 lbs. 5 oz.
21 inches long

     I showed up at the hospital at 7:00 am for my scheduled induction. I was 39 weeks and ready to have this little buddy out! By the time I got hooked up to to the IV it was about 7:30. I was dialated to a 2 and 70% effaced. They started me on a low amount of pitocin and broke my water and my doctor went to do a C-Section. The pains started kicking in and I got my epidural which was amazing. For the next couple of hours I just laid there feeling no pain, taking little cat naps. At 11:30 I was dialated to a 6 and 100% effaced. The nurse came back to check me at noon and I was ready to go! They called the doctor a couple of times and as soon as he got there I pushed through one contraction and Reise was born!
      It was the fastest, easiest delivery ever! When they said he was crowning I couldn't believe it! I spent one night in the hospital and came home Thursday afternoon. I felt great and Reise was doing wonderful. This little guy is our angel baby. All of our other boys have been so fussy as infants and Reise has been a total angel. He hardly ever cries and just sleeps all day. It has seemed so strange to me that I had to keep asking my older sister if it was normal for a baby to sleep so much! He gets cuter every day and I think he's going to be another blue-eyed blondie which makes Noah very happy! We are so happy to have this little man in our family. It is always a miracle when they are born. Marni and Heather came to help me and they were so wonderful. I can't thank them enough for everything they did. I was so sad to see them go! It is so weird to think that we have four kids and are a family of 6! We love you Mr. Reise and look forward to watching you grow!

Monday, May 21, 2012

For mom

I've definitely been in the nesting mode for the last little while and finally got around to painting this wall in my entry way/family room. I have been wanting to do it forever but just needed to be inspired by something. I found some curtains that I loved and chose the color from those. I still have a few pictures to hang up but I am loving my new teal wall with the ivory accents.  

Ready for Baby!

I feel like an awful parent. I haven't mentioned anything on my blog about expecting baby #4. It's not because I'm not excited, I just haven't gotten around to it. We found out last September that we were expecting our 4th and we were elated! The first 20 weeks of my pregnancy were rough. I was sick that whole time but since then I have felt good minus the heartburn and swollen feet! We had our gender check ultrasound in December and found out that we are having another boy! Andrew was pretty shocked because he was convinced we were having a girl. I was okay with it and the idea has just kept growing on both of us. We wouldn't have it any other way. We are just mean to be a family of boys! It is kind of fun being the only princess in the house! We are naming him Reise and I am being induced in 2 days and can't wait! I had so much fun working on his nursery. Andrew made custom bead board and we went with a sports theme. We can't wait to meet you baby!
Iron baseball player with vinyl lettering that says "Take me out to the ball game"

Changing table/dresser with his name spelled in wood blocks and hung from an iron rod.

The lazy boy is where I'll be sleeping for the next couple of months!

Our soccer champ!

Noah just finished a season of soccer. He had a great time and has improved so much over the last year. He had an awesome coach and was able to play with some of his best buddies!
Ashton, Noah, Ian and Noah V.

Noah and his awesome coach!

So proud with his new trophy!

Drew's 6th Birthday!

Drew turned 6 on May 6th. For his party we took some friends to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. Everyone went on a pony ride and a wagon ride and had a good time playing. Afterwards we went back to our house, opened presents, and had cake and ice cream. It was a fun day for Drew. He got a Lego Batman set and a stuffed snake from mom and dad, a slip and slide from his brothers and some hunting clothes from Grandma and Grandpa Simkins!  Drew is such a good boy and we are so glad that he is a member of our family. He loves anything to do with hunting and guns and creatures! He enjoys legos and playing outside in the dirt or riding his bike. He is very loving and is always writing his dad and I love notes and poems. We love you Drewby Doo!
The birthday crew!

Trapped behind bars!

Drew, Ashton, Keaton, Katelynn and Jonah

Derek, Samuel and Noah on the wagon ride.

Katelynn was the only girl there. She is a trooper!

His 4-wheeler cake!

Wearing his new hunting clothes from Grandma and Grandpa!

His birthday breakfast: sticky buns and sausage!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Disneyland and Santa Rosa

     We just got back from the best vacation ever! We surprised our boys and took them to Disneyland. We told them we were going to see grandma and grandpa on their mission, which we did, but we took a pit stop in Anaheim. We told the boys that since we had been driving for so long that we were going to stop and stay at a hotel for the night. They were excited to go swimming and go out for dinner. When we got checked in and got into our room we told them we had a surprise for them since they were so good in the van. We gave them each a Disney t-shirt and stuffed animal. Andrew and I went on to say that we knew that they really wanted to go swimming but we were wondering if we could do something else. We then told them that Disneyland was down the street and that we were taking them. At first they were shocked and didn't really know what to say but then they got really excited. It was so cute. They put their shirts on and we walked down to the shuttle and went to Disneyland!


     We spent 3 of the most magical days ever there. It was seriously the best vacation we have ever had as a family. We all had smiles plastered on our faces the whole time and we had so much fun. The boys were amazing. They were so good to stay by us and they went on all of the rides. Drew was the biggest daredevil of them all. He went on the huge roller coaster and all of the "scary" rides. Noah did everything but the big roller coaster. He was a little traumatized after Andrew talked him into going on the Tower of Terror. There were a few rides I couldn't go on but Jo and I hung out and went on some smaller rides while the big boys went on big rides with their dad. One of their favorite rides was Splash Mountain. They went on that one a few times! We were exhausted at the end of every day but were so excited to get up and do it again the next day. Andrew and I are hooked now and depending on how the baby is, we might go back in October!
Jo and Winnie the Pooh

Tarzan's Tree House

Jo Jo loving on his Pluto doggy!

Jo, Mommy and Tigger
Jo and Eeyore

Sailing aboard the ship Colombia

Yummy cotton candy! It tastes even better at Disneyland!

Drew and Noah with Pinnocchio and  Geppetto

The Wolfords with Doug the dog from Up

Drew, Noah, Jonah and Pluto!

Drew, Noah, Jonah and Goofy!

The Wolfords and Mickey Mouse at his house!

Jo Jo the Pirate! Argh!

Noah the tiger!

Drew the dragon!

Jo on the Winnie the Pooh Ride

My boys on the Disneyland Train

Drew and Noah on "It's a Small World"

Mom, Drew and Noah in Toontown!

After three fun-filled days at Disneyland we continued our adventures and drove 7 hours north to Santa Rosa where mom and dad are serving their mission. We had two more extraordinary days visitng with grandma and grandpa. We are so proud of them and the service they are rendering in Santa Rosa. They are incredible missionaries and it was so fun to see them. We were able to attend church with them and they took us to the mission office where they spend the majority of their time serving the missionaries of the Santa Rosa Mission. The time was short that we were able to spend with them but we are so grateful that we got to see them. We are anxiously awaiting their return home in August! We love you mom and dad and grandma and grandpa!
Mom and dad in their office!

Outside the new Santa Rosa mission office.

Saying goodbye. It never gets any easier!