Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Duke does church

8 months old & sweet as ever.

Yay for the Circus!

For a while now Jack has been asking-
"Some day can we go to the circus?"
So when the circus flyers came in the mail
I decided to jump at the chance to take them.
Of course the day of the circus I had the
flu, so Kent and Aunt Mack graciously filled in for me.
To lessen the blow, Kent sent me picture updates
throughout the night
. Here are the highlights:

Pre-show anticipation or in Jack's case jitters.

PETA passed out anti-circus literature which included
coloring books disparaging the circus and how they
take care of their creatures.
Since my kids can't read I'm pretty sure
their words fell on deaf ears... or illiterate eyes. :)

Jack standing tall during the intermission

Jack's favorite part- the tightrope walkers!

Jill's favorite part-"the efelents!"
My favorite part-the excited phone
call from the kids after all was said and done.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Take 2

I know I've been a terrible blogger.
Pretty sure no one reads this blog anymore.
I'm okay with that.
I am going to make a concerted effort to
post some of our life events, so that our out-of-area
family can stay up to speed on all the exciting
things Jackson, Jillian, and Griffin are
achieving. Milestones. Funny kid-isms.
Big outings.
You get the idea. Cross your
fingers this goal sticks...
Here's a run down of the last 7 months in case
you rely on this blog for Howe information.
1. We had a baby in October
2. Days later Kent starts studying for the GMAT
3. Kent takes the GMAT the beginning of December
4. Kent has an admissions interview the end of December
5. Kent finishes application to Thunderbird before new years
6. Kent is accepted to Thunderbird mid-February
7. April Kent attends Thunderbird's preview weekend
8. May 2nd we sign papers to lease a house in Glendale
9. May 19th we move into our new little home.
10. June 13th I finally update the blog.
It's been an action packed 7 months, but we wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Look Who's Riding Now...

Jack asked today if he could ride
his bike without training wheels. He's virtually
impossible to say no to when he asks with a
please, so after dinner tonight we all
filed into the front yard and watched as
Jack rocked his two wheeler!
I must admit, I'm kind of shocked it all
went so smoothly. I haven't exactly
fostered this skill. I hardly ever set aside time
for him to ride his bike. period.
But I guess Jack knew he could do it.
I wish I had his self-assurance & confidence...
Here's a video of him 3 or 4 tries into it.
I wish I could post our other (earlier) video,
but the file size is too large for Blogger to handle. Enjoy!