Monday, March 30, 2009

40 weeks of fun

Its been 10 months since Jilley's birth! It is amazing how very quickly she's grown & how very integral she's become to our family.

20 1/2 lbs.
28 1/2 in.
8 teeth
BIG eyes-
color still unknown

, Jilley, Jillers, Jilley Bean, & Beana

  • Jill crawls like a champion.

  • She's cruising the furniture & walls.

  • Jillers will eat just about anything (yah)! Last night we had tacos and so did Jill-corn tortilla, cheese, spanish rice, ground turkey,and even fresh tomatoes. Her brother ate shredded cheese in a tortilla (that's it). They are so very different...

  • She claps her hands & moves to the beat if the music moves her.

  • Jilley Bean's vocabulary consists of Mama, Dada, buh-bye, hi, and muh (more).

  • Beana adores her big brother. She lights up when she sees his face & does all in her power to be where ever he is, doing whatever he is doing. So far Jack finds all this attention very flattering.

  • Jillian's my carefree baby, as long as her basic needs are met she's all smiles in just about any situation!
We love you so very much sweetheart,
Mama, Dada, & Jack

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Life through my eyes

Jack here, thought I'd showcase
my first photo shoot here on Mom's blog.

I call this one "Freedom"

"I'll Never Get Those 2 Minutes Back"*

"Angel Duhroni on the Temple"

and my personal favorite-"Fammy"

I know, these shots are pretty amazing,
but I'm pretty sure I'd get even better if Mom
would let me use the camera again.

Do me a favor? Leave a comment
in support of my new hobby.

I think 5 comments would sent a
nice message, than again 10
would be better.

*See the comment section if you'd like
a clarification for my piece entitled
"I'll Never Get those 2 Minutes Back"
& the notorious time out tape.

Friday, March 27, 2009

An Artist's Eye

I'm always on the hunt for
good Sacrament Meeting books,
toys, and snacks. Jack is the
kind of kid that need lots of
distractions to help promote
reverence or silence
(at this point
I'll take what I can get).

Jack & I both love this
Funny Faces
magnetic book

but I could do without
this homage to Mom:

I'm hoping this doesn't really look like me.

And here's Kent (the cowboy not the clown)

Needless to say, we are very proud of
Jack's artistic eye & budding imagination!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Its been one of those days

Today, when nothing seemed to be
going my way, this quote popped
into my head and I smiled.

Credit goes to It's A Sign!
for my new mantra.

PS-A very Happy Birthday to the
baby sisters in my life. Today is my
sister's 23rd birthday and yesterday
was my sister-in-law's 14th.
They are the babies of each
side of my family and I love
them very much.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Before I forget

With Conference weekend
just 2 short weekends away,
I wanted to make sure I shared
this amazing conference packet
I found @

(here's what the front cover looks like; be sure to
click on the picture to download your own copy.)

I know this packet was meant
to entertain the school age
crowd, but I have to admit that
I'm totally pumped to fill out
my own copy!

Here's why:

I get to color in each apostle's tie,
fill in his face, sum up each talk in 3 words,
& my personal favorite:
color in
this box

if the apostle speaking is bald!

Kent and I have decided that if we
want our kids to enjoy conference
we need to make it a special time of year.
We already have made it a tradition
to go to Gma and Papa's house, but this
year we are also going to include lots of
amazing food
. A special dinner out
while Dad is @ priesthood session,
ice cream for the boys after priesthood
session, and I've agreed to make
everyone's favorite foods for conference
weekend. (Man that's a lot of food!)
Anything to make the 10 hours of
General Conference special...

What are your Conference traditions?
Please share, I love new ideas!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Here's a shout out to Jack's Uncle Tucker.

One of my favorite things about Tucker
is his quick wit and sense of
comedic timing. He's got great
one liners, burns, and catch phrases.

While "surfing" the web today, I came across
an ad for a tee shirt site called Busted Tees*
While perusing the site I found a tee shirt
with my all time favorite Tucker catch phrase:

Tucker, I totally would have bought one for you,
but the shipping was a lot like camping...

Here's my favorite shirt:

And here's the description, for the above shirt,
in case you and I don't share a love
of contractions and/or apostrophes:

This shirt is a booby trap
for the wannabe grammar police.
"Hey", they'll whine, "did you know that
your shirt used the possessive 'your' when
it should us the contraction 'you're?"
At which point you'll shake your head,
mutter the words on your shirt,
and walk away.

* Word to the wise,
some of the tee shirts are
"of poor taste," or " things
teenage boys find funny."
No offense Tucker...