Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ice Cream Success!

I've seen this idea, to make Ice cream in a plastic bag, floating around and decided to give it a try!  
I prepared last night by making Peppermint Hot Chocolate, with whole milk, then stuck it in the fridge.  

Today when we were ready, we used the measurements from THIS blog.  It calls for added vanilla and sugar which we didn't need of course!  
We just used 1/2 C. of the prepared chocolate milk inside of a bag inside of another bag with ice and salt in it.

Ahhh Ice Cream success!!  
The boys wanted to add chocolate chips too.  It was delicious and just the perfect amount!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I'm really excited to share this!  Last year a friend of mine told me about making your own laundry soap.  I was skeptical, but it was SO cheap and easy, my friend and I set out to see if it would work.

We mixed up a batch, takes about 20 minutes, and started using it.  I had an 8 month old and was mostly concerned about the "messes" he makes.  Would this soap really get out everything that comes out of him??  IT DID!!  

It took me almost a year to use up that one batch, which cost maybe $1.50 to make!! 

The recipe is from the Duggers, you know, 19 kids and counting, they obviously know how to keep clothes clean!  

You start out with these three ingredients, found at Walmart in the laundry isle.  

 Shred the bar of soap, I use my chopper/blender. Do not confuse this with shredded cheese!  Although it did inspire me to make quesadillas for lunch:)

Next melt the shredded soap in 4 cups of water on med. heat.  Keep mixing it.

Measure out 1 cup baking soda soap and 1/2 cup Borax in a 5 gallon bucket.  

Once the bar of soap is melted pour it into the big bucket, add more hot water (from the tap), until about half of the bucket is full. Stir and dissolve the soaps.  Then fill the bucket to the top with hot tap water.  Stir it.

Put a lid on and let it sit for 24 hours.  Open it up and stir again, it will be a solid chunk of slime at this point.
Now it's ready to use!  Well, almost.  It's still highly concentrated so to make it last, pour 1/2 water 1/2 soap mix into an empty soap dispenser.  This makes 10 GALLONS of Laundry soap.
That's right 10!!  
I use about 3/4 cup of detergent with each load and add more of the Baking soda detergent as a booster.  Especially with the kids clothes.  

Seriously, this stuff is awesome, and SO inexpensive, give it a try and if it doesn't work for you, you're only out a few dollars!

Here's the link:  Duggar family laundry soap