Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's Spring!

Ahhh, isn't spring lovely? Well, it is here! I just noticed today that the first Daffodil of the season has bloomed, it must be spring! In case any of you didn't know, the Daffodil is my favorite flower and we planted about 70 bulbs the spring before Damen was born, I think we put in a few upside down because not even half that many bloom, but it's the thought.
Also, this is a picture of Damen playing in the backyard in a hole. He practically jumped in, then couldn't get out so he just played in it, getting filthy dirty, boys! Well, we'll be in Washington for the next few days, I don't think it's spring there yet. Love, Mel

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I am a registered Chocoholic!

I am SO excited to go to Washington this coming Friday!! I'm excited to see my sisters, my parents and nephews, but mostly I'm excited to go to the Chocolate Party on Saturday!! So, if anyone is in the area Saturday night, come on over and stuff your face with Chocolate, if there's any left after I start:) Can't wait!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

80 Degrees

For all of you poor saps living north of us, HaHa.
This is a picture of us playing outside today in 80 degree weather!
Yes these are my legs in desperate need of a tan, why not get started in February?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A day in the life

So, I thought I'd start off with a Day in the life of us, well actually Damen.
We wake up, run around, here's Damen chewing on a key chain, first things first, eat!

Then we play and play and play. . .

Damen helps me check my email on the computer in the afternoon.

And after Daddy comes home, he and Damen hang out so I can get dinner ready.

When the day is over, around 7pm for Damen, he crashes like this, sweet huh?

Here we are!

Well, we finally made it into the world of Blogging! I know the world has been anxious to see us here, so we finally decided it was time. Please enjoy our pictures and updates and comment on how adorable our son is at any time!
Melanie, Dustin, and of course Damen