Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Remember this tiny princess?
This was almost a year ago, I can't believe how much she's grown. 
Slow it down, take a breath, look into her eyes.
Take a minute to see the infancy.
So fragile
So small
So inquisitive
So New
She is growing
never slowing.
She is life.

It is a wonder and a blessing to watch, to observe, to see the growth before my eyes.  It is a gift.

Monday, March 23, 2015


We moved in October to this awesome old home! 
It's on an acre+ lot and it's almost 100 years old.  It needs/needed a lot of work outside, still working on that, but the inside is great.
It's been "updated" in the past, so we have a standard bathroom, kitchen and laundry room, plus two bedrooms and ample attic space that is part storage and part 3rd bedroom.  The kids love the outdoor space.  It's a rental, but we'll love it while we can!

12 months

OH my how she's grown!  
On Aug. 3rd this pretty princess was blessed in my blessing gown, it was PINK!  She was great, lots of family and friends came, it was a special weekend.  Damen had turned 8 in July and made the decision to be baptized into the church, we were able to do that on Aug. 2nd.  
Handsome boys!  Daddy baptized Damen on the 2nd, then blessed Clara on the 3rd, it was amazing!

Happy smiling girl, this is her classic face!
5 months 14lbs 4 oz, finally doubled her birth weight!

 6 months 26in long and 15.8lbs

 7 months 16.4lbs, moving scooting, trying to crawl!

                                         8 months

9 months, Christmas day, we didn't bring the bear with us to Grandma's.  27in 18lbs 

10  months!  She's been pulling herself up and cruising since the first of Dec. but no walking yet.

11months, not posed with bear, but you get the gist! 

Our camera died over Christmas and I tried to set up an 11 months picture, she refused to sit for the smart phone!  I'm sure she's taller, still mostly bald and toothless, she just looks so tiny still!  
1 year ago tomorrow, wow what a year.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Listening to my boys
playing their favorite video game
getting instructions from Daddy
Listening to Baby babbles
what does she say?
away she crawls, exploring her world
Listening to the squeals of laughter
listening, watching their every move
happy Wednesday night
hearing my family.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Four months!!

Ok, it's been a while. . . .
Clara has grown a bit, really just a bit, since she was born.  Thought I'd mention it here!
At one month 7lbs 12oz
She'd dropped down to 6lbs 13oz after birth and struggled to gain, so she's the same size as when she was born at 1 month.

2 months 8lbs 9oz 21 in.

 3 months 10lbs 23.5 in
Growing growing growing!

4 months 12lbs 24.5 in
Finally wearing 0-3 months clothes!

She's such a happy baby!  She hardly ever cries, sleeps through the night, and laughs and laughs for her brother Damen.  
We are SO happy to have her in our family!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Clara Victoria

March 24th
3:24am 7lbs 14oz 19.8in

Our beautiful little lady came into this world quick and crazy!
Even faster than Damen actually, she was born 21 minutes after we got to the maternity ward.  I'm not sure who caught her, but they did have me in a bed and lots of nurses and people were there.
One good push was all it took and there she was.  
Her hair is kind of auburn, not really blond or brown or red, somewhere in between.  She's very mellow, but prefers to be held when she's asleep.  

She's pretty amazing.

The boys are loving and helpful, even little Mason is getting used to sharing my lap.
I can't look at this picture below and not tear up.  It's hard to process that we are a family of five now.  

Really, sometimes it's unbelievable, but I also can't imagine our life without them.  
My heart feels like it's always been this big.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Little girl

In about two months time, this will be the color that fills my life.
Pink booties, onesies, blankets, burp clothes, dresses.
Oh the dresses.
My oldest boy is excited and curious.  The little one has no idea what's coming.  
An adjustment for sure.
Oh the excitement that a new baby brings!!
Here I am at 30 weeks.

Getting bigger every day! 
(Or so it seems)

I've only seen blue, trains, cars, balls, and buzz cuts for eight years now.  
Wish us luck!