Monday, January 23, 2012

Patriot's Day

Every year, our 5TH grade have a Patriot's day at the elementary. The students dress up in that time period. The entire day is dedicated to learning and doing the activities that took place during the 1700's. Nathaniel had so much fun, he said he wanted to have another day like this at school. I was able to be one of the mom's who volunteered, and I spent the day at the school, teaching the kids how to make butter. Here is Nathaniel with his friend Braden Farrell.

Here is my darling boy, making butter. The kids actually shook a little bit of cream with some salt added in a baby food jar. Then got to sample their wares with some bread..

Nathaniel also got to make his own candle. The kids got to dip a wick into hot wax, then into cold water and back into hot wax. Repeating the process until they had a candle. Nathaniel even burned his hand made candle when he got home.
The kids were separated into boys and girls, the girls attended a girls school while the boys went to a boy school to learn some of the basics of marching with the military. We had a very fun day!



Thursday, January 5, 2012

7 Years old.

My Baby turned 7! How could this be??
For Isabella's birthday breakfast, she choose Danish Ebleskivers. And of course, she was sung Happy Birthday to, with a candle to blow out.

Isabella and her mom had a lunch date at the elementary. She wanted to each chicken nuggets from Chick Fil' A. We had a great visit and she was able to sit by her darling friend Calista.

Then for dinner she wanted Pizza from Star Pizza, so we made a trip downtown to eat the Delicious handmade pizza. I must say, it is the best pizza I have ever eaten. Nice choice Isabella.

This year at Thanksgiving, Howard actually got Isabella to try a taste of Pumpkin Pie, which she LOVED and requested for her birthday. Who knew????

Isabella is such a sweet, caring little girl. I feel so blessed to be her mother and raise her in my home.


The month of December was filled with lots of magic. Santa made his usual visit to our ward Christmas Party. Nathaniel was not interested in talking to him this year, but with a little persuasion from him mother, he finally gave in.

Isabella was very excited to sit upon Santa's lap and tell him she wanted an Easy Bake Oven.

She was also THRILLED when she saw Christmas morning that she did indeed get her Easy Bake Oven. She has made some very yummy dishes already.

Nathaniel got a very nice mountain bike, that he has since, put lots of miles on , riding around the neighborhood.

Joshua got a Nook, but he spent a lot of his time tying flies with his new fly tying kit! He will be prepared for his summer fishing trips.

Alexander got a fly fishing pole that breaks down into 4 pieces and a light weight carrying case that he can also use backpacking. Here he is practicing the art of whipping the line.