Friday, April 30, 2010

Favorite Time of Day

As a mother of 4 amazing children, life can be really crazy in the morning trying to get 3 children out the door to school,1 in High School, 1 in Middle School and 1 in Elementary school. ( which means they all arrive at separate times.)

Then I worry all day about them, are they paying attention in class,are they doing well in class, are they safe, are they being bullied, are they making the right choices, are they being a good example? So many things that we worry about. I guess that is why my favorite time of day is dinner time. Everyone is home, safely gathered around the dinner table discussing the days happenings, all genuinely interested in each others days events. We seem to have so much laughter at the dinner table, which always seems to spills over to dinner clean up. We have created many fond, happy memories at the dinner table.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Nathaniel and Isabella attended our community Easter Egg Hunt. They were even able to get a visit with the Easter Egg Bunny! It was a very nice event, with lots of activities.

Having fun petting a little bunny.

Nathaniel making his plan of attack.

Isabella ready to begin.

Gentlemen..... Start Your engines!

Nathaniel had his second annual Pinewood derby race on March 24th. He and his Dad worked together to build his car. It was a fun family event.
A good race always attracts pretty girls!
Isabella, Grace, Brooklyn and Hailey enjoy a good bag of popcorn while watching the race.

Nathaniel with his amazing car that he designed.

Getting ready to race.