Wednesday, January 16, 2013

December activities

Alexander's Colla Voca performed at many festive events during the month of December. I LOVE to hear they sing Carol of the Bells, it is just beautiful.

We all had the opportunity to visit with our "Friend" Santa, and let him know what we wanted to find under the Christmas Tree this year!

Believe it or not, Joshua was the most bashful with Santa, we finally were able to coax him on Santa's knee.

                                                    We had a lovely Christmas Eve feast!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

November 2012

As our family tradition goes, the lucky birthday person gets to choose a restaurant of their choice for dinner. I choose Pappasittos for my celebration. The weather was actually very nice, we even sat outside on the deck. The temperatures hit 80 F. on my birthday, I can honestly say that has NEVER happened before.

Howard was out of the country for my birthday this year, but we celebrated before he left. He even treated me to my favorite cake, RED VELVET. So, yummy!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Piano Recital

The boys had their piano recital on Monday. Howard was in Africa, so he missed their superb performance. I was very proud of the hard work they have done.

Alexander purchased himself a guitar this fall, he has been getting some "self" teaching instructions from one of his Young Men leaders, and the internet. He is having fun with his new musical instrument.


Half of Halloween fun is carving the pumpkins...

2012 Cross Country Season

The boys had a wonderful Cross Country Season. Both of them set Personal Records with their times. Houston did not have blistering heat this season, don't get me wrong, it was still very hot, but not in the 100 degree temperatures. 

 Joseph is Joshuas age, but he is also in Colla Voce with Alexander. He is a memorable friend to both boys, and we really enjoy having him in our home.

 Xavier and Alexander are the only 2 Seniors on the Cross Country team. X liked to tease Alexander and tell him that he was sick of looking at the back of his head when they ran and he wanted to beat Alexander....... I guess his chance is gone :)

                                                           Joshua and friend Anthony.

                                                         Joshua and friend Aaron.

September Birthdays

I don't know that Howard's Birthday was very exciting this year. Howard spent 2 days over seeing an open house at our new Stake Center. We did manage to have his favorite Chocolate cake though.
Howard is such an amazing man, he is humble, kind, gentle, funny, witty, and very thoughtful. He ALWAYS puts his family before his own needs. I feel VERY honored, fortunate and blessed to be married to such a remarkable person.
Thanks my Love, for just being YOU!

One of our family Birthday traditions, is the birthday person, gets to choose what they would like for breakfast and dinner. Nathaniel loves biscuits and gravy. And of course we put candles in the food and sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

If you know anything about Nathaniel, he was always a little monkey man when he was much younger, slipping our windows, doors, hanging upside down off bunk beds, sneaking keys to 4-wheelers and starting them, striking matches just to watch them burn..... Oh yes! Grandpa resolved to never leave matches where Nathaniel could get into them. It was a CONSTANT vigilance with Nathaniel around.
        I guess the "Monkey Man" nick name stuck, Nathaniel wanted a Monkey cake this year.

It was a very special year for Nathaniel , he turned 12 and was conferred the Aaronic Priesthood, and ordained to the office of Deacon. My parents flew down to be apart of this significant occasion.

Nathaniel choose to Star Pizza for his Birthday dinner, one journey we will never forget. We got into an accident on the way to the restaurant. A man ran into the back fender of the Suburban....The dinner was still DELICIOUS!!!
                                                   Happy 12th Birthday my sweet boy!!!

First Day of School, August 2012

I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me. I just woke up one morning and I had a Senior! When did that happen? I don't remember growing older? Nor do I feel Old enough to have a child be a Senior in High School...... But he is!!I suppose the grey hair should have been a sign. 
Alexander was very excited to start
his Senior year of High School this year. Both He and Joshua started early morning Seminary the same day. The alarm went off at 4:45 a.m. Alexander has had 100% attendance in Seminary for 3 years now, it is his goal to have all 4 years with 100% attendance. To me that is quit an accomplishment with early morning seminary.

Joshua is a Sophomore this year, he also had 100% attendance in Seminary last year, and has the same goal.

Nathaniel started middle school this year, he is in the 6th Grade. I think he was a little anxious for the new schedule, but also feeling a little more grown up. He enjoys riding his bike to school everyday.

Isabella advanced to the 2nd grade, and is the only one in Elementary this year. She was a little sad not to have her bigger brother with her.