Matthew Wendell Hess - Andrea Gregersen Hess - Jack & Ernie Hess


Thumbs Up!

We are a proud Navy family currently stationed in Hawaii, originally from Idaho, married 7 years with two amazing sons: Jack & Ernie. Come find us on Facebook or shoot us an email. We LOVE catching up with family & friends.
You'll notice this blog is mostly pictures. I decided to keep things simple. Alice said it best: "In my world books would be nothing but pictures". After all, a picture is worth a thousand words...

Messages to Family and Friends

  • Congrats Brittany & TJ Adams on your beautiful Hawaiian Wedding!!
  • Congrats Cierra & Dirk Moser on your beautiful Winter Wedding!!


Jackson Matthew Hess is 6 years old and the most pleasant child you'll ever meet. His favorite things to do are ride bikes and play Star Wars with his cronies. Jack recently started kindergarten at Pearl Harbor Kai Elementary! Jack wants to be a police officer or a military man when he grows up. So proud to be his parents... We love you Jackaroo!


Ernest Wendell Hess is 2 years old and large for his age, off the charts for everything. The boy has a full head of red hair (we are as confused as the rest of you). Ern was named after two of his great-grandfathers: Ernest Gregersen & Wendell Hess, men we hope he emulates. He LOVES goldfish and naptime. Ernie and his grouchy-adventures keep our days full. We love you Ern-bot.

Weddin' Day...

Weddin' Day...

Our Home in Utah

Our Home in Utah


Relationships -
Perhaps the most important word
in the dictionary.

Remember -
Perhaps the most important word
in the scriptures.

Dr. Seuss

You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
Any direction you choose