First Day of Kindergarten!!!!
Today was Aidan's first day of Kindergarten. He picked out his clothes the night before and I got his lunch and snack made. We got ready his backpack full all of the required stuff by his teacher, and his shoes and put them by the back door. I was so afraid of being late, but we got up by 7am (I am not really looking forward to doing that everyday) and left by 7:40am. All of us went to take him to school - however due to the rain Jared and Eli stayed in the van. Aidan had already met his teacher last Thursday at 'Meet the Teacher' day and knew where his classroom was located. He was so excited for today to come. Yesterday he told me 'Mommy tomorrow you will have a kindergartner!' We walked him to his classroom, found his seat (which is by his 'girlfriend' Lauren that was in his preschool class). We checked in his backpack, and lunch with the teacher assistant and his teacher took a picture of us and then we said goodbye. Aidan did great and just st