Monday, April 30, 2012

i prefer to call it random and witty...
lol ;)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

i couldn't agree more :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Jr Vampire...

"in all the darkest pages of the maligned supernatural, there is no more terrible tradition than that of the vampire, a pariah even among demons." ~~~montague summers

well i beg to differ...
question---"if you could be anything "magical", who would you be?
my answer----"oh, for sure, hands down, i'd be a vampire. (and in response to the odd look that is given) i'm serious! think of the experiences that you'd have!? the history. the eternal life. basically you'd be invincible. how would you NOT want that?!"

and why is it that i'm so obsessed with the romantic world of the vampire? it all began almost 10 yrs ago when i became madly in love with "angel". so first, the obsession was with "buffy the vampire slayer" but quickly my turned to "angel". that was the worst "WB/CW" decision ever. to end this series but i never forgot what this unrealistic world did for my imagination and for my creativity...
xxx hehehe
and then came "twilight". BARF. the ONLY thing that it did was create another vampire craze which allowed for this new love, "the vampire diaries" which introduced me to "damon". ahhhh :)

and so the land of orthodontics begins. i endured it and so will kindra. the earlier the better, right. remember this? well this little ordeal also played a role...

this little contraption will act as a overbite fixer and a jaw widen'er. but the best part is that where her thumb would go, are little "vampire like things" that will stop the action. (since i'm catching up BIG TIME on our blog, this was actually done in november and it's worked like a charm. she. is. CURED!!!)

i must also admit that the love of vampires has also been handed down so it is very fitting that she is now "one". and of course the photos had to be taken of her new "lifestyle"

i know. we're such dorks. but we were having waaaay toooo muuuch fun! :)

and on that note, i'll end with this. xxx and maybe even just for funny, :)

The Who's Who "LIst"...

iiiiiiii'm back to the world of public viewing of blogs. i know. i know. why'd i even go private?! what was the point?! to be honest, i hated having to and i was just annoyed about who was reading but whatever. who cares. if certain people want to read, then so be it.  plus, i've met and helped so many awesome people because of my blog and what i write on it. i hated knowing that i was "keeping" people out too since i had had to choose who i could have read because of that dang 100 readers cap. anyway, point is, there are worse things to worry about and it's NOT going to be "who's reading my blog".

so why the title of this post? well it's how the decision to go back to the world of public first began....

with my love for pinterest projects and the obsession to take on the challenge, i was going in to "hobby lobby" quite a bit collecting the tools needed to transform my house into a home with all of these fun ideas. one day, a woman, the manager, approached me and asked if my name was katie terry. i was a little nervous, wondering how it was that she knew my name. but i gave her a drawn out "yeeeees" to which she replied.

"i knew, we knew, it was you but we had to make sure. you're our famous town celebrity. you're even on our "who's who list" that we have, listing all of the celebrities that have come in to our store."

i was shocked. not to mention that i had just rolled out of bed, put on the sweats, hat on, and was looking shocked probably isn't the best word. more like completely blown away and purely humbled.

"i googled your name and also found your blog. a few of us here at the store have been hooked reading and now we can't get on. we knew that you didn't know us so we didn't ask for an invite. but now that we've met, we are. we are stalkers but not psycho stalkers" she said, ending with a laugh.

again, purely humbled that this was all happening in an aisle of "hobby lobby" as i resembled a circus act.

"oh my gosh! you are too kind and too funny. and i'm NOT a celebrity. just very lucky" i replied. and then i gave her the whole "why i had to go private" story, promising that i would keep her posted. i also thanked her for reconfirming my reason for NOT wanting to go private in the first place. i knew that something had to change...(don't worry. been in the store a million more times and i talk to her EVERY time i'm in there. she is one of my favorites!)

but again, let me reiterate how humbled i was. you just never know who is reading or watching. it totally proves that you always need to be on your "best behavior" because your actions speak louder than words.


point proven. point heard. point understood.

and yes. like so many things that i've been a part of, i NEVER thought i'd be on a "who's who list" and especially one from hobby lobby!? hehehe

ps. i heart pinterest :)


LOVED this song when michael and janet first put it out but now i LOVE this even more for reasons that are pretty much self explanatory ;)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

we are each on our own journey. each of us are on our very own adventure, encountering all kinds of challenges, and the choices that we make on this adventure, will shape us as we go. those choices will stretch us, test us, and push us to our limit. our adventure will make us stronger than we ever knew we could be. there's a quote by my favorite author, joseph campbell, where he encourages us to "find a place inside where there's joy and the joy will burn out the pain." and this quote helps me to hold on to my hope....