Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Sillies...

love these 2! and when i am having a rough one, all that i have to do is watch these and instantly a smile can be found on you know who. their giggling, trying to keep a straight face while impersonating who knows who, and the infamous yoda that carter loves to pretend to be. it's the little things like this that go alooooong way and make life's challenges seem not so tough!
"you must give up the life you had planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you."

~~~joseph campbell
"a thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed."

~~~henrik ibsen

It's ALL In The "Jeans"...

carter---"mom? why is that boy so tall?"

me---"that's just how he was born. i mean, those are just his genes."

carter---"jeans? no mom. he's wearing shorts...?"

me---"hahahahahahahahahaha!!!" (in silence, of course)

Monday, June 27, 2011

It's STILL So Much Fun!

1. we're being FEATURED


2. we're OFFICIALLY on their youtube channel and are now one of "them".

woooot woooot!


sometimes the key to surviving is denial.

we can deny that we're tired. we can deny that we're scared. we can deny how badly that we want to succeed. most importantly, we deny that we're in denial...

we only see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe and at times, that works. we lie to ourselves so much that after a while the lies start to seem like the truth.

we deny so much that we cant recognize the truth, right in front of our faces.

but sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the butt and when the dam bursts all you can do is swim. the world to pretend is a cage, not a cocoon because we can only lie to ourselves for so long

we ARE tired. we ARE scared. we DO want to succeed and denying it does not change the truth

sooner or later we have to put aside our denial and face the world head on, guns blazing.

denial is not just a river in egypt. it's a freakin ocean.

so the real issue and question is, HOW do YOU keep from downing in it?

Race For The Cure SLC 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Carter "Jimmer" Corbridge...

this is my KING of PRACTICING!!! every day that he can, he is out shooting...and GETTING SO GOOD!!! i LOVE it!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Summer Agenda...

i found this a few weeks ago and it made me laugh since i am the "queen of lists". i am so glad to see that i've handed down this trait to my daugher! all too perfect....


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Carpe Diem...

a couple hundred yrs ago, benjamen franklin shared the secret of his success.

"never leave that till tomorrow," he said "which you can do today."

this is the man who discovered electricity. you would think that more of us would listen to what he had to say.

i don't know why we put things off but i would probably say that it has a lot to do with fear. fear of failure. fear of pain. fear of rejection. sometimes the fear is just of making a decision because what if you are wrong? what if you do something that you can't undo?

the early bird catches the worm...
a stitch in time saves nine...
he who hesitates is lost...

we can't pretend that we haven't' been told. we've all heard the philosophers, the proverbs, warning us about wasted time. heard the poets urging us to seize the day. but still, sometimes we have to see for ourselves.

we have to make our own mistakes. we have to learn our own lessons. we have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrows rug until we can't anymore. until we finally understand for ourselves what benjamen franklin meant.

that knowing is better than wondering.
that waking is better than sleeping.
and that even the biggest failure beats the hell out of never trying.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

"when i was young, i knew that sun light and shadow were part of a natural rhythm, the heartbeat of the world. but experience taught me that life can also be full of light because another person makes it so and the darkness that follows when they have gone, is the deepest and the hardest of all...."

flora thompson
lark rise to candleford

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fiiiiiiinally Some Golf!!!

and YES. this is how we do things around here. i may still use my golf clubs to GOLF but they have a whole OTHER usage!? can you say "golf cart movage"???

june what? cold what? SNOW what? exactly....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy 4th Buyday...

where have the past 4yrs gone?! and i truly realized this once the odometer slowly but surely hit the 100,000 mark. my acura has been like a 3rd child to me! i can honestly say that we were "meant" for each other. it was all timing when i made the purchase, back in my $$$ making and career days. to honor the day, here are some silly facts that we've endured as one...

1. we actually MADE it TOGETHER to 100,000 miles without ANY car troubles what so ever.
2. with all of the million road trips that we've made together, we've only had to purchase ONE set of NEW TIRES.
3. this is the FIRST car that i've purchased brand new and haven't SOLD after 70,000 miles.
4. i STILL HAVE "bells and whistles" that i've NEVER taken the time to figure out.
5. i've NEVER BEEN in an accident while IN THIS car and usually my LUCK with cars SUCKS!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ms Rory...

do you remember one of my besties that i did "pregnant and paralyzed" with? well now we are just back to "paralyzed". lol...(and yes. i am once again a few months behind but i figure, better LATE than never! read to the end of the "pregnant and paralyzed" post and enjoy the "ellen" episode of us that gentry was also "there" for. i am still laughing at that and HARD!)

7lbs 7oz

(and i told mistie that i was going to have my own nickname for her. instead "gentry" like everyone else and instead of "aurora", i've decided that i'm going to call her "rory". with mistie's permission, of course!?! hehehe)

Friday, June 3, 2011

seriously i LOVE her....
(plus she's my little sis so i kind of have to!?!)

We read to know we are not alone, we write to know who we are.
-- C.S. Lewis

Thursday, June 2, 2011

(picture me shaking my head in disbelief)

get ready to laugh HARD as you read this!!! or cry as you realize that YOU are either ONE OF THEM or MARRIED TO ONE....(but for your sake, i HOPE not)
