Sunday, October 31, 2010

the "Carl Bloch" exhibit...

i am so excited to go and see this since it is on my "bucket list" of places that i want to go and see so by doing this i'll get at least half of it done!!! i have one of his works hanging above my fireplace and it's been one that i've reflected on a number of times. it's breath taking...

The Halloween Festivities of 2010.....

the best sunset EVER!
yes. my crafty skills trying to come out once again. lol. hahaha
carter the clown...(thanks must go to grandma terry, my mom, who let carter go through her magical costume box. rocks! she has every costume in there she has ever made. in fact, this costume is from around the halloween of 1990'ish)
miss unicorn kindra...

love these pics of kindra's "real" smile! xo

it was a raining mess this year so the "trunk or treat" was a must. but the best part was that they got to go around the gym like 3x making it like 60-70 houses! they made out like bandits!

look how PERFECT the terry cousins are!?! (we missed the rest of them too) but they were the BEST! waaaahoooo!
we ended the night with a rental from the good old redbox. watching "scooby doo and the australian vampire" while eating some pizza, and popcorn. very fun and very perfect!


One Of My Peru Buddies...

remember when i went here? well this is also where i met karen while on her second expedition. she loves to serve and she loves to photograph things of beauty.
she has been doing some grad work at the "university of utah" and submitted some of her work to be hung in the "sill building". she, for some reason, did not think that her photo's would be chosen but they were! i told you, she is awesome and has become a great friend!
this photo is my favorite and this little boy was one of the many that i came to love! look at his face. look how dirty it is. this is what they know to be normal and even though they are completely filthy, they are full of innocence and love. i always wonder how they are doing.

anyway, congrats karen! you deserve it and especially since it's your true passion!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

it's gone :(

until next year, the best part of my morning wake up, will have to be of something else....?

Friday, October 29, 2010

(and no. i don't condone this behavior but lol. come on. it's reality, right?!?)

carter was letting out a whole bunch of "farts".
i about died from the smell. seriously.
i told him to get his butt in the bathroom and what did he say?

"but mom. i have to let kindra smell the reaky."

lol. the "reaky"?
now that's a new one.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"" You cannot set yourself free, but truth can"

silly rin kin kin

so one night, after the noise had settled down from her domain, i snuck in to see what i would fine. yep. another imagination gone wild. i actually thought she was asleep so i pulled out the camera to take some proof.
that's when she bolted up to get in some of the infamous pics. the problem is that she was used to the dark and she could not keep her eyes open for the flash! that's when the comedy began. we were laughing quite hard and we kept trying to get one with her eyes open but not really so much.
we got this one....
and then came this one...
and then when the exorcise came, that's when i pulled the plug. but don't worry. i LAUGHED hard at this one!! i gave her one more but as you can see, it did not get any better. more fun times with my sidekicks, the camera and one of my kids. i love it. thanks rin for a night of laughs and a night of some fun time with the girls!
ps. and yes i was informed that i tell her too much that i love her. quote "it can get very annoying. you are only allowed to tell me when i am leaving or when i am going to bed!" booo. no. you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. i never heard it enough and now i am telling it too much. oh boy. one day at a time, right? but booo. I LOVE YOU KINNY!!! xoxo

Oh Carter...

this is my carter who is now "too school for cool" meaning friends are more important than acting like you "need" your mom. :(
even though he acted like he could care less if i was around, he totally did. lol. no really, he totally did. that morning he made sure i knew exactly where i was supposed to go and at what time to be there. he did give me one of his infamous waves out of the bus window when he saw me in the parking lot waving. these are the moments that i love. when i forget about the stress and worries of being a parent and can just have fun. the teacher is the disciplinary and the parent can just have fun and enjoy!

so last year at carter's walk-a-thon, he ran the most laps in his class. of course he was not about to let that title go! he made sure that he kept going and going and going. it was so perfect....

he had to check and make sure that he was ahead. lol. awesome. it's all about the competition! :)
"mom. did you see? i did not stop once! are you so proud of me?"
"uh. yeah!!! totally proud of you!"
i love you bubby. let's not EVER forget that. neither of us. forever ever....