Thursday, December 31, 2009

One Of My Passions

It's not a secret that I love to talk. I have always been the social butterfly. That was the only complaint that my teachers gave when Ann & Paul would go to Parent/Teacher conferences. Oh well...there could be worse things right?!? But what I really mean, is I LOVE to SPEAK!!! As corny as it sounds, it brings me joy and a quickness to my heart that gives me a total perma grin!

When I was asked to go and speak to "The New Haven School For Young Girls" I was so excited since speaking to Youth is what I love to do the most!

They wanted the theme of the night to be "Loving Ourselves For Who We Are" because most of these girls have issues with self confidence and have been put in some pretty bad situations or are also dealing with some big personal trials.

I told my own "story" and made sure that I put an emphasis on not letting an issue/trial be the determining factor on what or who we become in life. I told them some of my Mom stories, some of my accomplishments since my accident, and about some of the "boring" things that I love to do...(ie. my blog!?! hehehe) I loved hearing the questions that they had for me. I made sure they knew and felt that they could ask me anything. I just had fun with them and even got them laughing!
I thought that the night turned out great and I hope, more than anything, that I said at least one thing that affected at least one person and that maybe what I said had an impact on making someones outlook a little more positive!

As my Mom and I were driving home, I brought up the fact that sometimes when I am struggling with "life" I forget the things, ideas, concepts, beliefs that I already know...that I can so easily talk about and counsel about.

It is just proof that the climb of life is never ending and that we always need to remind ourselves of the things that we already know. At least I do. We always need to be searching out knowledge and having trust in the questions that we've already received answers to.

Anyway...Thanks again BYU and thanks again New Haven for inviting me to come out!!!

Merry Christmas To Us!

I love, LOVE, LOVE the putting out of the presents underneath the tree on Christmas Eve! I love how it looks, I love the stashing of the surprises in the special hiding spots, and I love thinking about the excitement that the kids will have in the morning as they run out into the living room!

Kindra's letter to Santa asked for a horse sleeping bag! Surprise...Surprise?!?
Carter's letter to Santa asked for a new set of golf clubs which he is dying to use!

Yeah! I got a new trainer for my hand-cycle...

Ok so my #1 favorite memory of this day took place on Christmas Eve. The kids had been hearing stories all week about Santa sightings so the idea had been permanently planted. They knew that they had to be asleep when Santa came down the chimney or he could not leave them presents. So as the kids were almost asleep I came out of my room excitedly to tell them that I had just heard something. Right then Trevor was outside throwing some oranges, yes oranges cause they would be loud as they hit the roof, and letting them roll down sounding like prancing hooves who were loudly landing with a sleigh! hahahaha The kids were freaking out and the excitement in their voices was to die for.

"I'm asleep! I'm asleep!!" Kindra said as she hid under her blanket and Carter yelled "I'm already asleep!"

It was the best and it's so fun to play the Christmas magic games with them. It could not have worked out better and we were having so much fun with it. I grew up with my Dad doing the same things for us. It makes Christmas still so much fun for us parents when we see the excitement in our kids!

Monday, December 28, 2009

The ONE Thing That He Did Not Get...

Call me clueless or call me whatever it makes me but I did not know that it was so bad for an 8 year old to have a bunk bed. His Dad put a stop to that request! That was one of the things that Carter wanted for Christmas but Trevor informed me that Carter was way too old to have a bunk bed?!? Needless to say, it did not happen so I had to laugh...and hard when this is what I found.

"Mom. Come see. My room is clean so can I now do.............?"

"Carter? What is this???"

"Well Mom. It's my bunk bed since I did not get one!"

So I guess Carter really did get his bunk bed after all?!? LOL!!! Yep. That's my son and his vivid imagination!

Can We Say BEHIND???

So Yes. I know. I am VERY BEHIND with the updating of my blog. There were a number of things that took a priority. I knew that eventually I would get to it and my family/relationship came #1. Anyway...enough with the explanation that I know is a very vague one but........ While my sister Lyssa was back home in Las Vegas having their son, who now is named Luke, her girls, Emma and Kate, were staying up at my parents. The house was full of "castoways"! This is when I came up with the homes nickname....THE TERRY HALFWAY HOUSE, or THE H.H. (which still is!?!) Kindra had fun going up to play with the girls who she loved because she could boss them around. She now had her own little minions! Though when they went home, it was Carter who they said was their best friend? Go figure?!?

Carter..."The Spider Man" not to be confused with "Spiderman" :)
"Ghost Kindra"

Ashley, John-Charles, and "Lamb Penny"
Aaron, Kate, and Jenny
Every year my brother Jake puts together a full on spook alley in his garage. It is awesome and can be really scary for little kids! I would be scared too if I saw him at the entry...and yes. That's my brother....

Rico and Chris had another one of their classic Halloween get togethers....
Katie Thomas showin off some of her dance skills....
Happy Halloween!!! My favorite holiday!!!


Yep. Congrats are in order.
Congrats to Lone Peak High School.
They get the award.

They chose my sister Jenny to be their new English teacher. Yeah Jenny!!! Good luck and HAVE FUN!!!

Carter Throwin Some Ball

There are a few contributing factors as to why my son did not get the "growing up playing baseball" experience. Though the father figure members of my family may argue this, I however think we turned out just fine.

One night, during one of Utah's finest sunsets, we decided it was time for a lesson......

Carter may or may not grow up to be some baseball star or fanatic, but I think that he did just great! We had fun. We laughed hard. And I hid the baseball glove and ball when we got home.
No. Really!

The Foal...

Above my parents home is a pasture full of all kinds of different horses. She begs me to drive by every time we leave my parents house.

"Can we go see my foal?"

Huh? What foal is your foal? I was so confused at what foal she was referring to.

"Mom!?! I will show you my foal. The one that I am saving up for. The one that I am buying once I have enough money for a trailer so that I can lasso it and bring it home."

Oh. Right. That one?!? How dare I even ask.

And this is who she showed me was hers. (notice the summer grubbies after some yard work with Grandma....)
Later on that week, as we were pulling out of Costco, she just had to have my purse, to get the camera, to take some pictures of her future purchases....

Oh Kindra. I CAN wait?!?!?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our Super Saturday...

ps...i LOVE skiing at snowbird!!! especially when my family can be with me!!! awoooooh...go mom!!! how awesome and enthused are my kids? and they are even on sync! hehehe lol

Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh How We Miss The Hot Summer Days!

...pulling the mower back where the lawn is too long and the engine is about to die...

Look how freakin cute he is and how hard he is working and pushing this mower along!
I love you Carter James.....