Saturday, November 29, 2008

This Is A Shout-Out...

This year it's my turn to hold the annual Christmas Get-Together so who else would I get to make my invites???
Lyssa of course! I told her what I needed them for and this is what she put together. Perfect for the occasion!
So, if you are in need of some cards this season...go over to and check out what she can do for you!

Friday, November 28, 2008

More About Me...

10 years ago

I was attending Southern Virginia University just beginning our Women's Basketball season. Exactly this weekend 10 yrs ago I was in Washington DC celebrating Thanksgiving with a friends family and doing lots of shopping in one of my favorite places...old Georgetown. So much fun!

8 years ago

I had just gotten married and was learning how to cook my first Thanksgiving dinner. (It obviously didn't sink in cause I'm still learning!)

6 years ago

I had just been in my car accident, becoming paralyzed, pregnant with K, and was now home learning how to "live" again. To be honest...I really don't remember alot about that time in my life. I think I've blocked it out :)

2 years ago

Working where I had thought I wanted to be and was just about to meet "he who will not be named" and was about to create my blog.

5 of my favorite yummies

a cherry coke from Sonic
chocolate anything
cheesy potatoes

5 places that I'd escape to

Prince Edward Island
New Zealand
a movie theatre that would allow me to watch continuous movies
a remote villa in Italy
the island of "Lost"

5 things that I would never wear again

NEVER say NEVER with the way styles are changing and rotating these days

5 of my favorite TV shows

The Amazing Race
Greys Anatomy
The Mentalist
The Eleventh Hour

5 things that I enjoy doing

Right now...Hand Cycling

5 of my favorite toys

driving fast in my car
an old school "Game Boy"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Oh Yeah. One More Thing...

I am also Thankful for the imagination that allows me to stare at men like Clive Owen which in turn, allows me to have wonderful and naughty lusting thoughts!!! hehehe How hot is he?!? JK but really??? :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Some of My Thanks From 2008---

My ever so hardworking son who takes pride in all that he does...

The exhaustion that sets in after a hard days work...

My son who enjoys the traditional watching of "The Amazing Race" every Sunday night just as much as his Mom does...
My crazy and energetic daughter who never stops being hilarious,creative, and using her imagination. "You can never be too prepared" was the line that she was stating during this event...

The neighborhood boys who come by every afternoon on their way home from their "yard cleanup business" to give Carter a few laps on their four wheeler which leaves him smiling from ear to ear...
The best-friend brother and sister sleepovers that have them giggling for hours which in turn leaves their Mom eavesdropping and smiling as she drifts off to sleep...

Happy and Safe Thanksgiving to all from the 3some at our home! :)

They Get Better and Better Each Time...

The things that come out of my daughters mouth sometimes, most times, crack me up! We were just talking about it today at lunch, how our kids are all such sponges and soak up everything and anything they hear.

So today when I got home this is what I was presented with....

"Mom. When I grow up, big enough to use your hair straightener, I know what I want to be. I am going to be an illustrator. An illustrator is someone who draws the pictures that are in the books. Do you think that these will work for my portfolio?"

Portfolio? Where did she get that one? Honestly who is she? How old is she? Oh boy.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our Midnight Madness...

Let me begin this post by saying that our "Girls Night Out" was so great! We had so much fun being a little obnoxious like we tend to do when we get together and the fact that it was WAAAAAY past our bedtime did not add to the rational thinking :)

My review...I did not hate the movie at all but I did not love-love-love it. I hyped it up way too much in my own head. I was hoping that maybe it could be similar to another LOTR book to movie blockbuster but sadly, for me, it was not so. I felt like they did a good job telling the basic story but it was impossible to truly get into any character depth which made it hard. I had to keep reminding myself to stop comparing the movie to the book. The books are always better and this fit into the same category.
Bella was portrayed as she should have been though I did not like how she only had one facial expression. Edward? Let's just say that he had his moments of great hotness but sadly also some moments of pure facial constipation and awkwardness. He sounded like a retard at times. I wanted someone who was more dashing, handsomely beautiful, larger in stature, and a little more calmly arrogant. My views were a bit tainted because I'd always pictured Edward to be like the imaginary true vampire love of my life from the WB series "Angel". Jacob? Long Hair? Yak. They need 2 way hot guys that Bella has to choose between. Not 2 so-so cute guys. The sparkling scene was a bit silly but I did really like the baseball scene.

I realize and understand that it would be impossible for them to truly please every one of their readers since everyones mental movie is so different than the next so in that sense, overall, they did a good job trying to please the most people, the best way that they could.

I have friends who have now gone 3-4 times who say that the movie gets better each time they see it? I don't know if I would go that far but who knows, that may be true.

I'm glad that we went though because I know that I would have regretted not going at the time that we did...and the laughter was well worth it!
One of Tara's friends actually ordered these pins and some actual "Forks High School" T's from the real live "Forks High School" in Seattle. They didn't have the right sizes left for us in the T's, so we settled for these pins as our fan decor.
Sara, of course, could not let us forget about the upcoming BYU-UTAH game (I don't want to talk about it) so she showed up in this attire. Way too funny and such the brave, confidant, and normal Sara way to act! Oh yeah...don't forget about our vampire teeth..
Rock on Sara. Now I can at least say that she can talk it up allllllll she wants after last weekends game. (I don't want to talk about it)
This picture of me turned out way too perfect. The look on my face and the vampire look of my eyes says it all! The best part is that Tara was trying to take a surprise picture of me and this is me giving her the "no, no, no" talking to. How sad that my face can really get and look that pissed off and evil. hehehe I look so mean!
...just being our teeth are falling out and we are trying so hard not to laugh!We got this bright idea to switch from our seats up to the "handi" seats but the only problem is that those seats come in pairs of 2. So we decided that we would take shifts and squish the 3 of us into the 2 chairs. That worked all too well until the butts started falling asleep so down Sara bailed to sit down by Angi and her sis (who was luckily able to be called and come at the last minute because we somehow had an extra ticket)
Yep. This is us at 2:15 in the morning and the exhaustion was starting to set in....
I was so surprised that this guy was the only extremist when it came to going all costumed out. I've seen quite the ensembles at some of these midnight shows but it was pretty calm that night!
My family and I talked about that fact last night. The fact that the midnight movies are a lot more calm now that they require you to pre-order your seats. There's no more lining up for days to get your seats (LOTR) I will say though, that as nice as it has become, it does take alot of the excitement, rush, challenge, and anticipation away which the midnight movies have been known for in our family. Hmmmmmm....just a thought.
Sara...Angi...This one's for you. After I made you sit in the clothes, books, backpacks, popcorn, and whatever else could fit back there mess, the next day I took the kids for our afternoon project. Operation clean out the car so here's the proof :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

So. I Lost...

I don't want to talk about it.
OK. I lied. Just one thing.
The first half was a great one that had us within 3.
The second half? Let's just say that it certainly does help a team to win...when the other teams quarterback goes senile and continuously throws you the ball.
OK. That's all.

ps I know. I sound so bitter, huh?!? hehehe

Thursday, November 20, 2008

7 Hrs 58 Minutes and Counting...

OH YOU KNOW that we got tickets for tonight's midnight movie premier of "Twilight"!
I'll let you know tomorrow how our "Girls Night Out" went down.
But with who's going???
Nothings inappropriate when we're around!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Mini-Me Confusion

"It's OK to cry when you are talking about something that's important to you or when you are expressing your emotions. That just means that you have very strong and tender feelings."

That is something that I use to hear all of the time when I was growing up. Though I was very strong willed and dominate, I was also "a cry er" when I became nervous. (or I'd just laugh)

This week is Kindra's turn to be "Student Star of the Week". We had fun putting her poster together and rehearsing what she would say as she pointed to a certain object. She knew what to say but was getting a little nervous and was relieved that I would be right there with her.

As we got all situated in her classroom and the students came in, she got a little teary eyed.

"Oh Mom. I don't want to do this. I don't know what to say."

"Yes you do Kindra and you will do great!"

As she began to talk, her words were mumbled, quick, and soft. Then she started to cry-talk. I reached for her hand and held on tight to let her know that I was there. I helped her along until she was back to using her normal and strong voice. We went back to the beginning so that she could talk about those objects again but this time giving her classmates the ability to hear what it was that she was saying. It was a great activity for her and it ended up just fine, especially when it came time to handing out the treats!

As I drove home, I reflected on what had just happened. Why was she doing the exact same thing that I had done as a child? What am I doing or not doing that is creating this fear or this insecurity? I couldn't come up with an exact reason but it did cause me to think...a lot. It's scary in fact. Even when I am trying to NOT do something to make something else NOT happen, it does! It's frustrating! It also reinforced the fact that sometimes, no matter what we do, our kids have their own inner personality's that will just end up doing exactly what they want to do. (I AM IN GRAVE DANGER!!!)

GRRRRRRR!!! So hard when all that we want to do is protect them.

Nature vs Nurture or Nurture vs Nature??? I swear. Who really knows anymore?!?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the hand cycle = $too much to disclose (i'm on a budget remember?!?)

a pair of gloves = $12

a trainer = $179

the new music for my iPod = $23

two space heaters = priceless

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Real quick. I just got the best phone call EVER! Since I am now marathon addicted, I've looked at a few that I want to compete/participate in. I went to lunch with a friend, Nicole, who also ran in the St. George marathon. She was so excited because she had done her best time ever which qualified her to be able to run in the Boston Marathon. I told her that I was still waiting to hear back from them to see if my time from the St. George qualified me because that's also one that's on my list.
Well today I found out that my time of 2 hrs 26 min DOES qualify me with the 1 minute over exception since usually the cap is 2 hrs 25 min!!! I am so excited!!! Can you imagine if I had missed it by even more than that???? I would have been so pissed because if I would have known, I would have had a goal and would have busted my butt even more to hit it! Really I was more worried about just finishing the race seeing that I had no clue what I was really doing?!?!?
I'll keep you posted. It probably won't be until the 2010 race so that we can do it together but still. So freakin relieved and ecstatic!!!

The Reminder...

The other day I had some appointments downtown that finished up right in time to get me stuck in the 5pm homeward bound traffic. The way that the sun was setting, the slow traffic, the commuter news, etc, it all reminded me of the time in my life when I had been dead set on my career.
I almost threw up in my mouth. Seriously. (I think that I lost my soul there for a bit)

It gave me some time to think about how thankful, blessed, overjoyed (I could go on) but just how wonderful it is that I decided to be home with my 2 wild ones.
I love you, oogly boogly and you too, kinny


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i am: random and am always the "guys girl"

i fear: drastic change and not being a loved/respected parent

i hate: being wrong

i love: being in love

i dream: about walking

i ache: to see my Grandfather

i wish: i knew all of the answers

i want: my old life back...sometimes...

i smell: everything and have been cursed with the infamous Terry nose

i hear: more than one conversation at a time...2 kids remember?!?

i crave: chocolate...chocolate...chocolate

i desire: to live in a warm climate all year round

i can't: ever stop being a romantic

i dance: in my mind

i sing: out load to the radio-cd-iPod ALWAYS!

i listen: to all genres of music except for Country!

i need: to stop being such a boy-like-perv :)

i lose: my patience when i feel pressured or when I'm running out of time to get it done or because of my one track mind

i think: about things way too much

i feel: more in my element when I work mostly with men in employment or in athletics :) i secretly love being the only girl...hehehe...because girls can be so sensitive, dramatic, and bitchy! (me included-go figure!)

i watch: my DVR'd TV shows at night

i miss: my college days HEHEHE!!!

i write: my sons journal with him every night

i can usually be found: by my "laughing-clapping" noise

i believe: what people tell me to be the truth, which is both good and bad

i never: will love the snow

i care: about what my family thinks

i wonder: about one guy in particular from before i was married

i regret: nothing but i learn from everything....

i am scared: to death of being in the hospital again

i like: when things are routined and constant but love our life to be as crazy as possible

i know: that it will all be OK

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Lands End"??? Help!!!

So I was in complete denial last week and woke up to our yard being completely covered in snow. I was not prepared. Everything from last year was too small and in Carter's case...broken. Notice the safety pins keeping his coat together? Yeah...broken zipper. Yes. I freaked out and immediately called "Lands End" and $25o later...all new snow clothes expressed shipped out to our house. When will I ever learn???

Let the countdown to Summer begin!!! hehehe I'm SERIOUS!!!

The 7 Things TAG---

7 Things That I Can Do

always make the midnight movie
will always try something new and adventurous
have fun and laugh hard

7 Things I Can't Do

get rid of my TV
stay organized
find more patience
keep my car clean
miss out on the fun

7 Things I Always Say

"come here, love"
"it's all mental"
"son of a bi" (i really do just say bi...not bitch...funny huh?!?)
"i am going to freak out"

7 Things I Can Always Eat

a cherry coke from Sonic
chocolate anything
cottage cheese
pb & j sandwich
turkey stuffing
bean n cheese burrito from Del Taco


jaime b
sara b

Think hard and have fun!!!

"You're How Old???"

That is what Carter said when we told him how old Trevor was turning. It was his birthday last week so we took him out for dinner. He turned 34 and once again, it was another reminder that I too am getting old! Yuk!!! Please tell me that I don't look that old????? (no...not that Trevor looks old...please tell me that I don't look like an old 32 yr old!!!)
Another reminder of my age is the number of years that this has been in existance. (and this picture shows only half of it!) This is the infamous Terry brothers "pop wall" that has endured a million parties, numerous near death experiences, grand kids, a mothers threat to take it down, a mission, and a wedding. It began with a joke to keep and put up all of the pop that they had been drinking and it turned into their masterpiece. Oh if only the Pop Can's could talk. What a story they'd give! They've even said that they're going to go buy some clear plastic to place over it to keep it in place forever as an homage to the many adventures that the basement has endured. My Mom's not having it, though. She said that the moment John-Charles got married, that it was coming down. Now it's changed to while Michael is on his mission, she will destroy it but we'll see. Not if the rest of the siblings have anything to do with it. Just another one of our hilarious, ridiculous, Terry family memories. :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

"The Fresh Prince" Said It Best...

"I'm at a point in my life where I've made a decision that nothing in my life is going to be without purpose. I've grown to realize that the only true happiness is to live in service to humanity. Not wasting this gift of life and specifically in this time. A new America. This wasn't just an African-American being elected to be president. This was an evolutionary flash point. Human kind has changed forever. The shift has occurred to America. This shift has occurred to the world. Right now, if you're not making someone else's life better, than you're wasting time. Your life will become better by making others lives better."

I've always loved Will Smith, but after watching today's episode of Oprah, I respect him and his values. I was sucked into every word that he was saying and I think that he's dead on. He's really got it figured out. He really sees the bigger picture. I agree 110% with what he said. "This was an evolutionary flash point. Human kind has changed forever." Make sure you are doing with it what YOU want because you can't take it back.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Remember This?

I know that you're all so excited to see this again but I have to make sure that you remember what it is that I am referring to. hehehe Sorry. It's too hard to resist.....

So we went up to Primary Children's Hospital yesterday to meet with our doctor to talk about Kindra's MRI results and it's good news! It's NO news really but it's GOOD-NO news. The MRI and the XRay results did not show anything wrong at all so we're sort of back to square one. They are still going to do some research and in the mean time we are going to do some physical therapy knee strengthening to see if that will help it to "pop out" less.

Don't worry. I will keep you posted on the adventures of Kindra's "knee mystery"......

Classic Carter...

Watching BYU football games wearing the true blue colors of BYU...
...and helping his Mom clean the garage and put away all of the summer toys-pools-bikes-scooters-lawnmowers-blowers and anything else he could think of that needed some organizing!

Classic Kindra...

When Kindra brought this home last week, she already knew exactly what she was going to put in the Mystery Bag. Yep. You guessed it.
I thought that this picture was perfect! It showed just how proud she really was of her "mystery"
Kindra... "Mom. Guess what? There is going to be a book fair at the school and my teacher told us that we could go and get any book that we wanted. I've already found which one I want."

Me... "OK. Let's go look at your piggy bank and decide how much money you want to spend."

Kindra... "Oh no Mom. We can GET any book. We don't have to BUY one."

So I had to explain to her how a Book Fair really works. It just goes to show how carefully we must choose the words that we use when speaking to children! I laughed myself!

"Mom. Come look at the gorgeous hair cuts that we gave my ponies."

I'll spare you the rest of the details about the learning conversation that had but after it was all said and done, I realized that I should be so thankful that it was only the ponies hair that I had needed to worry about!?!