Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Museum of Ancient Life...

Carter was very excited for his field trip to "The Dinosaur Museum" so Kindra and I decided to tag along for fun! I had to laugh because as soon as we got there, all Kindra wanted to do was to climb up onto the dinosaurs back and ride it like a horse! Seriously!!!
...I just love it when Kindra smiles like this and scrunches up her shoulders!

They decided to watch one of the 3D movie's that they play at the museum instead of go over to the Farm Country because it was so cold.

FYI...I would not waste the money or the time going to the movies. I usually enjoy them but not so much with this one. In my opinion, not worth it and the kids would rather spend their time inside "doing" something!

...I just had to show these 2 pictures because it is proof that it is impossible at times for my kids to smile, look at the camera, and to do it all at the same time! I have them trained to smile but not trained to have them look at the camera! Go figure...I just had to laugh at their faces and at Carter's "neck" smile!?!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Few More Of Me And The Mountain...

Ok...I promise that I will let this event go soon enough but it was so exciting that I have to brag it up just a little bit longer. They sent me over some more pics this morning and I just have to laugh at the looks that I get on my face when I am trying to learn something new! Too funny!

If you look close, you can see the look of concentration/fear/excitement/joy on my face :)

Such a great weekend, one that I will never forget! I am so glad to be a part of the Trails program because it will allow me to participate and to try new activities/sports that I'd otherwise not do. I have learned that I just need to take full advantage of every possible opportunity! The next one will be "Hand-Cycling" so we'll see how that one turns out!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

One More To Add To My Collection...

My brother, John-Charles, knows how much I love and collect roosters so when he was on his mission, he brought me back this one from Brazil. I have tried to acquire my roosters from "not so common" places, like other countries or at least from other states so it was very important for him to get me one while on his study abroad.
Finally after 2 days of travel including canceled and delayed flights and a layover, he finally arrived home! Carter was very proud of his "countdown calendar" that he made to await the exciting day and they were so excited to go up to see him! This is the rooster paraphernalia that he delivered and he even put some thought into it since he knew that the 2 gifts are tied together....
Once a certain man was condemned at Barcelos, a small town on the North of Portugal, to be hanged for a crime, which he had not committed.

In vain did he swear his innocence but found no alibi to prove the truth of his affirmations.

Under a sudden faith impulse, he appealed to Our Lady and St. James, his patron Saint, for protection, imploring them to release him from the unjust sentence he was going to serve.

Then, he asked to be allowed to go to the presence of the Judge, since it was his last wish. The Magistrate received him in his dining room, where he was having a meal.

Once again, the man under sentence of death, swore his innocence, and as a sudden defiance to Providence he added, that the roasted cock which lay on a tray on the Judge's table would get up and crow if his statements were really true.

And, indeed, the rooster immediately jumped up out from the tray and started crowing vibrantly.

The legend has passed from generation to generation down through the centuries and the well known and typic "Cock of Barcelos", is therefore a symbol of faith, justice, and good luck.

He surprised the kids with one of his purchases that he made while he was in Morocco and while he was camel riding. Kindra immediately requested that he take it right off!?!

He brought the kids back a "bucking bull" and a "moving horse", of course. The kids had a few good laughs at their gifts and were just so excited to have a surprise!

I also received this table runner and this decorative plate from Portugal and from Spain! But more importantly, I received one of my favorite people back home, my brother who I consider one of my best-friends and who I love and respect very much! He has shared with me some experiences that have helped me to grow, progress, and that have been answers to some of the prayers that I have questioned. He has reminded me and helped me with understanding that "this is all for a reason" what ever "this" may be, especially when I needed to hear it! I love you JC and am so happy that you are home!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Jordan Landing Laser and Aesthetics

Jen and I met when we lived in Draper back in 2002. We were neighbors at an apt complex...I lived upstairs and Jen lived downstairs. We just hit it off even though "the hubby's" did not! Here's a funny story...One night Trevor and I were 100% being retarded, teasing each other in a sexual nature as married people do. Carter was asleep and we had the baby monitor on of course. It was still early and we were in the family room watching TV and the doorbell rang. It was Jen and she was laughing hysterically because they had heard the whole thing. Our monitor's had crossed wires and she was coming up to warn us in case we were planning on doing anything further!?!

Jen is the Marketing Director for Jordan Landon Laser and Aesthetics and they had their Grand Opening ribbon cutting event last Friday. It was a lot of fun and I know that Jen will do a great job for them! I told her I would give her some free advertising on my blog for those who read it and who are interested in "this stuff"! The contact information is 7478 Campus View Drive...West Jordan and their phone number is 542 7364.
You can also check out her blog at :)

Bikes and Projects = Summer Fun!

I'm telling ya...when my kids get an idea in their head, there is no stopping them! ( I wonder where they get that concept from!?! ) As soon as I arrived home from work, the agenda that they had come up with was bike riding and fertilizing! They've been dying to bring the bikes up from the basement and Carter has been dying to fertilize since he continually hears the phone calls that I make to my brother to come down and get'er done!

Yes...this is Kindra egging on the laughter coming out of Carter's mouth...
I find it so funny that I make such a big deal out of "the helmet" but yet it never stays on her head correctly. It's amazing that she does not crash because of her impaired sight caused by it!
Carter was in his own little world just doing his job and making sure that EVERY spot had been fertilized. It was making me laugh but I will never do or say anything to stop his one track mind when it comes to our yard and the yard work getting taken care of! :)


Thursday, April 24, 2008

My Own Personal Version Of "Hell" On Earth...

Quote "You have gastroenteritis. This is an irritation of the stomach and intestinal tract. It is caused by a virus, but can also be caused by bacteria and toxins that cause food poisoning. Symptoms may include fever, painful abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and .......... (you got it) Consume nothing by mouth for four hours and then start in small amounts. Take fluids frequently. etc, etc" This is my own personal version of hell on earth...being sick again or confined to a bed or to one room! :(

I won't go into great detail of how it all took place but I was sick! The moment I was in the ER, I started to have a panic attack! Whenever I voluntarily go into a hospital, I have to remind myself that I can LEAVE. The thought of being in a hospital room, of the smell, of the food, of the monotony, scares me to death! I just needed an IV because I was so dehydrated so it was not too big of a deal but it is scary when you are worried and wondering about what is going on!

Once again...Trevor and my family were there for me 110%. I don't know what I would do without them. I joked to Trevor that neither of us could ever re-marry because the new spouses would probably be furious about the relationship that Trevor and I have! :)

I will say that lying in bed, watching every possible TV show or Lifetime movie that was available, gave me some real, real, real quiet time to reflect. I even broke down and watched the BYU TV station :)

I thought about my own personal life and the activities that I should be spending my time doing. I thought about the kids and of what we should be working on. I thought about our eating habits...which had me go to Costco last night...$250 later, I thought about how certain things were really not so important and I should stop wasting my time wishing for them, I thought about my blogging and how much fun I really have doing it-it's like my journal and it says alot about us. Anyway, alot of things went through my mind.

I did watch the movie "Becoming Jane" and I really did love it! In a weird way it probably could be seen as a depressing movie but I am such a romantic so the everlasting love made it worth it. There was a part in the movie, right before they are about to run away, that Lefroy just rushes to Jane and kisses her as she is talking. Hurray for true love! OHHHHH I was balling! There is only one other movie that has that same affect on me. "Sense and Sensibility" of course, by Jane Austen and the part is at the very end when Hugh Grant comes back to Emma Thompson to profess his love and Thompson cry-chokes because she is so relieved, happy, surprised, excited! I can watch it over and over again and never get sick of it!

I also noticed that my house smelled different and sounded different with the kids being gone. It felt lonely, cold, and way too quiet. I was so happy when I felt a little "back to normal" and the kids came home. They had been with my Mom who was also very ready for me to get feeling better!?! hehehe It was refreshing to get back to our normal routine! :)

PS.... I am in love with "The Bachelor". He is so tall, handsome, built, and his accent is to die for. I am not a fan of any of his "picks"! Shayne is not being honest. It's all about the fame and could you imagine having her Mother as your mother-in-law? Her breasts and lips alone could suffocate you! Chelsea is way too manly and has attachment and affection issues. Amanda is corny and weird and is just a bit off! I just want to know where those men are hiding? I am yet to find one but the romantic in me is still being patient!?!

One of my purchases from Costco were some strawberries so for last nights dessert...(I am trying to cook and make meals so that they are healthier and cheaper-thanks to Oprah)...we made Strawberry Soup, as Carter named it. We cut up the strawberries, sprinkled some sugar on them, put them in a bowl, and added some milk. YUMMY! Then I told them the story of my Grandma Terry who in that very same kitchen, would go out to her strawberry patch, pick some fresh strawberries, and make us our own Strawberry Soup. Kindra's reply was "Hmmm, maybe after we get our real horse and barn, we can make a strawberry garden for us to pick from..." Uh yeah, sure, right, that's gona happen love!

For as much as I may complain or wish for this or that...I really do love my normal, boring life that involves my crazy kids with our crazy routines! It is unfortunate that I have to go through something miserable to remember all of this but I guess that's how it goes, huh?!?

By the way...thanks for all of your own blogs that are out there for me to read and enjoy. They keep me sane and confirm that we are all going through one thing or another. Aaaaand thanks for letting me ramble a bit, it helps to get it out!!! hehehe

Friday, April 18, 2008

Look What The Mailman Delivered To Me Today...hehehe

Oh you bet I am tempted when it comes to this "Twilight" party extraordinaire! In exactly 13 days, I am flying down to San Antonio, TX to visit my sister Lyssa, her hubby Joe, and her 2 girls, Emma & Kate.
As excited as I am to go down to see them, that's not what really initiated this trip! Let's be honest...It's all about the "Twilight" celebration that my sister and her friends have put together that I have so kindly been invited to! :)
Even if it is just an excuse for all of us to get together, it's still an excuse that we will all take full advantage of! You know what they say about Texas and of the way thing's are handled down there?!? Every thing's BIG in Texas so I am sure that this party will live up to it's grandeur!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oprah's Big Give....

Being a parent is hard, very hard! It is even harder when your kids have their "issues". Carter has a mixture of ADD, OCD, Autism, and some learning disorders that are categorized as "A Child With Special Needs". Ok, whatever! Really it's nothing since his "case" is extremely minor! Does he have his days? For sure! Does he try so hard to do what is right? Definitely! I know that he could be a million times worse so I try to put only positive attention on his "needs", not negative attention.

Now, do I have those days where I compare or look at other kids who act their age or even look at my own daughter and wish that Carter could be like her, etc. etc. Yeah... I do even though I know I can't or shouldn't and that it will not is what it is! And then I feel horrible about it because I love my Carter and if asked...would really not change him or want him to be any different!

The kids are having a sleep-over at their Corbridge grandparents and so I had some quiet time last night. I turned on my DVR and decided to watch Oprah's Big Give. I was doing other things as I had it on until they talked about doing something for a woman who has 5 autistic children. As I watched the small segment that they did on her family, I was completely balling!

How selfish am I and how hard would that be? I can not imagine and those kids have full on disorders. It made me re-think my situation and made me want to punch myself in the face! At times I live in a bubble. A bubble that does not allow me to understand that there are really really hard things out there in our world that people are going through all day long. Things that make my hardships seem like nothing at all! Things that make me want to never complain ever again. I know it but until I see it, it doesn't sink in! I live in a different world level I guess. It also makes me understand how lucky I am to have the things that I do...the opportunities that I have! Don't get me wrong...we all have to get our frustrations out but next time remember that it could be soooo worse! Anyway...more out loud thinking .....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Utah Jazz and Their Adrenaline Rush!

Apparently Kindra the tease is rubbing off onto Carter! He thought he was pretty funny as we were trying to take a picture on Saturday night before we headed up to "the city", as Kindra likes to call it, to go to Kindra's first Utah Jazz basketball game...

Carter was very excited about and was very adamant about having a hot dog at the game! $12.00 later! :( We had a lot of fun especially when The Jazz Bear came up and gave the kids "high fives"! Carter was having his own little dance off whenever the music would come on which gave me a good laugh! :) As the night continued, Kindra became more and more bored and tired so by the 4th quarter she was out for the count ... Too funny :) but she did remark that she wanted the guys to be in wheelchairs just like the other basketball guys that we had seen! YES!!! My ways are starting to rub off! hehehe :) PS- I know, I know! Get that thumb out of her mouth!!! I try and try but it's all about the comfort thing. She has done this since birth. She's not's more of a "placing" her thumb in her mouth. I promise...I am not just making up excuses! :) Anyway......

My Silly Kinny!

Kindra has turned into quite the tease! When I wanted to get a cute picture of her with her glasses on, she thought she would be funny and tease me with her made up - crazy faces! Kindra said the funniest thing today....We were talking about what we were going to do for dinner and I told her that I was going to make "Stuffing". Immediately after, Kindra gasped and said "Stuffing...Is that like Stuffing Noses?" I just had to laugh and explain to her the difference. I think it's funny the words that kids hear and the meanings that they associate with them! They usually are so off but at least they are trying, right?

I love the sense of humor that she brings and the dramatic girly girl that she can be! I don't know what I would do without her being a part of our family! I love you Kindra! :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Can Ski!...I Can Ski!...I Can Ski!

This post has been a hard one for me to put together but I can not control the excitement any longer! The reason why it has been so hard is because 1) I have been waiting for other pictures that were taken by Wasatch Adaptive and 2) I don't know how to "really express" the emotions that I felt as I was going down the mountain once again!

Saturday morning, as I headed up the canyon, I felt like I was back in college, on the team bus, eyes closed, and envisioning what athletic performance I was about to do. I began to get a little nervous and I began to panic thinking that I was going to basically suck and be eating the snow all day. No one, or at least this one, does not want to or like to fail. The fear that I will not be successful at something, scares me to absolute death! I am just way too competitive!
I made my way to the Snowbird Center and found the room that we were all to meet in and ONCE AGAIN, I was the only female participant! I guess it is to be expected. The ratio of male to female is typically 4 to 1. Then it gets even slimmer when you add the "active female" component so what do ya do?!?
We received some instruction and out we went! Let me say once again, how THANKFUL I am to still have my upper body strength! Such the work out! there is one ski on the bottom of the chair and your poles act as balance mechanisms as well as your main "feet" skis. Having skied before, it made more sense and the principles are the same. You have to remember to look up and ahead, keep your shoulders straight, and don't do the "death grip" on your poles...the more graceful the better. I have never been good at verbally explaining or verbally giving direction when it comes to the fundamentals of just have to do it or to see it being done so......
Here I am with Dave, my ski instructor, who was awesome and hilarious! Not only did he teach me how to ski, but he also shared with me some "Snowbird secrets". He also told me why "Hells Gate" had been given that name...back when the miners lived in the canyon, the Mormon pioneers would not go past that part of the canyon because that was were the "drinkers and prostitutes" lived. Hence the name "Hells Gate"... Funny huh?!?

...see the concentration in my face...

The better I got, the longer his safety rope got and the faster that I went, the easier it got :)

I was very worried about how I would get on the chair lift but not a problem with some help...

One of the other instructors became my picture taker so thank goodness for her! I am waiting for Wasatch Adaptive to send me over some of the pictures that they had taken that are more action packed! But honestly and not to brag...ok...I am going to brag...I killed it! I caught on so quick and just did it! I loved the fact that my nose almost froze off because I was going down the hill so fast. I loved the fact that as I was cutting right, I caught ice, and had to balance on one ski just like the good old days and I did not crash and become a rolling snowball! Aaaaaand I only went down, as in crashed, ONCE! It just all made sense and it reminded me that I can do anything that I want to, even if it's a little bit different and with a little more thought! The feeling of freedom was..........! Am I going to drop my life to become some great skiier? No. But does it now mean that I can do it? Yes and now the fact that I'm not doing it is more a choice than a restriction :)We went up on the tram and it was so windy once we got up to the top that I got my photo and got right back on to head down! :) he he he

By that time, Jenny was at the Cliff Lodge so we met up and headed up to our room...
Funny story...In our room, the bathroom was not a roll-in shower. No big deal. I have learned that you just call house keeping to have them bring up a shower bench and so that's what we did. A few minutes later we heard the infamous "house keeping knock", opened the door, and they handed Jenny a small plastic baggy and once we looked it over, we discovered that it was actually a shower cap! We had to call back to once again request a shower bench not a shower cap?!? It was more one of those "had to be there" moments but we had a good laugh about it! :)
I had a great weekend and as soon as I get the other pictures, I will post them but I am still happy for the ones that I got with my camera. Now that I know what I am actually doing when it comes to skiing, I will take full advantage of it next season. Maybe now that I can benefit a bit from the snow, I won't dislike it so bad!
Now I can only wait for the warm summer to come since I am going to try water skiing with the same company who provided the snow skiing lessons. I can hardly wait!