Friday, November 30, 2007

I just want to say thank you to those who have "been there" for me in any way, shape, or form. I am very lucky to have supportive and loving family and friends who teach me something new every day! I have even been reminded of some very important principles from complete strangers who will come up to me at times during the day. It could be so worse! Life deals us some very hard cards and we receive answers in ways that we do not expect...but they are answered and we are never forgotten about. I hate how I always forget this and don't realize it until I can look back. Maybe by writing it down I won't forget?!? Riiiiiiight!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I HAVE Lights...and a BUNK BED??!??

I was very excited when we got home tonight to find that they had come by and put up the lights. I am so anal about things like this being done on time so.....! Its kind of hard to really see what they look like but we like them so that is all that counts.
Later on I was putting out some decor and it got a little quiet in Carter's room so I called for him. "Carter"... no reply! "Carter"... no reply. So I went down to his room and looked in and he was not in bed. I got nervous until I heard his tired voice whisper "Mom...I am up in my
bunk bed"! Huh? I thought as I turned to find this!! I just started laughing. Oh boy! Get down!

What will he think of next?!? I don't want to even know!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One of the Anonymous' now has a name....

It is now official that my BFSS...(best friend spinster sister) now has her very own blog! We are so glad that she has succumbed to our temptations! hehehe ... Lyssa ... you are my BFS without the spinster! :)

Give her some comment support....Her address is but it will be up this weekend in full force with pic posts and all.

I wanted to give you a true welcome and tell you that we are excited that you will become as obsessed as we are.....Amazing Race was only the obsession beginning! :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dear Santa.....

Just laugh right along with me about the extent of the kids' "Dear Santa" letters. This was the last thing that I wanted to do when I got home after driving for an hour in traffic because of the ...dah dah daaaah... SNOW :(
Sad to be me right now....
I promised the kids that we would do this tonight so here you go. Carter asked for a soccer net and Kindra asked for a horse! Too funny...both the requests and the letters!

I got a kick out of Carter tonight when he was saying his prayers he said, "Please bless that I am nice to my sister and my Mommy because if not, then I will go to jail"... The comments that come out of nowhere are too funny!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Which Twilight Character Are You ?!?

I took this quiz that I got from Lyssa's and Jaime's blog about who I am the most like! It hit it dead on and I love things like this! This is what it says about me.......

You're Alice Cullen. You are vivacious and full of energy. Your childlike way of looking at life makes you both amusing and special to your friends. You make an excellent friend, although you do have a tendency to get uppity if you're not immediately given your way - people often give into you because of your charm.

Just something fun to do so go to either of their blogs and you can take this quiz as well! :) Plus she is hot so I will take that any time I can get it!

Rise and Shout the Cougars are NOT out, but are so IN!

Just had to rub it in one more time for you Ute fans that are out there and the fact that I won so many bets at work. And to think, that I did not even attend BYU! Any team who will BEAT the Utes is on my fan list! hehehe :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Beth Bishop Sainsbury

My Grandmother, Beth Bishop Sainsbury, was born on November 24, 1927 but you would never know it. She is still as energetic as ever and cheerful beyond compare! We celebrated her birthday by giving her a surprise Birthday party. We were actually worried that she might suffer a heart attack! :)

The things that I remember the most about my Grandma throughout my life.....

-going on a road trip up to Oregon with my aunt Emily and my Grandma when I was 4 years old
-having sleepovers whenever my Mom was at the hospital having the next baby to add to our crew
-sitting in the green rocking chair hearing stories about Flicka the horse
-picking raspberries in their garden and shoving my mouth full...trying to sneak them in
-collecting eggs out of the chicken coop
-the smell of straw in their shed
-playing in their yard during the irrigation run off
-she would pull out a board that she would tap dance on
-singing around the piano
-Christmas Eve at my grandparents and swearing that I saw Santa flying in his sleigh
-my Grandma's bell collection and her Royal Dahl collection (as I would like to call it) :)
-the view of the valley looking over 9400 S and 1300 E and always hearing fire engines on their way out
-telling us stories about our Great-Grandparents
-always being told how much that she loves me and how proud of me she is
-being with her for 30 years, I don't know what I'd do without her being in my life. I love her so much and am so amazed at what she has gone through in her life and at what she continues to do. I know that my Grandpa S. can not wait to her see because of how much in love they are!

She always tell me that I am her hero but I really think that it is the other way around. Without her influence and guidance, my determination would not be there! It was her example and something that she has handed down!

We sang one of my Grandma's favorite songs, "Army of Helamen" for one of her gifts.
Clapping us on!
.. When we all get together, especially the boys, you never know what you are in for. Pure comedy! Last night was a texting war that went on the whole night of who could be the most ...... ! I won't even tell you what it was but Jenny was also involved so that just adds to it!

Look how big they all are and hot but they are not my little bro's anymore! :(

Jenny, Natalie, and I.....and Lyssa somewhere in the distance :) Mom's brother...and you can now see the example of humor that we had!!

My dad laughing and scratching his head in the background?!? This is a common sight in our family!

See what I am talking about! I love my family and the only thing missing was Lyssa! :(
I love my brother John-Charles! He is always having a good time and not to mention...he is so HOT! Any takers?!? Get in line!!! You are hot too Jenny and I love you too! :)

My 2 Big Minions...

Putting "Fall" away for the year-----

These bins are full of my Halloween decor...can you say OCD!?!
This cracked me up...Carter just working away as hard as he could but Kindra...not so much! She disappeared and this is where I found her! This is a lot more fun, I guess?!?

This Santa is my Father's that he had as a boy. Fun, huh! I love it!
I know that it is hard to believe that we did this ourselves but we we did it! Carter came up with the idea to use a rake to get down the branches that were too high for us to hang the ornaments on so I can only imagine what that looked like...but it worked!
I do not know what I would do without my kids, my minions! I joke but really they make it so fun! When Carter has a job to do, he does it 110%. He is my jobber and he loves to help me with whatever our projects are. Kindra puts in the effort too and this year was so excited to help me out front with the new white ornaments. She was so intrigued with the way they looked and felt!
To see them get so excited is the reason that I do this all. I looked at my clean and clutter free front room after we put away the Halloween obsession and it was nice...for a few days...and then it seemed so cold and boring...for me at least.
Memories...I hope that is what I am making!
Memories not Disorders!?! :)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Back to Normal...

I can't tell you how many times the usage of "Staci, Katie, and Lindsey" has been said. Both in good and bad times! They are my 2 very best friends and I have known them since Jr High. The most memorable and important events, have taken place with them being at my side. I would call them my "other sisters"!
I will not even tell you how long it has been since the 3 of us have gotten together because it is horrible. Real life sets in and it gets crazy and so hard to be on the same schedules. We have each gone down different roads and we get a little bit too lazy to make the effort. For the time I get any free time, I am too tired to go out and do anything.
We broke the habit though last night and got together. The Jazz game and dinner...nothing too exciting but a lot of fun! I laughed hard and remembered some of the funniest stories of my "college" years! We swore to make it a more common event!.....and it will be next weekend for our annual Christmas get together....
I love you guys and have missed seeing you, every day! I like hearing..."Staci, Katie, and Lindsey"! It is just all too normal and I wouldn't take it back!
PS I told them I was going to pull out and post an old picture of us to see how much we've changed but on second thought........!?!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

We know that it is SERIOUS when the Williams-Sonoma apron comes out!

Kindra and I ... any time I can get Kindra to sit and take a picture is a miracle!

Kindra manipulated the situation and got all 3 cousins and a bag of apples out to the horses to give them their own meal before the farmer came out and yelled at them for feeding his horses!

Carter was just a little hungry this afternoon because he was starvin up for the feast!

Kindra got a kick out of this usual game that we've all played!
The "cousin table"-- After Dinner we all sat around doing the usual "tell what we are thankful for" and we had a good laugh and became a little more humble. We missed Joe, Lyssa, Emma, and Kate but the noise was all ready hitting an all time level without them so it will have to wait until Christmas :) A long but great day and we were even able to have Grandma and Grandpa Jensen over which usually has to be booked 2 years in advance to have happen so that was fun to this year.

The two main points from Dad's could always be is all based on your mental attitude!

Until next year...............

PS who will we get to eat what pie next year? This year was Dad and the secret metallic key lime pie! hehehe classic story for those who were actually there! Lyssa....just ask!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Secret Gate.......

On our way to the least at this point, the gate was all I thought :)
Uh....NO KIDS?!?

Can you see how large this area is?!?
Not the main bridge but a small one to get a wheelbarrow over... wet clothes :(

Can you see the old car inside the garage? One day I am really going to explore by myself!
Notice Kindra's pants! :)

When I think back on my childhood, there are a few memories that stand out. One of those memories would be that of my own "Secret Gate". At my Grandma Sainsbury's home, there was a small forest on their property that whenever we were there we spent time at. The forest was full of poplar trees that I can still hear in my mind the way they sounded as they rustled in the wind. We had created a small fort that had different areas that represented different rooms that had tree stumps as chairs. We had even found some old carpet to lay down on the ground to lay on and look up into the sky. I was at the time reading the series "The Boxcar Children" and dreamed of living in my own boxcar and finding old treasures to turn into things that we could use. At that age you allow your mind and imagination to fabricate reality and it excites and completes your life. The forest was huge and full of possibilities and our fort was our very own that we could turn into whatever we wanted. We were safe there and anything could happen and nothing could change that.

Later in life, as a teen, after my Grandfather had passed on, I went back to that forest. It was so small and not so "wonderful" as I remembered it. Reality and maturity had tainted it and it brought on sadness. Not sadness for what it represented but for what it did not anymore allow itself to be.

One of my favorite statements came from that thought....IGNORANCE IS BLISS..... and how true that is! What we do not know can not hurt us...There are so many times in my life in which I wish I could start over, go back to the beginning, go back to where I was ignorant of the things that now that I know, hurt me. Go back to the times in which it was all simple and easy. I would love to go back to those times in my life when I could do anything that was allowed to go into my imagination. I wish I could go back to that time when my own "Secret Gate" was the gate into my ignorant reality.

I look at my own job right now as a parent and hope and wish that I can allow that bliss to stick around for as long as possible. I also try, in the ways that I can, to allow their imaginations to run wild and to keep them ignorant of and to the horrible things of this world just like my parents always had tried to do.

At the end of our street, there is a property, a homestead of an original American Fork resident who even has the street named after him. He was a famous doctor "back in the day" and his name was Doc Anderson. When I picture him the image that comes to mind is that of the doctor in the movie "Field of Dreams". The doctor who everyone knew, who everyone loved, who was on the city council, who owned half of the town, etc, etc. The grounds on this property are huge and are gorgeous and yet no one lives there. Doc Anderson and his wife have died and his daughter still lives in the neighborhood and manages and maintains the grounds. I grew up listening to stories of when my own father had been the "lawn care boy" of these grounds. He had acquired his hard work ethic because of his responsibilities that he had had at Doc Anderson's.
I respect the privacy of others and have always felt weird about just hanging out somewhere that I know I have not asked to be at. Doc Anderson's is one of those places that you just look in at as you drive by. The long driveway is engulfed by bushes, shrubs, and trees and so I never really realized what was all around the house.

I have never talked about the house with the kids because there really has been no point until last week. We went on a bike ride and rode our bikes down to a gate that I nicknamed the "Secret Gate". The kids were nervous and did not go in because it was a little eerie since it leads into nothing but forest. I explained that no one lived there but that Grandpa Terry had mowed the lawn when he had been a little boy, which Carter loved! Since then, every time they tell me they'd like to go on a bike ride, that is where they would of course like to go. They were very excited yesterday when I told them that it was finally warm enough to go down to the gate! Before confronted with the question, I had not even considered actually opening and going inside the gate.

I let them go in but told them to run to a specific tree and back and THAT WAS IT! But you know that never works! They went into the forest farther and farther and I demanded that they come back to where I could see them. They sure did come back with wet shoes and pants that threw me completely off guard! How had that happened? They wanted me to follow them because they had something that they were so excited to show me! As I followed, I realized the thoughts that were possibly going through their minds. Thoughts of complete adventures!

The forest soon opened up to a yard that is huge and one that even got me excited! Trees surrounded by benches. Walkways. Empty fountains. Huge flower pots full of dirt and weeds. We got to what they were so excited to show me...a bridge complete with a small stream that they were running in and out of. They were laughing so hard that I could not bare to bring it to an end!

As we went around to the house, I realized why they still kept it so well taken care of! Considering that it was built in the 60's, it is huge and really still is a very nice home. Patios. Outdoor fireplaces. A greenhouse. A Putting Green and a Long Yard (Golf) I even spoke to my Dad about it today and he told me that he had been required to use a special lawn mower on that part of the yard! This house is amazing and a true diamond in the rough!!
As I have been thinking about it today, the memories and the impact that adventures like this one will have on my children, will be the most important. Even though their "nature" is different then mine was as they grow, I still want their "nurture" to be the same. I still want their family act ivies to be the most memorable when they look back. I still want their family unit to be the most important people in their lives. I still want them to be each others best friends. I still want them to go to their parents for advice and direction as they grow and know that they will get it, unjudged and always.

If I could keep them from knowing the dangers of their world and keep them going with me on adventures like yesterdays for the rest of their lives, I would! I would keep them each on one side for as long as they'd let me!