Saturday, 27 March 2010


Mengimbau kembali kenangan ketika belajar dan bekerja di UiTM Shah Alam....terutamanya di waktu tengahari....destinasi selepasmakan tengahari sebelum meneruskan perjuangan untuk sessi petang.....pisang goreng dan laksa berhampiran stesen komuter Shah Alam...best3x.....makanan yang menambahkan lemak ni memang best dimakan, huhuhuh....

ketika berkunjung ke Shah Alam, emm apa lagi tak melepaskan peluang untuk membeli pisang goreng dan laksa untuk dibawa sebagai makanan petang di rumah kakak.... kali ini, kamera dibawa untuk merakamkan gambar-gamabr pisang goreng dan laksa.....

Sekirannya berkunjung ke sini, anda akan dapat melihat beberapa kotak plastik yang penuh dengan pisang siap sedia untuk digoreng...2 orang pekerja sibuk menggoreng dibelakang gerai....ketika hari bekerja, barisan yang menunggu lebih panjang dari hari sabtu dan ahad...

Bagi laksa pula, pergh..kuah yang disediakan memang pekat, kaw punya....cubalah....bagi yang menggemari laksa yang pekat, ini adalah satu pilihan yang menarik!

mari lihat beberapa gambar yang sempat diambil ketika disana.....

Friday, 26 March 2010


penang- known as a food heaven...there are lots of spot you can try new and tempting local dishes and not to be forgotten the other dishes that come from all over the world....the specialty of this state is because it consist of two parts- the mainland and the famous island, which represents panoramic surrounding of beautiful land and the sight of the calm sea....

i would like to share some of the pictures taken while dining out with few friends that came to penang for the purpose of attending a seminar- fadzillah, liza and chemah ..i took them to kuala juru and suggested the famous local dishes there- mee udang, mee ketam, nasi goreng udang and nasi goreng ketam...they tried the mee udang.....and they love it!

Pic of the mee udang....yummy.....
Picture of us- from left- liza, fadzilah, me and chemah...
The family....while waiting for the food....

While waiting for the food, i captured some pictures of sunset@kuala juru....emmm, so beautiful.......the panorama just seems so calm and how i tresured each moments looking at it......if you would like to captured amazing pics, make sure you droop by to this area around 6-7 for the night, you might not be able to see anything there since the lighting in that area is minimum.....unless you have all the equipments needed for that purpose......

Monday, 1 February 2010

restoran asam pedas@taiping

kalau pegi taiping, jangan lupa lunch nasi campur kat sini tau...emmmm, best.....specialty asam pedas and jus kedondong with asam boi....alahai....terliur lak......

apa yang saya makan disini...ayam goreng, gulai ikan masak asam pedas, gulai lemak pucuk paku, ikan goreng , ikan bakar, ketam masak lemak, ulam-ulaman, sambal belacan, air asam, cicah kicap, 4 nasi, 3 jus kedondong, 1 milo, i teh o ais, semuanya rm38....emmm...boleh tahan....

oleh kerana teruja dengan jus ambra/kedondong bersama asam boi yang sedap tuh, jadi ketika hendak membayar bil, saya bertanya kepada makcik tersebut samada jus itu dibeli atau diproses sendiri...jawapannya, diproses sendiri...patutla fresh! menurut makcik, restoran ini memproses 30kg buah kedondong untuk dijadikan jus pada hari biasa dan lebih daripada itu pada hari sabtu dan ahad....jadi kalau datang ketaiping, singgahla kerestoran ini...nasib baik saya singgah, itupun kebetulan kerana nampak pelanggan yang ramai di luar restoran, hati teruja untuk mencuba....

lake garden@taiping

after zoo, the next destination lake garden....

the lake garden is huge, with only a few places for fnb...meaning that if u want to come here, make sure that u bring your picnic items yourself, or else maybe u can get some ice-cream, junk foods and can drinks from the hawker...they ride on a motorcycle....basically, from 3pm onwards u can see the people start unpacking their picnic items, sitting and enjoying the scenery there....

since the lake garden is huge, so there are many spots for you to choose...some likes sitting beside the lake, near the japanese garden, or even near to the small river, fishing...

what else that u can do there?? have a ride on a boat, and other activities...such as playgroud for the kids, feeding the fish, jogging, brisk walk...or just laying down on the mat, with your sunglasses on, and take a

some of the pics...

a visit to a zoo@taiping....

location: taiping..
ticket: rm12 (adult), rm6 (children)

a perfect day to go out....the sun is shining, sky is sign of raining....emmm...its time to go outing....

this time, we decided to go for a low budget outing, but definitely it will be fun for the small ones...i guess that all parents do the same thing, as long as their kids happy, it will makes us happy too.....

trip to taiping, around 1 hour drive from penang...first stop- zoo kids never been to a zoo before, memandangkan dah besar sikit dan sudah boleh mengenal binatang yang terdapat didalam zoo, jadi destinasi ini dirasakan amat bersesuaian dengan mereka...lagipun dilihat, zoo taiping agak kecil berbanding zoo negara...jadi kuranglah aktiviti berjalan mengelilingi zoo...hahaha, kalau besar puas la mendukung si kenit kenit ni bukannya boleh lama duduk dalam stroller tuh....huhuhu....

as early as 10 am, we reached there...the zoo is located near the lake garden...since ita still early, there were only few of visitors in the zoo...its been a long time since my last visit to a zoo, zoo negara-1995...more than 10 years, nearly 15 years....

we spend around 3 hours there...2 round on the train, the kids love the ride so much, anyway its free, the driver will act like a tour huide, explaining to you all the animals and to which group they belong too.......we love the ride, apatah lagi mummy and daddy...penat tau kalo jalan....huhuhuh......

some of the pics

bergambar dulu sebelum masuk....
safari world...
lonely, i am so lonely...i want somebody on my own....ooohhhhh
bangau oh bangau mengapa engkau kurus....

mr buaya darat....
all kinds of fish.....
lion....where is the king???
my cute...

iguana...its huge man...
tau tak bunga apa lah bunga dari pokok pisang.....jantung pisang tuh...nice huh....

Thursday, 14 January 2010


Thailand is well known with their yummy cuisine, all the fresh ingredients, the sweet-sour-spicy items....emmmm...thinking about the food make me hungry all over again....Hatyai also offers  lots of cuisine for the tourist- halal and non-halal is not hard to find halal food in hatyai, not as bad as Hong Kong...the price is nearly the same as Malaysia...but the freshness of the fruits and othe ingredients, the seafood...emmm, and the mango salad (kerabu mangga) wow....seabass wow...again....prawns....lobster....wowowowowow....they have so many things to offer to the travellers from normal to exotic foods......

this were pictures taken in one of the wet market lots of fresh fruits and unique kind of foods there....never ask what they were made from.....

yummy......and cold coconut can just buy it along the road for rm2....

below were pictures taken from one of the halal restaurant in Hatyai...they have salma restaurant and hameeds restaurant....even they have proper presentation for the plain rice, eventhough its not a fancy restaurant.....the mango salad...uih, yummy....and the tomyam tooooo....

lai chee kang, (did i spell it right???hehehe)...u can get this along the road from the muslim stalll, we had this with pulut mangga and pulut durian...woh....

the below delicacies were found at the night market...u can find lots of food there, fro normal to exotic food, such as crickets...hehehe...they also sell sushi, fresh juices, all the dessert and even chocolate in there...