Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Grandpa Shumway
November 27, 1921– March 26, 2011

Love You Forever.

Say hello to Grandma.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Almost Current.

The main event in June, PhillyMils took a job to Texas and needed to take a trip to the land of the Longhorns and find a place to live, sooo, MiniB and I got to take an all expenses paid trip to Philly to hang out with Li'l Mil and Nano.

MiniB did great on the flight over, she even had her own seat, we really lucked out.

The next morning MiniB was napping and I realized that it was all too quiet. I did some investigating and this is what I found.

So I said the heck with it, and let them go nuts.

Li'l Mil and I built this most awesome train track.

For the short time that a Mil child will be bigger than Hoss offspring, Nano took full advantage and managed to always end up between MiniB and whatever she was playing with. MiniB was a good sport and let Nano have her way, for now.

As the self proclaimed most awesome Aunt, to live up to my title we had a picnic in the living room and watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I expertly did not give Nano anything to drink and made sure Li'l Mil had a lid on his cup, thus preventing spills. While I was carefully monitoring the children, no one was watching me and I kicked over my chocolate milk. Sippy cups for grownups please.

Another feat to add to my most awesome Aunt title, I gave Li'l Mil, unbeknownst to me, his first entire ice cream cone. And he loved me for it.

But, probably not as much as he loved the ice cream. Who wouldn't love, Zwahlens more than any human being, seriously, forget cheese steaks and go there. Great custard, and to-die-for candy apples. Side note, we had some kind of frozen treat to celebrate every day we were there, including Rita's, the best custard ever! I think I am most sad PhillyMils are leaving Philly because that means no Rita's when I come to visit.

Aside from all the custard, the best part of the trip was the road trip we took to Maryland to visit the Halsey's and my Grandpa. Qualifying this as the best part, does not include the 3 hour drive each way, that was not fun. Except for when Li'l Mil and I sang 500 verses of No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed very loudly to drown out the screaming babies while we waited in a never ending traffic jam in the wake of a construction zone while traversing across Delaware.

Nano loved cousin Joan, but I think Joan was ready to not have a 1 year old attached to her leg by the time we left.

We were all smiling and Grandpa was even looking in the right direction. Don't judge me, it was 100 degrees with 110% humidity.

Despite the weather, Grandpa always feels cold so has a blanket on his lap. Li'l Mil wanted to be just like him.

A musical treat. My grandpa has been very sick of late. He used to play his harmonica for hours, but after about 10 minutes he said he didn't have any wind left. He will be 89 in November.

We enjoyed dinner on the patio in the Halsey's beautiful back yard. It really belongs on a magazine cover. MiniB was sweating like crazy, Nano took a tumble off the picnic bench, and Li'l Mil had a minor major freak out because a fly landed on his hot dog bun. MiniB survived the heat, for that matter, so did I, Nano got away with a knot on the back of her head, and Li'l Mil settled for eating his hot dog inside, sans hot dog bun. Wouldn't change it for the world.

This is the result of about 20 photos in an attempt for the perfect photo-op...on a hammock...with 3 kids, 2 of which needed to be held. As you can see, it was unsuccessful, so I opted for one where I was looking at the camera.

MiniB spent most of her time in a onesie, given the extreme humidity. But she didn't care, we prefer comfort to fashionista any day and we had a blast.

MiniB lucked out with her own seat on the return flight.

Who decided it was a good idea for the changing table to be over the toilet in an airplane? How are the grown ups supposed to pee and hold onto their kid? My method was holding MiniB, dropping my pants, doing my business, turning around and pulling down the changing table to put MiniB down and blocking her with my elbow to keep her from rolling off while I pulled up my pants and washed my hands. It took like 15 minutes to change her and take care of myself, and all I did was pee, honest!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Not Caught Up...

...at least not yet, but we're getting there. On the docket for May 2010, Mini B turned 6 months on the 20th. I had specific instructions to call Hoss as soon as I left the pediatricians office after Mini B's 6 month appointment to update him on her STATS. The first question out of his mouth was, "Is she still tall?" Yup, our little plum is tall and skinny, landing in the 60th percentile for weight at 16lb 6oz, and in the 94th percentile for height at a very long 27 1/4 inches tall. She is still a good sleeper and when we visit my parents Uncle Zeek lets her nap in his bed.

For Mother's Day Hoss made me my favorite thing ever, Chicken Stuffed Croissants. They are flaky pastry heaven with a devilishly creamy mixture of chicken and cream cheese with Hoss's special blend of spices. I seriously ate 10 of these at least! Love it.

Mini B joined us for dinner.

For Memorial Day, at least I think that was the holiday, it is too long ago to be absolutely sure, we visited Hoss's family. MiniB had fun hanging out with her handsome cuz, Brady-man.

And Grandma B joined in their fun. She sent the rest of us to the movies so she could have them all to herself.

Hoss really wants a motorcycle.

I don't think this one quite did it for him.

In the month of May we also had a visit from the PhillyMils. Hoss was still in school so we went to visit him for lunch one day. Nano wanted to walk all the way to the car, like 4 blocks away because CU has no parking available for regular people. Good thing Li'l Mil and Grandma M were willing to keep pace with her. So stinkin' cute.

Hoss spent some quality time with Mini B and Li'l Mil reading The Tooth Book. Because we are all about teeth in our family. Seriously, 1 Dentist, 1 Pedodontist, 2 Hygienists, 3 in Dental school, soon to be 4. Could we get a Pharmacist, an Optometrist? Someone to care for all the rest of our 2 million parts?

I know this picture is blurry, but I had to post because the expressions are priceless. I don't know how I captured this moment, or what they were looking at, but its good for a laugh.

Coming attraction: June 2010.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Catching up...

...as always. Big news in April 2010, MiniB hit 5 months. She started laughing hysterically and we were lucky enough to digitally immortalize the moment.

My babysitter took a much deserved vacation (she watches MiniB, plus a 3 year old, has her own 2 year old, and 1 year old, and is 4 months pregnant) so Grandpa M came for a visit to watch MiniB while I went to work. She has toys, but I am pretty sure Grandpa's glasses were the only thing she played with all day.

She even got to stay in her pajamas all day. In fact, I am a little surprised Grandpa didn't stay in his pajamas all day. It was after this trip I noticed a drawer was ajar in our guest room and found that grandpa has claimed a drawer with a stash of weekend essentials. I was wondering why he never has a bag when he comes over.

We went to Laramie for Hoss's cousin's wedding and MiniB got to spend some quality time with Grandpa B too. Wait, are Grandpa and Grandpa wearing the same shirt? Close, kind of freaky. Grandpa B really was excited, he just never learned how to smile for pictures.

On the way home we stopped for the night at my parents and MiniB took a ride in the Sky Chair, she wasn't sure what to think at first, but after a while she kind of liked it.

At home, MiniB spends a lot of time chillin' out on her baby quilt made by her AuntieM. It's gorgeous, I know, she is sooo talented. MiniB 's Baby Legs stay on for about 5 seconds, she likes to use them like a pilates band. By months end MiniB started rolling over.

This is one of our favorite Sunday afternoon past times. Once, we all fell asleep on the living room floor. We put extra plush carpet in the living room because we live there most of the day, but I found out I am too old to sleep on the floor. I can't believe I just said that.

Still to come, May 2010.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring Break

Ah, way way back in March, we went on a fabulous vacation for Spring Break to the city of brotherly love to visit my brother and his lovely wifey and kiddos.

There was an unfortunate series of events leading up to vacation including but not limited to super busy airport, missed flight on Saturday, waiting all day with Hoss and MiniB at the airport for a shot at 2 stand by flights with no such luck, canceled car reservation, re-booked flight for Monday night, re-booked car reservation, very early arrival in Philly, lost luggage, arriving at our destination at 2 am Tuesday, throwing my back out at 7 pm Tuesday night, muscle spasms all night long (worse than contractions, having finally been through both I can say this), laying on the couch all day Wednesday, luggage arriving Thursday afternoon, and finally Friday, 2 Priesthood blessings and a few muscle relaxers later, feeling good enough to actually be fun company for the Philly Mils, albeit very slow and shuffling did I go.

My SIL taught me how to make some very cute hair bows for MiniB, we played lots of Settlers of Catan, ate more than our fill of the to-die-for-if-it-doesn't-kill-you-first-made from-scratch-breakfast-buffet at Shady Maple Smörgåsbord in Amish country, and I am sure we did other stuff, but I can't remember, thats what happens when you take 6 weeks to blog about a vacation.

The only photos we took were at the Please Touch Museum were we were joined by our cousin and fam. Please Touch is a very cool museum in Philly just for kids where everything is just their size and built for them, or so I thought. These words literally came from Hoss's mouth while watching a little boy play in the river system on the Panama Canal, "Isn't there a time limit? When is it my turn?"

Luckily Hoss, Li'l Mil, and my brother all got their chance to play in the Canal.

Here is the actual floor piano from the movie Big, there were other kids playing it, but Hoss scared them away.

Li'l Mil went shopping and you can see how well he was raised, filling his cart with fruits and veggies.

I think someone dropped the ball with child #2, all Nano wanted was a whole chocolate cake and a banana.

MiniB mostly chilled out in the stroller.

The kids all had fun in Wonderland.

MiniB got to be the queen.

In the forest Li'l Mil got to dress up like a chipmunk in front of a blue screen and see himself on TV in the forest. Here he was puffing his cheeks for us.

Li'l Mil showed us how to shake it in the wild.

Nano was the only cousin who consistently smiled for and into the camera, MiniB, Li'l Mil and Peach Pit didn't really care that we wanted a picture. What we didn't catch on film is that when the picture was over Li'l Mil stood up and MiniB fell over.

It was a great vacation, can't wait to see the Philly Mil's in the Mile High City in a couple of weeks! Hopefully their vacation will have a few less bumps along the way!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Taxes what when?

With 8 days to spare we finally got our taxes done. I have only had all of the necessary forms and information compiled since Jan 30 just sitting in line of sight glaring at me every day to just get it done. Hoss and I have said to each other at least once a week since January, "we should do our taxes". We are obviously highly motivated people. Anyway, while perusing the web for tax info I came across this verbatim question from a tax payer. Is there some sort of pseudo Darwin Award for these people?

"Q: my tax professional said I have to work to claim EITC??? Why is this true? The Irs should pay me to sit home and not work, after all I voted in Obama."

A tax professional very kindly responded with the following:

"A:The Earned Income Credit was created to encourage people to work, so it is like a reward for working. The preparer is correct, you have to work in order to qualify."

If I were a tax guru I think I would have just provided the definition of earned.

earned, earn·ing, earns

1. To gain especially for the performance of service, labor, or work: earned money by mowing lawns.
2. To acquire or deserve as a result of effort or action: She earned a reputation as a hard worker.
3. To yield as return or profit: a savings account that earns interest on deposited funds.

I also have a Netflix movie to return that has been sitting next to the tax documents since January. The mailbox is just so far away (literally, it is not even on the way to or from our house, it is on a totally obscure street blocks away).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tales from the Old Folks

Today an 86 year old man asked me to shave his ears...and I did.

Disturbing on so many levels