We are big believers in the utilization of video. For most, this means observing video of our own team and players of them performing well or poorly -- for corrective measures. We also show video of other players and other teams correctly executing. Another important part of the process is providing motivation. We are continually showing our players video with an inspiring message and one of the best ways to do that is with players they admire. We provide them passouts for their team notebooks but there is something about video for today's young people that grabs their attention more. And we try to share things with them as much possible. We will show them in team meetings, individual meetings, or we might email them a video clip or text one to them. It needs to be constant. One of my favorite Zig Ziglar quotes is: "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily."
Where do we get these videos? Everywhere. Coach Don Meyer used to always preach about having a blank tape in the video recorder for such possibilities. DVRs make it even easier. The internet, specifically youtube are great resources as well.
An example? Here's one that we showed our team last spring before the semester was out. It's on Kevin Durant and shows how one of the games absolute bests is still working hard in the off-season on his game.