At the Summer in Paris workshop this summer (I've mentioned this before), Korie had a class entitled, "The Women Who Went Before." In the past, I showed you one photo that I had worked on of my German Grandmother, Grandma. Today I was able to get a few more pages almost done. It was fun. I love the photo of my Southern Grandmother, Momo (on the left). These two very dominant women were not very much alike and to top it all off -- lived next door to each other. For many years I can remember them addressing each other as "Mrs. Lessmann" and "Mrs. Baker." Grandma was mother's mama and Momo was dad's mother. Mother and Father married right after he came back from WWII and had only really met through many many love letters mailed across the sea. Momo encouraged mother to write to her son, probably never in her wildest dreams, did she imagine he would come home and marry Martha Jane. But he did!
I love the photo of mother (the youngest) and Aunt Mary -- and once again this photo keeps popping up in my different projects. The other photo is that of Aunt Mary (the oldest), mother, Walter John, and baby Esther. Although Uncle Walt snuck into the Women Book - the photo was just too cute to pass up. Shame on you Uncle Walt.
OK, time to go for a bubble bath and then fix dinner. It is still raining and I did not make it to the grocery store - will have to do a quick run at lunch tomorrow! It's been a great day....... I am gonna try to call the travelling' boys to see how close they are to St. Louis. Hopefully they have not run into too much, if any, snow. You know the other travelers are facing the same woes on the roads depending on where they are coming from or going to...... I suppose that is always the story of our lives. I know, I am starting to ramble and I'm yawning. Oh my, can't go to sleep early since the Amazing Race is on and we are getting down to the final three.....