...Homemade Rainbows...

Friday, June 10, 2011

An ending...

I won't be posting here at my little space anymore.
And I wanted to say goodbye to it....
It's not a permanent goodbye as I will continue to post on my new blog that I have been ever so slowly working on.
I won't be posting the link to it here publicly and it won't be searchable on any search engines either.
I'm trying to transfer some of the *feel* I have here....
and I'd LOVE you all to come with me to my new space too!
You see my plan is only to say goodbye to *here* and not you....
so I will be keeping this blog open and if I haven't got around to contacting you all individually (sigh...soon) please leave me a reminder here....ok.
It's bittersweet....truly

So just as I am learning to embrace my seasonal challenges I am going to embrace some other change as well.
I hope I can bare snippets of my soul together with snaps from my camera as lovingly in my new space as I have here for so many years....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Still not my favourite.
But sometimes the sunsets just shine.
Again I am going to remember to embrace even the seasons that challenge me.
So here starts another weekly series of its little blessings.
Three months of the small things that lift me above....
sometimes with a string of words.... sometimes not.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

farewell autumn

Hello Winter.
I bade farewell to Autumn in a cute country cabin up in the hills overlooking the ocean last weekend. Oh my!
Although it was Autumn drawing to a close my escape was all about things wintry and warm.
Velvet equine noses and fluffy donkey ears....
Bedraggled chickens amidst a winter moult....
Misty mornings and golden sunsets over the sea....
A gold reflected in the hues of numerous citrus trees for the plucking, heavy with juicy fruit....
Homemade dough and wood fired pizzas, with accompanying red wine of course.
The only sad farewell was in the returning home for now.
But there's plans already to go back and join in some exciting nearby festivities. A pretty big way to celebrate Winter Solstice. Have a look. Can't wait!

I also paid a visit to Friends of the Koala's Inc. while I was down that way. My girl is working on everything *Koala* at the moment.

We had a one on one tour of their centre and facilities.
I can't rave enough about the amazing job these devoted people do with roughly a 50% success rate. With quite pathetic federal and local funding and a few home carers they rely heavily on donations, fundraising and sponsorship to provide medicine, food and shelter to their charges. Really with the fundamental causes of stress and the hideous diseases these little ones are suffering so prolifically today because of *us* (and honestly if you see them for real... it's absolutely heartbreaking)... diseases because of development, habitat destruction, road accidents and dog attacks...we owe it to them to help out.
We were lucky enough to see two little girls come in after 9 months home care to be transitioned at the centre before their release. So much work....such a great story.
Please at least have a look at the website and the amazing work these volunteers do for our unique eucalypt munchers.