Friday, December 1, 2017

December 2017 One Monthly Quilting Goal

My omg-one-monthly-goal will again be simple. Since I decided to do only 36 of the 64 blocks for the-1857-album-quilt , I will need to make enough corner leaves/melons/petals or whatever you want to call them, to add as a border. I prepped 13 background squares with 4 leaves in each corner. I will cut 12 of them in half for the borders and then cut 1 into 4 for the four corners. I got a head start sitting at the garage the other day as well as watching Peppa Pig and Max and Ruby with the boys. 


Linking with: 

  omg-one-monthly-goal   midweek-makers  BOMs Away  sewfreshquilts   needle-and-thread-thursday   can I get a whoop-whoop   Slow Sunday Stitching   esther's WOW    needleandthreadnetwork   quilter's monday myquiltinfatuation  busyhandsquilts.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

17 ufos in 2017 - Ben Biggs Wedding Quilt

This was the BOM from sentimental stitches and dear jane in 2014-2015. I collected all the blocks when they were free. You have to buy them now but it is worth every penny. Wait! We don't use pennies in Canada anymore. Anyway, I was working on several other hand projects at the time so thought that doing this one by machine applique would be faster. I was wrong. I cannot take a machine with me when I travel. I usually prep and take along several hand applique blocks. I get a lot done that way.

This is all I got done at the Shipshewana retreat earlier this month. 

I have not touched this project since I completed my  first OMG more than a year and a half ago.
This is number 17 on my 17 ufos in 2017. I have all the border swags cut out and fused ready to prep and applique onto the mere 10 inch borders. Four of them. Borders. This will be done by machine.

My plan is to machine quilt each block as I go then connect them together somehow. I don't think I want contrasting sashing strips between the blocks. But I don't have to worry about that for now, do I since I still have about 20 blocks to complete. 

Linking with:  omg-one-monthly-goal   midweek-makers  BOMs Away  sewfreshquilts   needle-and-thread-thursday   can I get a whoop-whoop   Slow Sunday Stitching   esther's WOW    needleandthreadnetwork   quilter's monday  17ufosin2017.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 2017 OMG Completion

I know. My omg-one-monthly-goal was not a huge project but I had to make it doable. I can't complete four quilts every month now can I. Maybe I can but not anytime soon. 

I competed this Sally Post civil war sampler  block for my 1857-album-quilt block first. There wasn't much left to do but it is now done. The original center flower was not quite as odd shaped as mine but I am okay with it. Needle turned hand applique is not the best choice for those 8 petal flowers. 

Now this block. What can I say? I love it.  It was a challenge to figure out which leaves to cut out and how to arrange them on a circle I drew on the back ground. Then which ones to stitch down first so the over lap works. It was tricky. I had no idea just what it would look like until I got the last leaves stitched down. I am no expert at broderie perse applique, but will have lots of practice with the Di Ford-Hall projects I am working on.   


Linking with: 

  omg-one-monthly-goal   midweek-makers  BOMs Away  sewfreshquilts    can I get a whoop-whoop   Slow Sunday Stitching   esther's WOW    needleandthreadnetwork   quilter's monday lovelaughquilt. myquiltinfatuation.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Reality Check

I have had the most amazing adventures this year but it is mid November and the year is fast coming to an end. I have been invited to jury duty this coming week and do not yet know what time lines that might encompass. Last time, 25 years ago, I had to report daily for 2 weeks. We shall see on Monday.

Two days ago lost internet access and wondered how I ever managed to get through a day without being on the computer and on line. I should do it more often. The desk top is still out. Something about an IP address? The laptop works. But the big desk top is more fun and it has a touch screen. So much easier to see and to play  . . . uh . . . never mind.

The little boys keep coming for 4 days a week and we are having a lot of fun. Well, until little David keeps climbing onto my lap and pushing buttons, hence the internet issue. Also, some of the house phones do not ring. Something about pushing buttons. And Jonathan glued everything in his room at home with a jar of vaseline. Glad it was there so I did not have to clean it up here. Dawn dish soap helps.

This year I completely completed, including quilting and binding and gifting, 5 whole quilts. I started 3 new ones which is the norm for me. So actually, I am ahead in the numbers game. No, I guess I started 4. Not much work done on any of those at this point.

I worked on 11 of the 17 ufos for 2017. I have one more to post about that but I will save it for December. I did do a bit of work on that one at the retreat last week.

I am clearing the tables and decluttering some of the many project boxes that I pulled out and the new ones I started so there is room in the quilt room for the Q@F retreat here the first 2 days of December. My intent then is, while I have both 8 foot tables clear, to stretch out and layer the Dear Jane quilt and get it ready to big stitch hand quilt. It was suggested to quilt for just 20 minutes each day. I could do that. Maybe.

I have also been pre-washing the new fabrics I brought home so I can get at those broderie perse birds and flowers. 

I got the oil changed in my car before driving 7 hours to Shipshewana, but now have to find time to get my snow tires put on since winter is coming. And I have registered for the April retreat and booked not one, but two rooms.

The potted geraniums finally made it into the house for the winter last week when I was away. Now to clean up the wilted leaves and spent blossoms. Five down 12 to go.

The cows are all settled in the barns for the winter and we passed the bi-annual quality  milk inspection so we can carry on dairy farming for 2 more years.

The corn is not  yet combined nor is the high moisture corn in the small silo. Next week some time I hear.

So some of the amazing adventures were a trip to Poland with my now 10 year old Ava. A short term mission trip to Rwanda Africa. I have yet to post my Rwanda Reflections. And a quilt retreat and workshops with the Australian Di Ford-Hall. But the most amazing adventure of them all has to be publishing my first book. The temporary web site is up for proofing.

I have also been doing a bit of house work (yes really) and laundry. How come I do little boy laundry every week? Oh yes, on Thurs nights they get supper, a bath and clean pjs then I load them in their van and meet Mommy, who has my car, at the university so she can drive them home after her last class. They get home around 9:30-10 pm. We swap cars and I come home after picking up a few groceries since I am in town.

So the reality check is realizing that I will never complete the course work for my doctorate at the pace I am going and the procrastinating attitude I have had towards it. I have typed out exactly 3 pages in the past year. One of my OMG goals for November is to complete and submit one course. The text book has been on my desk for the past 2 months. That's when I typed out those pages. And I remembered to save them. I dropped all the hand written notes behind the desk just before I left for the retreat and now I have to figure out how to retrieve them.

Elly came over for a visit today and she offered  to help, until she saw how many spider webs there were back there after we got a light to look down. So we got out the spider web catcher and got rid of them. She could not fit down under the side of the desk to get them and I could not reach that far down from the top. There is a big book shelf beside the really heavy desk. Grampa had the outrageously creative idea to get a broom and weep them out. What a smart fella I am married to. Now I have all the notes and a cleared off desk. And fewer spider webs.

My OMG and slow sunday stitching project is to complete this 1857 block. I have been fiddling around with it this month. You have to figure out what you want and what leaves to cut out, them what order to stitch them down. I thought I had the first set of leaves placed equidistant on the circle I drew in the middle, until I got to the last triplet of leaves. I don't care that they are not straight and even, they are almost done. I kinda like the dark around those leaves. I get to do a tad bit more of this in the Bally Hall Birds Quilt. I have decided to do some of it by machine so I stand a chance to get it done before the end of this century.

And I found a whole bunch more of the Only2 red and white blocks and nicely organized bits for many more blocks as I was tidying up the quilt closet so I have somewhere to put away the project boxes.

But in reality, I was looking for the heat-n-bond lite to fuse to the new fabric. I cannot believe I used more than 80 yards of the stuff. There has to be some more here somewhere. I will keep looking.


Linking with:  omg-one-monthly-goal   midweek-makers  BOMs Away  sewfreshquilts   needle-and-thread-thursday   can I get a whoop-whoop   Slow Sunday Stitching   esther's WOW    needleandthreadnetwork   quilter's monday 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Be Still My Heart

How can life every be the same again 
for this Canadian
after spending three glorious days learning from 
the infamous Di Ford-Hall from Australia 
at the Shipshewana Retreat in Indiana, USA?

I have waited two and a half years for this book. 
Not disappointed.

Now to turn this 

into this

This is as far as I got.

Until next time

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Dear Jane 2: 17 ufos for 2017

(there is a rainbow I promise  show-me-something-rainbow)
Although I have posted about my Dear Jane 2 quilt throughout the year, I have not done an official post for the 17 ufos for 2017.
I started this second Dear Jane quilt in the brightest colours I could find. Actually, I ordered several fat eighths bundles from  twiddletails the online store at thatquilt.blogspot. Everything you need to know about how to sew up and assemble your own Dear Jane Quilt is there. I have the D J software and preferred the foundation piecing with Carol Doak's foundation paper rather than using freezer paper. But that is my personal preference. I am using a crisp white background fabric. 

 I started the first squares in the fall of 2014 shortly after completing my first Dear Jane Quilt. 

I had 7 quilters sign up to do classes at the FARM but one by one they all dropped out before we even got started.

 But I started anyway and made blocks in fits and starts over the next 3 years. The first blocks were the very easy ones. Nine patch variations. Easey peasey. 

I started a blog called Quilting Jane at the Farm. The plan was to post tutorials for my students.

 And I did post tutorials for a while but not so much for the foundation pieced blocks since you need the software to do them that way. 

  About that time, I discovered needle turn hand applique and started several large quilts.
DJ 2 took a back seat. Sigh.
I made a few more blocks. 

Then started some machine applique using a wash away fusible.  

After a while I started on the foundation blocks with the easiest square-in-a-square.

Then in January 2017 
I discovered the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) 
and decided to join in the fun and hope that I would be motivated to make more blocks. 

And I did make a few.

And a few more.

And still more.

Each month, when the colour was announced, I pulled fabrics and got them organized with the foundation papers. It was going to be so easy. 

And finally I cut all the outer border triangles so I would have enough of each colour and have the odd sized left overs for piecing later. 

Some months I only got one block made. 

And another.

I have packed all the blocks and fabrics and books into their respective project boxes and have sent them off on a winter vacation to a sturdy shelf. For now anyway. I have a doctorate to complete. This can wait. 

Everyone needs a ten year old to visit once in a while so we can learn new things.


And then her four year old sister came over and changed the design wall much to her annoyance. 

Linking with: 17-ufos-for-2017  midweek-makers  BOMs Away  sewfreshquilts   needle-and-thread-thursday   can I get a whoop-whoop   Slow Sunday Stitching   esther's WOW    needleandthreadnetwork   quilter's monday 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 2017 Goals

I love writing lists and making goals. Problem is, I don't always follow through. I did complete my omg-one-monthly-goal for October. Yay me!  Now I am making another goal for November. 
Well . . . two goals. 

Goal one: complete and submit this course for my doctorate. 

Goal two: complete these two 1857 blocks. 

I made exactly one Bright Jane block in October. Still need to trim it and remove the foundation papers. This project is now taking a winter sabbatical. I will revisit it next year sometime. 

I leave for Shipshewana Nov 8 for five days of quilting. I plan to leave my machines at home. The focus for me will be to be a student of the infamous Di Ford-Hall of Australia where she will teach hand work such as Broderie Perse applique, English Paper Piecing (EPP) and learning to let the fabric work for me. Fabric and colour selection is not one of my strengths. Maybe that will all change. 


Linking with:  omg-one-monthly-goal   midweek-makers  BOMs Away  sewfreshquilts   needle-and-thread-thursday   can I get a whoop-whoop   Slow Sunday Stitching   esther's WOW    needleandthreadnetwork   quilter's monday