Kenya and her cousin Greta were born 3 days apart so my sister in law Amy and I decided to have a combined birthday party for these little cuties. We had it on Greta's birthday the 22nd since Kenya's is over the holiday weekend on the 25th. Since both of us are in the process of building a new home and living with parents right now Amy's parents Allen and Linda Sumsion were kind enough to let us have the party at their house, thank you! It turned out great and the best part was Greta and Kenya eating their cupcakes and doing the jig to Greta's favorite latino party music! (Or what was that song!?) Greta got so happy when it played, it was hilarious! Thank you to all who came and for the cute gifts too!
Two twin cousins.
Kenya of course wouldn't sit still for a second
Greta was quite content wherever she was.
Singing "Happy Birthday" and clapping after.
We let them dig into their cake, they were pretty girly about it though, Kenya did manage to knock over a tower and take a bite of the chocolate bridge.
Eating their cupcakes , they attacked these much better!The masterpiece castle cake that Amy and her mom made!These are my cupcake bites, aren't they so cute! Thanks to Erianne for helping me out, although they're fun and easy to make they do take a while but they're worth it, so yummy! I got the recipe from
bakerella, she's got great ideas!
I also made these cupcakes, this was my first time decorating anything and although they are very amateur they were fun to do, I think I'll be decorating my own cakes more often, anyone want to take a class with me?