Sunday, December 19, 2010


At 10 months old, my baby girl has finally sprouted herself a couple teeth.  After months of seeing them hanging out just below the surface and thinking she would turn up with a tooth any minute, they have finally come.  She was doing all the usual teething behavior for so long with nothing to show for it, I thought that she just might drool and chew on things her whole life without ever getting any teeth.  I had dreams that I would go in to get her from her crib and she'd smile at me with a mouth full of teeth!  They're so cute and tiny.  It's fun to see them peeking out of her cute little grin.  

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I'm sorry, but I am just laughing to myself right now and I can't help but share.  My aunt once told a story of how she was in a yoga class and the instructor kept repeating, as you would in yoga, "inhale, exhale."  Now, this is all fine except she was pronouncing them, "inhell, exhell," and my aunt was trying so hard to not just laugh out loud the whole time.  See, sometimes in a certain accent that is prevalent around here, an a is pronounced as an e.  I really don't care much about dissecting people's accents but just this one gets to me for some reason.  So I imagined that yes, this must have been pretty funny, but this morning I had a local morning show on in the background and all of a sudden from the other room I heard, "inhell, exhell," and so I came in to see what was going on on my televesion set.  Sure enough, they were doing some yoga demonstration and, over and over, "inhell, exhell."  I don't know why this is so funny to me but it just is!  I guess it's because it is said with such intent, such seriousness and importance, "inhell....exhell."

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to check the mell and then file my nells and then call Brad to make sure he didn't fell is last final (which I'm sure he aced, actually).  Sorry.  Forgive me.  I just can't help it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

10 Months

Today this little rascal of mine is ten months old.  Wow.  I can't really believe I've made it this far into motherhood.  I know that sounds what did I think would happen? like I wouldn't make it or something?  But really, that's how I feel.   I feel surprise that my baby is almost a year old and I'm still trucking along.  Happy.  Still me.  And (I'd like to think) a contributing member of society.  Because there was a time after she was born when I thought, "ok so I don't know whose clothes are hanging in my closet and whose shoes these are because I am not that girl."  I think I just felt that her birth (traumatic as it was) was so pivotal and so intense that I emerged a different version of myself.   Then becoming consumed in her, I felt there were two me's.  One before Paige, and one after.  Like I could catagorize events with, "that's pre-motherhood me" or, "that's current me."  (I can also catagorize my life by my noses.  I'm currently on my third nose ((true)) but that's another story for another time.  You can click here if the curiosity's killing you.)  After 10 months though, I feel fused back to my old self, in ways anyway, and I just adore her and love love love that smile.  Now for the next baby....  Just kidding!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Little Legs

So Paige has been blowing out of every outfit lately.  I know.  Just what you wanted to read about today.  But really, I hope this passes quickly since the other day I had to strip her down in the bathroom of a restaurant only to realize that I didn't bring along an extra outfit, so she emerged from the bathroom with her top, hat, shoes, and diaper.  Lately, after the second pair of pants for the day, I just let her run around pant-less.  And that's not so bad, because then I get to look at her chubby legs.  I sit and watch as she pulls herself up on everything and maneuvers around on her tip-toes.  Not for long though, because pretty quickly I am overcome and have to tackle her and kiss her for a few minutes.

What's better than fat baby legs?  They're up there on my list of favorite things.  They always remind me of my little sister, who was quite, shall we say robust, as a baby.  Adorable.  And one day after my aunt hadn't seen her for a while she commented, "Oh wow, she's really thinning out.  The backs of her knees are skinnier."  I always look at the backs of babies knees now, and sure enough, there's usually something squishy.

Notice the tape on the drawers?  Yep.  We're pretty clever around here.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I only have three words tonight.

They are: three hour nap. Laaaaaa(angels singing)!

Three! 3. THREE! I started looking at my baby monitor in disbelief after the two hour mark. Now I know most if you have babies who do this everyday, but I, my friends, do not. Glorious. It was glorious.