Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Angel Babies

It was such a great day and a wonderful event to "walk for the steps they'll never take". I have such love for Ashley and Tyson! Team Tatum for life!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Above is Hanauma Bay!
Charlotte did great on the flight home because #1 we had an empty seat for her #2 it included nap time where she slept for 2.5 hours #3 the dvd player was fully charged (The flight there was a different story and I choose to block it out)

View of Honolulu

Our paradise pool complete with water slide

View of Waikiki

Hike to the water fall!
Ver muddy and slippery

We each jumped about 4-5 times! So fun!

Charlotte and the Sunset

USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor

Happy Charlotte at the PCC

On stage at the PCC

The whole gang! (minus Dad and a sleeping Elle)

We look like triplets...I don't know what everyone sees.

Playing with Uncle Benson on the Pinapple Express at the Dole Plantation

Choo choo!

The water babies! They LOVE the water! Everyday..."Go play in the water? Go kick kick kick? Ok Mommy?"

Sea turtles! Blair's favorite!

"Where't the birds Charlotte?" "I donno"

"FISH MOMMY! FISH!!! Right there"

Monday, March 15, 2010


After lots of paper work and year later...I HAVE MY DEGREE!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Zoo

So I have a confession. I do not like the zoo. It makes me sad. But, it was a beautiful day and I knew Charlotte would like it. And she did! She could live there with no problems.
She loved climbing around in the rainforest.

And she loved talking about the animals with her cousins.

She loved the elephants and said they were dirty and needed to take a bath in the water.

They were stinky.

Reptiles were the highlight of the day. When we made it through all the windows...Charlotte said "Oh no. All done. Its over. Oh no!"

These cousins were so fun to watch together.

She said in a high pitched voice, "Come ear bird. Come ear. Tweet Tweet."

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My big girl!

I am blown away with how big she is! Charlotte is talking too much and saying so many things. Some I don't know who taught her. Such as "Dogs are barking mommy. That scares me. Hurry inside mommy. Scary mommy. Mommy inside!" No joke.
She is such a happy girl too. She make me smile and laugh so much. She loves to snuggle and give loves and kisses. Sharing with her cousins usually works out well. Charlotte likes to do it most of the time. But, I mean, who really likes to share everything all the time?
There are definately defiant and stubborn times. I remind myself she is 2 and she doesn't scare me...I am the one making the rules around here. But she can be so direct and say, "Outside mommy. Boots and socks on, Ok? Jacket? Outside mommy. Outside. Ok? Ok mommy? Ok?" and then after I do what she says "Thank you mommy. Kisses. I wove you. Bye mommy. Outside." How do you argue with such adorable control?
Well, I have decided to start weining the pacifier and start potty training. What is holding me back? Oh I know...the fact that its easier for ME to give her a paci to soothe her and the fact the there are no poopy clothes/floors/furniture/cars for ME to clean up. I will do it...eventually.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

TUTU Party on 2-2

Charlotte don't eat the bubbles!!!

"You give me your candy, Ok?"

Pretty little tutus all in a row

Yay for bubbles!!!

We threw a Tutu party for Charlotte's second birthday on 2-2! She had a blast blowing bubbles and playing with all her friends and cousins who were in tutus too!