Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Take a Picture Me?" (Ryder Tales)

Ryder asks me at least 10 times a day to "take a picture me?"  Usually this just means that he wants to hold my phone and make funny faces at himself.  Every once in a while he will (sorta) hold still long enough for me to actually hit the button and capture a pic.
Ryder is in the process of discovering his imagination.  He can't tell what is real and what is pretend.  He and a little friend were playing in the backyard.  His friend told him there was a big shark in the grass.  Ryder ran inside and absolutely refused to go back out, even after I showed him there was no shark.  He also managed to convince himself that the lion pinata at a birthday party was real and made me carry him around ("Mommy, hold you!") until it was taken down.  
Ryder has never been much of a climber, but recently has started experimenting more with heights.  He has had several tumbles from the kitchen stools and off our bed.  Hasn't phased him much though.  Good thing that big head of his is so tough.
I don't get a lot of these moments anymore.  Nothing warmer than a sleepy toddler.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Wish I Had a Picture

Today my son and I blew bubbles.  The sun was shining.  There was just enough breeze to lift the bubbles up over the treetops and into the sky.  Picture perfect.  Too bad I can't juggle a bubble stick and camera at the same time.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


(not my pic, not sure where it originated on the net, but kudos for whomever wants the credit)
I recently listened to a talk about using various holidays to teach values.  The idea is resonating with me.  I want to be one of those families who celebrate Valentines or Labor Day, but I'm lazy.  However, if I remember that in February I am working on the value of Love or September I am working on the Values of Hard Work and Rest, I feel more of a drive to actually follow through with my big plans.

January (New Years):  New Beginnings
February (Valentines):  Love
March:  hmm...  St. Patty's Day, Drinking(?)...  no probably not.
April (Easter):  Sacrifice
May (Memorial Day): Honoring our Past
June:  birthday month for me and Ty, so Celebrating Individuals in Family (obviously this will extend to other b-days too)
July (4th):  Patriotism
August (School Starts):  Perseverance
September (Labor Day):  Hard Work & Rest
October (Halloween): Play / Imagination
November (Thanksgiving): Gratitude
December (Christmas):  Serving / Giving

I haven't yet figured out how these values will be put to action.  I would love to have activities I do as an individual and/or things we do as a family to emphasize and teach these ideas.