Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nothing New...

It's kinda just one of those times when nothing is going on and by the time I get home my brain feels like mush. Probably because I pretty much emotionally invest myself in other people for the 8 hours a day while doing therapy. And, because I am chronically behind on notes (go figure) if I am in front the computer at night I am catching up.
On the good side though, Tyler is actually home on the evenings & weekends. I am making it to the gym 5x a week and eating more than really healthy. And I have time to read, plan vacations, and talk to friends / family.
So, that's it... nothing new.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sunday, February 1, 2009

We Survived

Avatar is OVER!! I am SO. HAPPY. I don't know that it has even sunk in all the way yet; every once in a while it will hit either Tyler or myself and there is instant giddiness. There was also something almost poetic about Tyler getting violently ill the last two days of the job, almost as if Avatar was reminding him to remember his lesson: that he NEVER wants to do a project this intense again, no matter how prestigious it looks on paper. Now on to Dreamworks, a mecca of 9-6 working hours, paid holidays, paid vacations, paid sick leave, and medical benefits. Oh the bliss.