Sunday, September 30, 2007

AA Meeting

So, I am finally getting help for my problem. I am turning over a new leaf and relying on my higher power to get me through each day. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your love and support during this time....

Kidding aside, this was really a pretty cool experience. My assignment for one of my classes was to attend a self-help group for substance abuse and then, of course, write a 5-page paper on the experience. I think one of my faults is a tendency to forget that there are people behind the problems; especially when it is something I can't relate to (like Alcohol addiction). It was amazing to sit with strangers in a room, listen to their life experiences, and feel like a part of something really big and really powerful. With so much negativity surrounding us in the media, it is nice to have a reminder that there are people out there in the world making positive changes. Both in their own lives and in others.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

what's in a name?

seems like everyone i know has a blog, or facebook, or myspace, or a combination of all of the above plus some. so what has stopped me from joining the party? well, i would like to say that it is because of some kind of philosophical highground, like keeping my life free from technological timewasters, but the reality is: i haven't started a blog before now because i haven't been able to think of a name. now, i ask you, how silly is that? and it isn't from lack of trying either. for weeks, I would think of a clever, original name (or so I thought), only to find that a fellow blogger had already taken it. finally for my url i settled on my initials h.m.r.t. now, my dear friends, i need your help. many fun phrases can be made from my 4-letter acronym, and i am asking you to come up with some that you think are most clever. the only rule is that you must use all 4 letters, in the order provided for you. whoever 'wins' gets to help me officially name my blog (at least until i decide to change it up to keep life interesting:)
so, thinking caps on. mark, set, go... this is a test of friendship, people... ha, ha.