Wednesday, February 24, 2016

And A Happy New Year

Long gone are the days where we could turn the clock forward and trick the kids into going to bed early on New Years Eve. In fact the youngest was the biggest promoter of staying awake clear til midnight. I turn into a pumpkin around 9:00. (Yes I'm an old lady...I don't actually go to bed but my brain has turned off for the day.) So this was a serious accomplishment for me. The kids planned a great party.
We hung balloons across the living room that were filled with star confetti. They then wrote random times on the balloons and popped them at that time. (There is still confetti hiding around the house.) 
We also had bags for every hour that had an activity in it. You know stuff to keep the mommy awake. We played Uno, we watched a movie, we went outside and blew bubbles that froze (that was really cool), we unwrapped a giant tape ball that had prizes inside it, we had a Nerf Gun war and Tell's favorite the donut game.
Lots of laughs.
Not pictured is round two between Heath, myself, and Red Grandma. Hello, of course I won!
Oh, you better believe we roped Red Grandma into partying with us! It was fun and late....
After family prayer Heath told the kids that they needed to wake up and clean up from the party while we slept in. It worked, they really did it. :) Happy New Year!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Merry Christmas

 We had a wonderful Christmas! We all worked endlessly giving service so that our baby Jesus would have a nice soft bed on Christmas morning. We did the twelve days of Christmas for two families here in our community. The kids LOVED doing that. Next year I was informed that they would need black ski masks...
This kid is definitely my reader. I love that he loves to read. When I was young I did not love to read. I remember going to the library with my best friend and cousin and just sitting there while she picked out books and then we would go home and she would read while I sat. (Don't get me wrong, I have great memories of the adventures we had together. I just wish that I loved to read back then like she did.)
He will pause for a smile at his mom. Not because he is happy I am interrupting his story but because it was pretty comical that I climbed under the tree to snag a picture.
Merry Christmas from the Oveson Family!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

While I was gone...

While I was having my adventure in Alaska my people were working, working, working their guts out! When we moved into our house the master bath was not all. The tub and walls were yellow. Not just a tint of yellow full on nasty yellow! I used every imaginable cleaning solution and scrubbing, but nothing worked. So I purchased a dark shower curtain and kept it closed. All. The. Time. 
Here is what I came home to. Look how lovely white everything is. Not only did they put in a new tub and surround but they painted the walls and bought all new towels and rugs. It did NOT stop there my friends. 
They painted my bedroom walls. Again since we moved in there has been one square unpainted on the wall where the previous owners must have run out of paint. I hated it and one of the walls was really really dark brown which I didn't love either. Now it is my favorite light brown. They got new bedding and made curtains and pillows to match! 
Are we done yet? Nope! They painted the livingroom wall. (It was the same dark brown as my bedroom wall.) And they hung up my family pictures. They super cleaned the entire house. New rugs in my kitchen and at my back door. Window seals installed in EVERY window in the house. They fixed a few sheet rock holes around the house. They recruited help from Blue Grandma, Papa, Aunt Aimee, Uncle Andy and Grandma Lu. It was a team effort. I don't think that Heath slept at all the five days I was gone. It was a huge undertaking that turned out AMAZING!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Alaska Adventure!

Oh baby, did I go on an adventure! My sister and her family moved to Alaska. Her hubby went a month before the rest of the crew. So I was lucky enough to be the travel helper with Toni and the kids. It was such a fun adventure!We started in the car.  
Just a little sibling love, it's completely normal.
Funny faces...also completely normal as soon as the camera came out.
Everyone had to get in on the funny faces!
We made it to the airport! We got all the boxes checked. There were 18 Rubbermaid boxes, a huge suitcase and two car seats. (No big deal :)) Then we tried to check the dog. It was too cold to check him (what we originally planned on doing) so we packed him up and hauled him with us through the airports and on the planes.
Here we are on plane #2. (You know the plane we almost missed because we thought we had time for a bathroom break.)
Don't worry, we made it! And this big fellow met us as we got off the plane in Alaska. While we were there we searched and searched all over so that I could see a live moose. No luck. :( Since then the Petersen's have seen many a moose. I guess I will have to visit again so that I can have my chance.
We hung out, being silly! 
Because sometimes you have to sit around the house with your Harry Potter glasses on.
Then we ventured out into the cold. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be, but I'm sure it will get that way.
We made a trail to sled down in their backyard. You needed to use those two trees to stop yourself or you would face plant into an even bigger tree.
Those Rubbermaid boxes that we loaded all their belongings in...those make great sleds!
The big girlie took a turn and almost didn't catch herself, yikes!
One day Toni, Ayvri and I ventured out to do a little shopping. The roads are super slick and it gets dark fast there. Ayvri assured us both that she was confident in everything so we were going to be fine! This is the sunset. The picture really does not do it justice. It looked like the horizon was on fire and within two minutes it was gone. 
I came home to a wonderful surprise that my peeps worked and worked on to get done for me. Here they are sporting their new Alaska hats! I really really loved going up there and seeing where my favorite Petersen family lives! (Can't wait to go again)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Baby Holly

Right before Christmas we added to our farm family. Baby Holly was born. She is the first girl cow born on our farm. (We have had lots of bull calves born around here.)

Here are pictures of her right after she was born.

We kinda missed the actual birth. One of our friends that was here getting milk texted me a picture of mama cow (Lucy) and she was definitely in labor. 

So I quickly hurried home. I got there and Lucy was still laboring. I went inside to change my clothes. (In case she needed any help and because it is a really messy ordeal.)

By the time we got back outside, Holly was here! Mama cow did great and Holly is so fat and happy now. She jumps and hops all around the pen. We love our new addition!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Grandpa Broadhead

I am not sure what to say. I have been trying for days to articulate best my feelings. I love my grandpa. I miss my grandpa. I am so glad he is no longer in pain.

This is my grandpa. Last Sunday he passed away. I will forever and always remember you and the times that we shared together. Remember when we would go buy "antifreeze," the blue drink from the gas station down the road. Remember when we rode in the back of your truck on washboard roads. Remember how you could always find the chocolate syrup at Perry Lodge. Remember when we watched Home Alone and you laughed so hard when the pizza guy knocked over the statue with his car. Remember the many "Red Brick Mountains of Kanab" choruses that we would sing. Remember walking all over snow covered mountains to find Grandma's perfect Christmas tree. Remember how we just followed you all over Perry Lodge as you worked. Remember when you laughed so hard the bed shook at the Christmas elephant scaring us. Remember when we went to the Old Barn Theater. Remember the many Big Adventures we went on together. Remember how you told me everything would be OK. Remember how you always held Grandma's hand when we prayed. (When I was little I would imagine having that someday. I now do.) And so many more "remember when's." But more than the when's I will remember the feelings. The feeling of love and comfort I felt in your home and just being around you. The feeling of having the best grandpa in the world.

It felt very applicable that the scripture of the day was Enos 1:27 "And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me; Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father, Amen."

Friday, February 13, 2015

Proud to be an American

Today was the 5th grade program. Let's just pause for one second and try and wrap our heads around the fact that I have a 5th grader...that was not easy. The program was all about America and the presidents. She worked very hard. This year she is trying to receive her "Patriot Award". It has you memorizing lots, and lots, and lots of fun facts. The boys will be so prepared when they get to 5th grade because Kodi is so thorough in making sure we all know our facts. :) I knew all the states way back when and now I know them all over again. (Thank you Fifty Nifty United States song.) Kodi also knows a great song that names all the presidents in order. She has it down, I am still working on that one. I love when my kids sing patriotic songs. I am so proud to be an American, and that I am raising my kids here in this great country! (I may have cried, but don't tell her that.) She smiled at me each time our eyes met. We are best friends! (Let us focus on the fact that it is the day before Valentine's day and that is why she can pull of a red shirt and pink socks.)