Web to Print Software

Friday, January 25, 2013

Each of us think of what kind of business to put up just to augment the family income. Times are getting harder and harder and sometimes it is just not enough. We just can't rely on the salary anymore and we need to think of other ways just to have a little more. I've been visible in the net lately and I have come across this interesting business. It's the web to print technology at eoncode.com. With just their software, we can start our own printing business. It can even be done in the confines of our house, well at least for a start. When it grows bigger and bigger, then we need to think big too, like probably getting an office somewhere. Oh it's not even necessary I think. This is the kind of business I like, it's simple.


Separation Anxiety

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Waaaaaahhhh! The daughter will be traveling without a relative! Separation anxiety is what I am feeling right now. My stomach has been churning too. This shouldn't be happening, she'll be 20 in the coming months. You can't blame me, we are attached to each other. I can't help but feel lonely, my darling doll is no longer a baby and she can travel without us already!!!! Anyway, she'll be in Bangkok for 10 days for the dCatch2013 program. She just left today for Bangkok and we are already talking about dCatch2014 in Japan. Waaaahhhhhh!


Background Checks

Monday, January 14, 2013

Oh what the net can do...sometimes it is unimaginable. Sometimes I like the idea, sometimes I don't. The thing that I don't like is that I rely on the net too much and I get paralysed when I can't go online. I think I need to adapt to this kind of setting and get used to it. We are in the internet age and we can get almost everything in just one click. A lot of stuff are shortened and we save on time and money. All kinds of business benefit from this. Most things are made simple and can be accessed right away. No more long waiting periods. Take for example the hiring of employees, did you know that background check pre employment at easybackgrounds can be done? Why go through all the pains of doing it yourself when there is someone who uses advanced technology to do it? This will be a great help in getting the right people to work for you.


Be Careful

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

I abhor crazy people on the streets, there are a lot of them. I get mad because even if you take extra care while driving there are just crazy drivers out there who involve you in accidents. I also get mad at some motorcycle riders who are not disciplined. I am so glad when our government came up with a motorcycle lane and you can't find them everywhere now. No offence meant but some riders eat up all lanes that you can't overtake other cars. It's ok if they observe speed and all, but there are some who don't. Anyway I am hoping that riders have heard of this bluetooth motorcycle helmet too because I still see some riders using their mobile phones while on the road. I can't stand looking at them because sometimes I anticipate horrible things happening to them as a result of this stupid act.


Family Bonding

Photobucket We plan to do this once a month, you know just spending time with each other over ice cream, smoothie, coffee or tea. We do a lot of movies but then again it isn't enough. We need plenty of time to bond with our family if we want to have a loving and solid family. A little money won't really leave a hole in the pocket or even it if did I'd still do it. Spending time with the family are wonderful memories to look back to when we are old and gray.



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