The Best of Me

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I am a stay-at-home Mom, I guess everyone knows that already. Wait, apparently not everyone because when I saw this classmate from high school, he asked what I did for a living. When I told him that I am taking care of the household, it looked like he got the biggest shock of his life. Hhhmmm, since when is it degrading? Yeah that was the look painted on his face, maybe he expected me to be the CEO of a big company eh? Anyway I wanted to tell him that it is the most rewarding job but I didn't bother. Just by the look on his face, I can judge that I won't be able to get my message across. If he only knew how successful I am in the house being a Mom, a wife and a homemaker. If only he could come and visit and see what's inside my home. If only he knew how particular I was when it comes to everything in my house. I have a feeling that my readers know more about me that him. Oh well. Anyway, being a homemaker I was kinda particular when we built our house. I saw to it that everything I liked was followed, but of course with the approval of our big boss. I made sure that I had a nice bathroom in each and every room in the house. If you want to see the furniture, taps, bath, shower that I installed, you can take a look at Maybe you can get an idea on how you want your bathroom to look like. They come out with new products every time and from there you will know what's the latest when it comes to bathroom furniture and fixture.



Is it Christmas already? Not quite, a few days from now, oh make that three! Do you feel it? I don't, and I don't know why. Probably because there is not much rush going on. I shopped for presents in early November, and I don't think I'm doing any last minute shopping. I guess everything is covered.

I'm just waiting for the spirit to kick in. Hopefully it will anytime soon. This is the first time I am feeling it actually. I guess there's more than enough Christmas adrenalin that needs to be released. Merry Christmas everyone!


Younger Looking

Monday, December 13, 2010

Oooh la la! I just learned about this. I came across it while doing my usual internet rounds. I got interested and read more. According to what I read online, these hgh releasers make our skin look younger and it decreases wrinkles. This is probably the reason why I never stopped reading about it. Yes I am interested. I think when you are in your 40s, you get interested in stuff that will make you look younger.


Wardrobe Upgrade

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I am trying to upgrade my wardrobe. Much as I don't like it because I know I'd be spending a lot, I really can't do anything. Nothing fits me anymore since I gained weight. Really I am not kidding. I gained 23 lbs, now can you expect me to fit in my old size 0 denims? You must be kidding me. Anyway, I'm not really worried about spending that much since I found some women's dresses that are quite affordable. I am really happy about this because it means I can buy more. I really need a complete upgrade because I have been using the same dresses over and over again. It's like I am not changing anymore and it's ewwwwwww.


Merry Christmas

Neighbors want it lighted every night, but nah I'm not gonna do that now. I'd probably start lighting everyday starting on the 15th til the 31st. I don't know how much electricity will be added to my bill so I'll have to wait and see first before I go full blast. I heard that LED lights don't use up too much electricity so we'll see. Anyway, I can say that this is some sort of an attraction in our street. So I don't really blame the neighbors for wanting it lighted every night.


Very Useful

Monday, December 06, 2010

My sister in the US sent her old laptop for my other siblings to use. Now they don't need to go to the internet cafe just to go online or probably do some research. My sister-in-law shared that even her 10-year old daughter needs to research on certain topics using the net. I agree with her. Nowadays internet is really important. Almost all households have computer and internet connection already. Everything can be readily checked and we can even get online life insurance quotes right away. The net has indeed made life a little easier for all of us. I am even getting to be dependent on it, well because I have unlimited internet connection here at home. I am just making the most out of it. It's very helpful because you get almost all the information you need with just a click of a finger. Do you agree with me on this?


How Can I Be so Forgetful?

Went to visit The Rents today. We had a good lunch over at my mother's place and the thing that I loved most today was the good laugh we had while driving down my in-laws place. We were all laughing hard in the car, did I ever tell you that I have two silly kids? Anyway, I was supposed to check the mattress my MIL bought recently. She only has good words for it. She says that she feels very comfortable whenever she lies down and it gives her a sound sleep. I think she bought a memory foam, well based on her description. She actually forgot what it's called and that is also the reason why I want to check it out. Thing is, I forgot to go up. We were too in a hurry to go home because one of the kids isn't feeling well. Oh well there is always next week for me to check it out. We visit The Rents every Sunday anyway.


Christmas Village Upgrade

It's now complete, well at least for this season. It started with just 2 "houses". I can't believe I now have about 14. I just did an improvised snow blanket since they don't sell it here in the Philippines. I know you'd find it odd seeing my Christmas Village covered in snow. I just want to "realize" my dream of experiencing snow, and since it will take a while, I'll just enjoy looking at my village and who knows a cool wind will blow my way and bring me to the real winter wonderland. That would be nice!


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