Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 22 Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run!

Get ready for picture overload!
Let me just start by saying that I am SO happy I did this!  It was seriously one of the funnest things I have ever done.  No Joke.  I have awesome friends...and we were laughing the entire time!

The Mighty Momma's group shots...
 Getting pumped up before the race...we are not immature at all!



 We were scheduled to race at 10:30.   We ended up sneaking into the 10:00 wave cause we were bored...rebels!
Our husbands and kids were able to follow along the route and take pictures which was fun.  Rand was only able to take pictures of the first few obstacles and the last few.  I wish we had more pictures of the funny obstacles.   My favorite was the massive blow up slide.  We all held hands and went down together landing in a mud bath!
This is the first mud pit we had to go through.  Totally smelt like poop!

talk about slippery!
Best part about being covered in mud...looking like we are all short-less!
 worst part about being covered in mud...not being able to touch/wipe off your face!

 This is what my kids did while I was getting down and dirty...

 Almost done!  Sara hurt her arm a few days before the race, and had to wear a sling...but she was a champ and did it anyway!  She had to bypass most of the obstacles, but we made sure to share the love and get her muddy.
 Finished!  Woot Woot!
 Victory dance

 We all piled into a tent to "hose" off the best we could before changing back into clean clothes.  We all headed to Dave and Busters for lunch after.
We arrived home with just enough time to get showered and get together again to play bunco!  I have to give a shout out to our awesome husbands that took care of the kids all day so we could play!  Seriously!  You are all awesome!  Bunco was a blast as usual.  Those of us that ran decided to wear our souvenir shirts and necklaces.  Again, we felt it necessary to act like teenagers :)

Thanks girls for such a fun day that I will never forget!

Jun 17-21

We had another average week.  Which means lots of pool time!  Avery loves playing with her little friends in the water...they like to pretend that they are mermaids.  I love that she is independent enough for me to just focus on my cry baby :)

 When B isn't crying, he is hanging out in the stroller like this...
 This week at story time Avery made a paper plate bird...

 I taught Avery how to do thumbs up.  Cracks me up.  She does it all the time if there is something that she likes :)

I meant to add this picture to the last post...
This is the aspen tree that we brought with us when we moved here.  Probably the only aspen in Missouri!  It is finally getting big!  I wasn't sure it would grow well here, but it is doing just fine.  Love our little piece of Utah :)
That is really all that we did during the week!  Rough I know :)  Then on Saturday I did my mud run- it was a  blast!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 2-16

Wow, I have really been slacking! Sorry! I am blaming the fact that it is now summer, and we are outside all the time :)  Well, I really don't have much to blog about the past two weeks...other than the pool.  Which I don't have many pictures of.
We got a swim pass this year, and we intend to take full advantage of it! We go to the pool with friends every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 
This was our first outing.  Avery was beyond excited to finally go swimming.  Beckett on the other hand, hated it.  The first two times we went, the water was way cold, so he just screamed the entire time.
 He still doesn't love it, but will play with toys and splash for about 20 minutes...then he is done. I just hold him until he falls asleep.  It is a good thing that Avery is old enough to play with her friends by herself so that I can hold him :) This picture makes me laugh- I love that Beckett is basically covered head to toe and his buddy is only in shorts!  My poor fair skinned kids!
Avery and Presli frequently take breaks to have a snack and lay out. Life is rough :)
When we are not at the pool, we are probably getting wet in the back yard. Avery loves the sprinkler under the trampoline.
We have made home made ice cream in a bag a few times.  It's fast and easy!  You should try it. Found the recipe on Pinterest.
Wednesday mornings we still go to story time.  Last week they learned about washing hands.  After they read a story about germ monsters,the kids all put a special lotion on their hands and got to look at it under a black light. If you have never done this before, it glows.  Then they washed their hands the correct way and got to put their hands back under the light to see how clean they were.  Avery thought it was the coolest thing!
Beckett decided that he likes graham crackers last week... and can't get enough!
Avery has developed her own sense of style. I rarely let her dress herself, but I decided to let her one day after we got back from the pool... I love that her outfits always have to include glasses and a necklace!
Yesterday was Fathers Day.
Avery made this in Primary.  I love her answers!
Rand is an awesome Dad.  His kids adore him.  As much as I hate to admit it...but Rand could get the best laughs out of Beckett way before I could!  Avery loves jumping all over him and he doesn't mind. She calls him Daddy-O.  It cracks me up when she says, "Where's Daddy-O?" or "Lets go Daddy-O!"  We love you Daddy-O and appreciate everything you do for us!

I also have to give a shout out to my Dad.  I have an awesome dad that has taught me so much.  He has always been such a good example to me.  I wish we were able to see him more. I want him to know that I appreciate everything he has done for me, I love you Dad!

 My family will appreciate this... I actually signed up for a 5K that is this Saturday! Crazy, I know! I love working out, but I have never been a "runner".  I like running occasionally, but I've never run very far with out stopping a million times.  A few months ago my friend mentioned that she wanted to do the Dirty Girl Mud Run.
 So I looked it up and immediately wanted to do it!  Once I signed up, I started running more just to make sure that I can actually finish!  I'm proud to say that I can run (a fairly hilly) 3 miles straight with out stopping in about 27 minutes.  Not too bad right?  This is the perfect 5K for me because it is totally just for fun.  The best part's not even timed!  You can dress up as a team and go through obstacles in the mud.  Should be hilarious! I'm way excited. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 12-June 2

I have a lot to catch up on!  Three weeks worth!  A lot has happened in the last three weeks, but lucky for you I haven't taken a million pictures!
Let's see...
Three weeks ago I let Avery wash the car with me.  I made the mistake of mentioning the car needed to be cleaned and she begged me daily to help me wash it.  So on a nice warm day I put her in her swim suit and let her have at it.  She was in heaven!
 We also played in the sprinkler for a while after.
 I got my hair cut!  Love it!  Rand likes my hair long, but honestly I think I look much better with shoulder length hair. My hair is crazy thick too, so I always have it thinned A LOT.  After it is all swept up, it looks like there is just as much hair on the floor as there is on my head!
 We had bunco that week!  These girls are so much fun.  Three of these girls are moving and it was their last time playing.  Seriously.. I'm so sad! I hate when my friends move. I hate change.  Unfortunately, that is what happens ever few years when you live next to a military base.
We went to the park with some friends one evening before a huge tornado storm rolled in...the one that hit Oklahoma hard, remember? Anyway...this is me and my cute friend Sarah.  Avery and Sarah's nephew Gavin became good friends that day.  They had brought his power wheels car and Gavin drove Avery around the entire time.  It was the cutest thing!  She couldn't stop smiling!
 Two weeks ago I was filling in at the dental office when the huge storm came through.  It wasn't bad where we were, but we did get lots of wind and rain.  There were lots of broken trees.  I made Rand re-support our front tree because the bark was cracked.  There was a small tornado that touched down  about 10 miles away.
Not sure exactly when this picture was taken, but I'm pretty sure it was two weeks ago... haha.  You would never know it by their faces, but they were both loving that they could swing together!  
 and then it seems like all it did the last two weeks was rain...and rain hard!  I love a good summer storm, but I am about rained out!
 The kids had a Dr. apt.
Avery needed to get her clearance for preschool and Beckett is now nine months old!
Beckett's stats are:
Weight: 18 lbs 25%
Height: 29 in 75% (I think)
Head: 18 in 75%  the kid has a big head!
Avery Stats:
not sure the percentiles
Weight: 32 lbs
head: 19 3/4 in

Beckett also decided to get teeth this week!  He was one cranky emotional mess.  By the end of the week he had two bottom teeth!
He also decided to start army crawling!  I need to get a good video of it.

 This is not a great picture...but my columbines are in full bloom right now!  I have such a love/hate relationship with them.  I don't hate the plant itself, because they are beautiful.  I just hate where we planted them.  I had no idea they get so big and tall!  We planted them towards the front of the garden and they are crowding out everything!  I am going to have to rip them out this fall and plant new ones towards the back next to the bushes.
And that brings us to last week!
Last Sunday Sarah and her husband wanted to go see the Kansas City Temple.  So we drove up there after church.  It was windy and not the best day for pictures, but it was still fun.  We also visited the Liberty Jail before heading home.

 I love when both kids fall asleep at the same time!

 Monday was Memorial Day.  We went to the annual pancake breakfast that morning at Cave Hollow Park.  Then watched all the men play soft ball.  It was fun because our ward was split last year, and both wards get together for this.  The ball game was first ward against second ward.  Of course another storm was on its way that morning, but we were able to eat and play ball right before it poured on us!
 Later that day my friend Jaime (one of my friends moving) had a going away BBQ.  We weren't sure it was going to happen because of the rain, but it stopped about an hour beforehand and was beautiful and sunny.   It ended up being a good thing that it rained because the park was partially flooded and the kids ran around in it like a splash pad.
Here is a few of us (we never think to take a picture before some of us leave).
Later that night (just to keep the party going...) we had a Bachelorette party too!
Jaime moved two days ago :(  We were talking the other day, and realized that the two of us have known each other the longest- since she moved here five years ago.  So sad to have her gone.
Don't you love that it looks like my hair is totally receding?!  Dang wind!

 A few days ago, Avery watched me put my make up on and asked if she could put hers on.  I don't let her do it very often because this is what happens...but she was so proud of herself and I couldn't stop laughing!  She may need a little practice.
 Yesterday I finally cut Beckett's hair.  He needed it soooo bad.  It's not perfect because he wouldn't hold still but it is much better than it was!

 Last night we decided to roast hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire in our kettle grill.  Part of me feels like this is kind of ghetto of us... but it was fun!  One day we will have an in ground fire pit somewhere in the back yard :)  We actually had jalapeno cheddar dogs wrapped in a biscuit, and s'mores to be exact.  It was totally good. 
We watched while Dad did all the work :)