Monday, March 25, 2013

March 17-23

I totally didn't do anything for St. Patricks Day last Sunday.  I know!  Not very cool of me.  To be honest, I didn't even think about it until the night before!  The least I could do was make sure we were all wearing green at church and then came home and made green pancakes for lunch :) That was the extent of our celebrating!
Rand has been bugging me to get rid of some of my old shoes.  I finally decided to do it this week!  Avery loves wearing my shoes...and she was even more excited when she saw these beauties!
 "They are too big for me mom!  Too big for walking!"  Ha Ha!  yes Avery...they are!  Remember when big chunky shoes were in style???  anyone??  That totally dates me doesn't it?!  I think I got those when I was a Sophmore in high school!  Yes, I should have done this a LONG time ago :) I am actually going to keep a few so that Avery can dress up in them when she is older.  I always wished my mom had kept more of her things for me to see when I was growing up.

I caught these two playing together the other day.  Avery was just letting Beckett play with her face for several minutes while she watched TV!  That's love! And yes, she is always wearing a crown...
 I filled in at the dental office again Wednesday.  Avery was acting really mellow and tired that evening and I knew that she was getting sick.  I was supposed to work Thursday as well, but ended up not going in because she had a fever and threw up that morning.  She did a lot of laying on the couch.
 Sad story:  Thursday morning I went to wake Avery up and thought I smelled barf when I walked in her room... she sat up when she heard me walk in and was covered in it!  I felt sooooo bad!  I always hear her in the night, but I totally slept through this one :(  I have no idea how long she had been laying in it, but it was all over her face and clothes and  bed.  She had put her blanket over the nasty that got on the sheets so she could go back to sleep :( Totally broke my heart!  Worst mom award goes to me!  I still can't believe I didn't hear her crying.

poor sick girl

Even when she doesn't feel good, she insists on wearing a crown and heels!
 She was all better by Saturday!

Beckett has had some awesome bed head this week!  This picture doesn't do it justice...he may be needing a hair cut soon!

It snowed Saturday night and most of the day Sunday.  They canceled church, so we had a nice cozy lazy day!  It didn't snow a ton, maybe four inches at the most.  Lets hope that is the last storm of the year!
We had a fire going all day.  Instead of just re-heating the meat for our tacos (for lunch) in the microwave, Rand decided to roast it over the fire.  You should be jealous.  I was sad we didn't have any marshmallows this time!  I really like having a wood burning fireplace :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 10-16

So I missed posting last week.  I didn't take a single picture worth posting!  Not one!  So, lets move on to this week.
I took some pictures of Beckett.  These are my two favorite.  His smile seriously makes my day!  LOVE!

 Avery has been watching a lot of Word World on TV.  It's a cute show that teaches kids letters/words and their sounds.  As a result, Avery has been obsessed with letter sounds this week.  Gotta love educational shows :)
 The weather finally warmed up on Thursday and we spent some time outside cleaning out the flower garden from last years plants. The kids swim suits also came that day. Avery was beyond excited to try them on! They are so cute, and now I can't wait for summer!  She threw a huge fit when I made her take them off. 
  Friday was so nice, it was  80 degrees! We started off the day by playing with cousins outside.
 Then we met up with some friends at the indoor pool at the community center.  It was our first time and was so much fun!  It was B's first time in pool and he really liked it :)
 Cute friends playing together
 Next we headed to the park with lunch
 After a while we decided that it was way to busy, 
so we headed home to play with sidewalk chalk!

 Nikki is a much better mom than me...she was drawing with the girls and I took pictures the whole time :) hey someone has to document right ;)

 Look mom!  I'm a cat!

These girls were so dirty by the end...they had just as much chalk on them as the drive way did.  Avery managed to get it all over her face and the cat too!
 Beckett has also decided that he wants to eat baby food!  Finally!  I was getting worried...he hated it and would gag so much that he would barf every time I tried to feed him.  But he has had a change of heart and doesn't seem to mind it.  He doesn't love it yet, but we are getting there :)
See ya next week!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Feb 24-Mar 2

Beckett turned six months old Sunday the 24th!  He has mastered sitting up the past few weeks!
Weight:  15.11 lbs   15%
Height:  27 1/4 in.  75 %
Head: 17 1/2 in.  78%
We snapped a few pictures of him showing off his mad sitting skills

 It snowed again this week.  We got another 12 inches on top of the 10 we had last week.  We have so much snow piled up on the grass it is ridiculous! This was heavy packing snow so it was perfect to play in!  Avery and I quickly got to work making a snow man.  This is the first snowman we have made in Missouri!  
Yes that is a tag on Avery's coat.  Totally forgot to remove it before she wore it!

 Cutest little snowman!  We are pretty proud of him.
 Rand dug out a cave while we made the snowman.  Avery thinks it is the coolest thing ever!  If we had a sled, it would have been the perfect hill to slide down :(

 Avery wouldn't stop eating the snow
 We roasted marshmallows in the fireplace that night- so fun!

 We made snow ice cream!

 Avery watched Cinderella with her BFF.  These two fight like crazy, but love to play with each other...go figure :/
 Avery ate lots of quesadilla's.  She has one every day.  She has an obsession with cheese.
 That was our week!  Hope you had a good one!