Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween 2012

We had a fun Halloween again this year. We carved our pumpkins the night before.  Avery was really excited until we started gutting them.  She lost interest fast and then only wanted to stab mine with the tools while I tried to carve :)

Avery decided to be a Witch, she picked out her costume herself. She was really excited to wear her dress and asked to wear it every day until Halloween finally arrived.     

I love this picture!  She just realized that there was a puking pumpkin and thought it was hilarioius!

She couldn't get enough of this broom.

Our little skeletons
Beckett and his buddy Ledger- they are two weeks apart

Ready to go trick or treating with her friends!

Happy Halloween!

Beckett update

Beckett will be three months old this week (on Friday)!  I meant to post about his two month check up, but of course am very late on that.  So here are his two month stats:

Weight: 11.5 lbs  25 %
Length: 23 inches  50 %
15.5 inches  75 %

The first thing the Dr. said when she walked in the room was "wow, he is a big boy!"  Yes he is!  He is a good eater and sleeper.  He only wakes up once at night, and it is usually around 5 AM.  I can't complain.  He is a really good baby for the most part.  He is super lazy.  His idea of tummy time is relaxing on his tummy and sucking on his hands.  He didn't even try to lift his head until recently. He loves his bouncer seat.  He gets really excited watching his toys that hang from it.  He likes to talk and will coo back and forth with us. Avery loves him and is very loving and kind to him. She loves to talk to him and give him hugs and kisses. She is always concerned if he is unhappy.
We love this little guy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Big Girl!

I originally wasn't going to post about potty training, but I figured that it was such a huge event for us that I had to document it.  As you all know Avery is 3.  I had no intention of forcing the issue with her until after Beckett was born because I figured her life was going through enough changes.  However, six months before he was born I did dedicate one day to the bathroom just to see what she would do.  So after a very frustrating day, I decided that she isn't ready because she clearly knows what she is doing, and just doesn't have the desire.
Six weeks after Beckett was born we decided that it is now time to get it done.  I found a post on Pinterest on how to potty train in a day.  I pinned it instantly and read it several times before deciding that is the method I was going to do.  I also bought a little portable "frog potty" for her to see if she liked that better than the big one.
After my first attempt, I decided that the kitchen is the best place to do it...we needed room to move. I used our table and chairs to block off the dining area and the baby gate to block off the other enterance.

movie, books, toys, juice and treats!

She had two accidents before she decided she liked to sit on the frog potty.  We were golden after that!  I can tell you that she was potty trained by the end of the day and I didn't completely want to kill myself by the end of it! ;)  Then it was just reinforcing for the rest of the week.  I will say that on day three she kind of reverted back for a few hours, but then decided that she liked it again. 

 This is how B spent the day... poor guy, he didn't get much attention but did great!

Now that it is over, I'm not sure if it was the portable potty or the method used that made her decide she was ok with it...not sure, maybe both. I'm sure glad it is over!