Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween 2012

We had a fun Halloween again this year. We carved our pumpkins the night before.  Avery was really excited until we started gutting them.  She lost interest fast and then only wanted to stab mine with the tools while I tried to carve :)

Avery decided to be a Witch, she picked out her costume herself. She was really excited to wear her dress and asked to wear it every day until Halloween finally arrived.     

I love this picture!  She just realized that there was a puking pumpkin and thought it was hilarioius!

She couldn't get enough of this broom.

Our little skeletons
Beckett and his buddy Ledger- they are two weeks apart

Ready to go trick or treating with her friends!

Happy Halloween!

Beckett update

Beckett will be three months old this week (on Friday)!  I meant to post about his two month check up, but of course am very late on that.  So here are his two month stats:

Weight: 11.5 lbs  25 %
Length: 23 inches  50 %
15.5 inches  75 %

The first thing the Dr. said when she walked in the room was "wow, he is a big boy!"  Yes he is!  He is a good eater and sleeper.  He only wakes up once at night, and it is usually around 5 AM.  I can't complain.  He is a really good baby for the most part.  He is super lazy.  His idea of tummy time is relaxing on his tummy and sucking on his hands.  He didn't even try to lift his head until recently. He loves his bouncer seat.  He gets really excited watching his toys that hang from it.  He likes to talk and will coo back and forth with us. Avery loves him and is very loving and kind to him. She loves to talk to him and give him hugs and kisses. She is always concerned if he is unhappy.
We love this little guy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Big Girl!

I originally wasn't going to post about potty training, but I figured that it was such a huge event for us that I had to document it.  As you all know Avery is 3.  I had no intention of forcing the issue with her until after Beckett was born because I figured her life was going through enough changes.  However, six months before he was born I did dedicate one day to the bathroom just to see what she would do.  So after a very frustrating day, I decided that she isn't ready because she clearly knows what she is doing, and just doesn't have the desire.
Six weeks after Beckett was born we decided that it is now time to get it done.  I found a post on Pinterest on how to potty train in a day.  I pinned it instantly and read it several times before deciding that is the method I was going to do.  I also bought a little portable "frog potty" for her to see if she liked that better than the big one.
After my first attempt, I decided that the kitchen is the best place to do it...we needed room to move. I used our table and chairs to block off the dining area and the baby gate to block off the other enterance.

movie, books, toys, juice and treats!

She had two accidents before she decided she liked to sit on the frog potty.  We were golden after that!  I can tell you that she was potty trained by the end of the day and I didn't completely want to kill myself by the end of it! ;)  Then it was just reinforcing for the rest of the week.  I will say that on day three she kind of reverted back for a few hours, but then decided that she liked it again. 

 This is how B spent the day... poor guy, he didn't get much attention but did great!

Now that it is over, I'm not sure if it was the portable potty or the method used that made her decide she was ok with it...not sure, maybe both. I'm sure glad it is over!

Friday, September 28, 2012

3 years old!

So Avery's birthday was last month... better late than never!
We decided to celebrate Avery's birthday this year early just in case I ended up having a baby early ( my due date was less than a week from Avery's birthday).  I wasn't up for a big party (being pregnant and all), but I did want to have a day to celebrate her.  We decided to invite a few of her little friends and spend a day at her favorite park.  We had her favorite, popsicles and cupcakes.
I thought these ice cream cupcakes were cute!  However, they are hard to eat and the kids just licked off the frosting.  They were good though...I made a strawberry butter cream frosting with confetti cake and a chocolate ganache and chocolate cake.
I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few of her having fun.  Even though her party wasn't a big deal like I usually like to make them...she had a blast.  She loved opening her gifts from her friends... and still talks about her birthday and the park :)

 On her actual birthday, she woke up early and we opened grandma and grandma Browns gift and gave her our gift. 
Rand made her this and she LOVES it

After dinner we had brownies and ice cream to celebrate.  We decided not to do a cake this year and do brownies and ice cream instead- Avery's favorite.  We sang to her and she got to blow out the candle.

We love this girl!  Happy 3rd birthday Avery!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Beckett's Birthday!

Here is the birth story for anyone interested :)

My due date was Sunday Aug. 26th.  I originally wanted to just wait it out and hopefully go into labor on my own.  Being induced wasn't something I wanted to do just because I knew it would most likely end up being an all day thing- not really what I wanted.  However, my mom called me the Monday before and said that she was going to be here the next Monday the 27th.  So I decided that I should probably be induced so that I don't go past my due date and I would have a baby here for my mom to help with.  I made the call that day and the induction was scheduled for Friday the 24th.
That entire week I did everything I could think of to bring on labor, but no such luck.  I did have some pretty strong contractions Monday and Tuesday in the middle of the night for exactly two hours, but then they would go away.  I was bugged, it totally got my hopes up. 
Friday morning rolls around and we head to the hospital at 6:00 AM.  Rand dropped me off to get signed in and then he went and dropped off Avery at Brock and Katy's house (my cousins).  I wasn't worried about her at all, I knew she would have a blast playing with Whitney all day.  Anyway...I headed to OB and got settled in.  This time they put my IV in my forearm- which I like sooo much better than the hand.  They did my hands with Avery, blew my veins multiple times, and it was extremely uncomfortable to move with it.  However the first IV they placed this time was a little uncomfortable, but I figured that is how it is supposed to feel.  The nurse must have seen me looking at it a lot or something, so she asked me if it needed to be repositioned or redone.  After several minutes I decided that I hated how it felt and had them redo it.  The second one was awesome and it didn't bug me at all, I didn't even bruise with it.  The first arm they did it in has a massive bruise. My Dr. finally came at about 8:00 AM to check me, and I was still at a 2 and only 50% effaced (no change in two weeks...).  They decided to use Cytotec and then check me again in four hours.  She warned me that she had a busy day at the office and might get back to check on me a little late.  So I layed there for a few hours and watched tv...and ate the food they offered me.  Played on my phone.  Rand took multiple naps. I'm not sure when I started feeling slight contractions, but sometime shortly after the pill was placed I started having them.  My nurse recommended I walk around before the Dr. came back to hopefully get things moving.  While walking the halls I was starting to have decent contractions, but still nothing that was very painful.  My Dr. finally made it back about 1:00 PM and I had dilated to a 3 and was about 80% effaced.  She was happy with the progress and recommended we break my water.  I had a feeling that once my water breaks, it will go pretty quick.  I started getting strong contractions the second she broke my water- yay!  Still nothing I couldn't handle, but pretty painful.  My nurse kept asking me if I needed any pain meds in my IV, but I didn't.  At 3:00 PM they started pumping me with fluids and they called for the epidural.  Dr. Crook (an awesome guy in our ward) came 30 minutes later.  Contractions were strong but nothing compared to what I felt with Avery by the time I got my epidural.  The contractions were still about 3-5 minutes apart.  Dr. Crook was talking and explaining everything to me while he stuck my back.  I wasn't nervous at all and it didn't hurt at all other than 5 seconds of stinging.  3 minutes later I was starting to feel awesome-- Bless you epidurals!  Dr. Crook stayed and chatted with us for another 30 minutes before he had to leave.  I had forgotten that epidurals make me really warm... and itch... and sleepy.  In fact I was starting to feel like I couldn't talk, it made me very lethargic.  Totally weird, but I loved it.  Rand and I sat there for another 2 hours and I dozed off and on.  My nurse checked me about 5:30 and said I was very close.  She called my Dr. to let her know it would be soon.  At that time I didn't care when it happened... I felt great!  When she did get there, she told me that there was another baby next door that was struggling and she needed to help them first.  So we waited a few more minutes and then it was time to push.  I pushed through about four contractions and he was out!  The nurses and Dr. watched him closely for several minutes- he was pretty quiet and didn't cry much, it took him a minute to get cleared out.  His sats were a little bit low but were getting better, so my nurse recommended we do skin to skin and he perked right up.  He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and is 20 inches long.  I couldn't tell who he looked like at all...still can't.  But he is perfect.
So even though it was a very long day, I can't complain.  I had a great nurse, I didn't barf this time (yay!), I wasn't in much pain for very long... and once it got going, it was pretty quick. Beckett and I stayed over Friday night, then Saturday we talked to the nurses and the Dr., and were able to leave Saturday night.
Hold on, here are a ton of pics...

Here is a video of Avery meeting Beckett for the first time...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

34 weeks

Well folks I am just over 34 weeks along now.  I was 34 weeks when I was hospitalized for signs pre-term labor with Avery.  Crazy to think that right now I would be sitting in a hospital doing absolutely nothing for a week.  Even crazier to think that I would be having a baby in two weeks from now.  As enticing as that sounds, I am so glad that there are no signs of early labor this time around.  I thought it would be fun to compare what I looked like at 33 weeks with Avery to what I look like now. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Easter and Pregnancy Update

We had a great Easter weekend this year and this update is long overdue.  

We dyed eggs the Friday before 
 On Saturday we  had a get together with friends and family again (like we did last year).  We ate yummy food and let the kids play while the adults chat.  It rained all weekend, and I was worried we wouldn't be able to hunt for eggs outside...but the rain did stop and the grass was mostly dry by the time we were ready to hunt!  It was chilly, but the kids didn't seem to care.
Let the hunt begin!

 They found the eggs in no time (these kids are quick!), and they played on the swing set. It was a fun day :)

Alright onto pregnancy pictures. 
This is me at 21 weeks...                    and 25.5 weeks. 

Although I am not all that big yet, I am totally uncomfortable.  I know you are all rolling your eyes!  Seriously though, my body hates being pregnant, it protests the whole process. For the past two months I have had leg/pelvis pain that is getting worse by the day, it hurts to just walk.  Every time I lift my right leg I get this intense sting/burning/pain sensation.  I asked my Dr. last week what she thought and she said it is tendonitis.  Awesome...  There is nothing I can do about it and it will probably continue to get worse until I have this baby... again, awesome.  Plus I'm carrying pretty low so there is lots of pressure that isn't helping the leg situation.  The only exercise I have been able to do is walking with friends.  Now it hurts the entire time and even worse the next day.  So I have to really limit the walking...frustrating.  Totally looking forward to these last three months ;) Ridiculous right?
I also failed my 1 hr glucose test last week (it came back high), so I had to do a 3 hr one yesterday. I was totally dreading it because I eat often! I figured there was no way I could fast a total of 15 hours and have my blood drawn four times with out barfing or passing out.  However, it wasn't that bad.  The first hour I had bad heartburn from the drink and felt a little sick to my stomach off and on, but after that I felt totally fine.  Then the second I got in my hot car to leave I was suddenly on the verge of death and needed food pronto. I didn't get a call back today and I guess no news is good news! I better have passed...sugar and I have a close relationship that isn't ready to end! I really don't eat that much sugar (at least I think so), but to have to seriously limit it...not ok :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

19 weeks

 It's a Boy!!

We are so excited!  It will be really fun to have one of each.  I really didn't care either way, but I'm glad that Rand at least gets one boy.  We didn't get very good ultrasound pictures.  We saw a lot of great views, but I guess they never took a picture of them.  Bummer...
They told us that the heart looks good and baby looks healthy :)

I feel pretty good these days.  SO glad the first trimester is over, it was awful this time around.  I still have terrible headaches and some heartburn, but other than that it's pretty good.  I feel so much bigger than I look... and seriously have a bigger stomach by the end of the day.  Is that normal?

The weather has been so nice lately that we have been spending a lot of time in the back yard.  Avery loves the slide.  She would do it all day if I let her.  Isn't she looking so big?

I had to post this picture of her licking the play house (way gross).  The other day she decided that every time she climbs the ropes, she has to sneak a taste!  I'm confused...  She might just be doing it for our reaction now.

This is the reaction we get when it is time to go inside... every day.  Total melt down :)