Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter weekend!

We started off our Easter weekend by dying some eggs with our friends Nikki and Presli on Friday.  Avery is still a little young to do this, but she was all kinds of interested....only in a bad way.  We still had fun even though I spent the entire time grabbing her hands before she got a hold of a wet egg or a cup of colored water. The eggs turned out cute.

On Saturday we had some friends and family over for lunch and and egg hunt.  Lunch was yummy and the kids had a great time with each other.

We decided that it would be easiest to place eggs in the front yard for the little ones, and actually hide them in the back for the older kids.

There isn't a ton of places to hide them in our yard, so the guys had to get creative

Let the hunt begin! It took Avery a few minutes and some coaxing to get the hang of it, but she loved placing the eggs in her basket. We got these cute bunny ears for her, but they wouldn't stay on! So some how they ended up on me...

She totally underestimated her distance from that egg, pretty sure she couldn't have stretched any farther!

The older ones needed some assistance too!

Avery and Presli checking out their Loot

Sunday we headed up to Higginsville to have dinner and another egg hunt with Rands uncles family. On the way out of Warrensburg we were sitting at a red light leaving town, and got rear-ended in Rands car. Fortunately it wasn't bad enough that anyone got hurt, but it definitely did some damage to the back of the car. The lady said her foot slipped of the peddle!

Avery did much better hunting eggs this time, she knew exactly what to do. 
We forgot to bring her basket, so the grocery store bag had to do.

Avery saw the teeter totter and decided that was more fun than finding eggs.
She loved it, even though she looked a little nervous.

So other than being hit in the car we had a great Easter weekend!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The weather has been so nice lately (except this week- totally cold and rainy).  We have been going on lots of walks and visiting a few parks with some friends.  Avery loves swings and slides.  Especially slides.  She would go up and down all day if I let her.  She doesn't seem to have any fear of heights.  I let her go down a tall one the other day all by herself and she just smiled the whole time.  Here are a few pictures of our latest adventures:


Sunday, April 10, 2011

DIY Nightstands

Our nightstands have been finished for about a month now...I know, I know I am a big time blogging slacker these days!  They were really quick and easy, and probably could have been mostly finished in a day or two.  We however didn't dedicate that much time and they took about a week.   I actually shouldn't say WE, because Rand did all of the building himself.  Don't worry, I did help... I painted and lacquered.  Oh, and sanded (a little) :)  It was rough...  We had some of left over wood, paint, and lacquer from the headboard, so we didn't quite have to buy everything for this project. Here are a few pictures of the progress:


We are unsure of the exact cost for the two of these, but we think it's somewhere around $50.  Not bad huh!  We need to get some fun lamps to put on them. I would love to find some old vintage lamps to redo.
We still have a few projects left, but I finally feel like the room is coming together!  I no longer feel the need to keep the door shut! Next up I will be redoing our dresser.  Yes I said I.  That is going to be MY project.  We already have the hardware purchased, I just need to sand it down and paint it white :)  Wish me luck!