Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Impromptu Photo Shoot

I know I haven't written much on the blog lately... Really the only thing that has happened lately was our trip to Utah for Thanksgiving. We had lots of fun and Avery got to meet a lot of family/friends for the first time. She did pretty well flying (with the exception few melt downs). She came home pretty spoiled from all the extra attention, not to mention her schedule was all out of whack... Unfortunately we didn't take very many pictures on the trip. We always forget to use the camera when we see family.
It was a really nice day on Sunday (for December) and Avery was wearing a cute outfit, so I took her out around the corner from our house for an impromptu photo shoot. It didn't last very long... All she wanted to do was walk towards me and touch the camera, I did manage to get a few good ones though. Avery is 16 months this month... She has been growing and learning a lot lately. She is walking really well now, and is finally starting to learn some more words. She is very social and friendly, and likes to wave and say "Hi!" to everyone at church, the store, pretty much everywhere. She always finds a way to get lots of attention!