Thursday, July 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Avery has been home for nine days now. She spent a total of six days in the hospital. We were told to plan on 7-10 days, but things went very well and we were able to go home a little early.
Avery has been doing awesome. She is very happy and always moving. She is beginning to get her mad rolling skills back. She is rolling over more and more every day. She was a little bit cranky the first few days were home, but she would perk right back up after some Motrin.
Here are a few pictures of her last two days at the hospital...

hanging out with mom

This is her nurse Stephanie moving her to a regular hospital room. We packed up her things and wheeled her in her crib up one floor. She totally enjoyed the ride.

She had her arms out spread eagle and would arch her back and look all over the entire trip. She thought it was pretty great.

Hanging out with grandma G right before we were discharged. We were told to treat her like normal. The only restrictions are no picking her up under her arm pits for about a month, and to keep her out of the sun. One of her medications makes her skin very sensitive. When she is out side, her incision needs to be covered until it is completely healed.

Rand took her to her follow up appointment three days ago and they removed her bandages and a few stitches. This was taken right before giving her first bath.

Avery has had so much fun with her grandparents the last few weeks. She is one spoiled little girl! This is Grandma and Grandpa B right be for they left yesterday.

Thanks again to everyone who has been there for us over the last year. We appreciate your prayers and support more than you know. We have amazing family and friends!