Tuesday, September 29, 2009


A few days ago I was making my way to the kitchen to get a drink when something caught my eye on the living room wall. I'm not even sure how I spotted it because I didn't have my contacts in and it was really late at night (12:30 Am to be exact). Anyway, I saw something blurry and thought it might be a large moth or something... and this is what I found!
sorry the pictures are not very clear
It is not every day you see a full sized frog scaling your living room wall! So... naturally several questions popped into my head... how did this guy get into my house? How long has he been in my house? Did he hop right on in with one of us through the door? Did he shimmy through a crack/hole somewhere? I still don't know the answer.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Avery loves her bath time! Her favorite thing to do is stretch out her legs, kick back and relax. She takes up the entire sink! It makes me laugh because her legs are so skinny. This particular night she was hugging her pink wash cloth and wouldn't let go...probably knew we were taking pictures and wanted to keep it modest!

Oh, and she now weighs 5 lbs 12.5 oz and is starting to not fit into her preemie clothes anymore. She is definitely getting longer... we just need to get some more meat on those chicken legs!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

random pics

here is a few random pictures that we have taken the past few weeks...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

We are home!

Last Thursday the Dr.'s told us that little Avery was ready to go home. We were a little surprised because her saturation level was pretty low. In fact it scared me to think what would happen if I didn't have a monitor beep to let me know when she was too low. The Dr. assured us that it is totally fine and they wouldn't let us go home if she wasn't positive that everything will be ok. She did warn us that she will have "tet spells" occasionally (where she will hold her breath and turn blue and start crying) but it is totally normal and we just need to recognize her signals to help her through it and she will always come out of it.
Here she is proving that she can tolerate the hour long ride home in her car seat. Look how tiny she is!!

She made it home just fine and that first night I don't think any of us slept very well. My mom laid next to her and listened to her breathe (because she holds her breath quite a bit) all night long. After we realized that she is totally fine,we all settled down and everything has been good ever since. I'm not loving this getting up every three hours to feed her, but I will get used to it.

I was really excited to put some headbands on her head,but most of them are way too big. I did find one that fit so of course we had to take some pictures! Enjoy!