Tuesday, March 24, 2009


We have had a busy past few weeks!
First off, I had to take a big dental assisting test last month. It was a two day test and we had to drive to Jefferson City. I was soooo stressed out about it, and they took their sweet time letting you know if you passed but... three weeks later I received my certificate in the mail and I PASSED! I'm not sure how well I actually did, but all I care about is that I passed. It was seriously one of the most stressful/hard tests I have ever taken. And to be honest, I was kind of dreading the certificate because that meant I had to start doing fillings, and I was totally scared to do it! So... my dentist gave me a few days to practice on some impressions and then set me loose two days ago! I thought I was going to poop my pants on the first one, but it really wasn't that bad and was actually kind of fun! I have been rocking them out ever since... ok, it has only been two days!

Almost two weeks ago, Randy's family came down to visit for a few days. It was lots of fun to spend time with their family. I didn't really know their girls and it was fun to get to know them. Anne and I are best buddies now! We went to Nauvoo and then just spent time here in Missouri for a few days. We were sad to see them go!

This last weekend my friend Rian came to visit and we had a girls weekend. A few of my friends husbands went to OK to spend the weekend with Rian's husband (including Rand), so us girls were able to chat and catch up. And just in case you were wondering- yes I bought twilight and we watched it Saturday night! I didn't get a chance to buy it early in the day so of course it was sold out everywhere except blockbuster video and I over paid for it.... but I did get a awesome poster of Edward! haha.

As far as our baby goes, I am up to 15 weeks now! woot woot! My next appointment is next Friday on the 3rd and then I can set up my appointment for the ultrasound. I am really excited to know what I am having, I seriously can't wait! So in the next three or four weeks I will let you know. Everything has been going really good- I still feel pretty normal for the most part. I really could do with out this heartburn thing though...

Well, that is about it for now, hopefully I will have some pictures to post next time!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

12 weeks and counting...

So I thought it would be funny to add a little baby to my blog with out saying anything- and there have been some great reactions! I decided not to announce that I was pregnant for a while because it started out a little rocky and I wanted to make sure it was going to stay this time ( I had a miscarriage last November if you hadn't heard). But everything has been going well and the baby has a strong heartbeat! I had another Dr. apt yesterday and they said I was measuring 12 weeks with a due date of September 13th.

It has been pretty easy to keep it a secret because I have been feeling pretty normal for the most part (not to mention I live about 1200 miles from family). I have your typical symptoms of being really tired all the time, massive headaches all the time, and an intense need to eat all the time! I usually don't feel good at night though around 9 or 10:00 but it never gets bad enought to make me barf. I have recently been getting heartburn too which sucks... So all things considered I am doing good! I really thought I was going to be extremely sick, so I am grateful that I only have mild yucky days and try not to complain- rand would tell you differently though! So we are really excited and will post more pictures soon.