Thursday, March 20, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

A- Attached or single: Attached--Married for almost four years!!!

B- Best Friend(s): Rand and The Fearsome Foursome (I love it Kimberly! We are so still in highschool...), and Haven (Kimberly's son- we are best buddies these days!).

C-Cake or Pie: dumb question- both!

D- Day of Choice: Saturdays

E- Essential Item: candy. seriously couldn't live with out it! oh and my eyelash curler

F- Favorite Color: BROWN! freaking love brown. it goes with everything, especially baby blue, pink and orange.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms: uh, they are the same thing.... so both!

H- Hometown: Pleasant Grove UT

I -Indulgence(s): Right now, candy. I love the jolly ranchers jelly beans! The pink and blue ones are the best! (totally agree with Kimberly I love holiday candy)

J- January or July: July for sure, hate the cold!

K- Kids: none yet

L-Life is incomplete without: My family & friends.

M- Marriage Date: August 6, 2004

N- Number of Siblings: 5 brothers, 2 sisters

O- Oranges or Apples: Generally I like oranges better

P- Phobias or Fears: spiders, snakes, the dark, creepy people, etc.

Q- Quote(s): can't think of one right now

R- Reason To Smile: everything, life is good! I have an awesome family and awesome friends

S- Season: Spring/summer- i love when it's warm and all the flowers. I also love fall for the leaves/colors and jackets.

T- Tag Six: Bree, Tristan, Amber, Jill, Jenn... I can't think of anyone else.

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Not a big meat fan (hate the texture), but I will eat chicken- on a good day! I really should be vegetarian sometimes, I am that picky!

W- Worst Habit: biting/picking at my nails

X-xrays: haven't had any other than in my mouth at the dentist!

Y- Your Favorite Food: Italian!

Z-Zodiac: Piscies

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cake Decorating!!

I am sitting at my friend Kimberly's house, and she said that I have to post something before I left (seriously, she is sitting right next to me, making sure I do it!). Last thursday our relief society did a cake decorating class so my friends and I decided to go. Here are our creations! The cake is mine and Stephanies masterpiece, and the cupcakes are Kimberly and Rians. My personal favorite is Rian's lion cupcake!

Here we are, Me, Stephanie, Rian and Kimberly.