Thursday, August 30, 2007

Time Flies

So I realized today that we moved to Missouri exactly a year ago- Aug 30, 2006. It is crazy to me how fast time flies. It feels like we have been here forever, but at the same time, it hasn't been that long. I remember when the idea first came up that we might move out here, and how much I hated it. There was no way I was going to leave my family, friends and everything I have ever known to live far away in some unknown place. But I can honestly say that I am happy that we did. This small(er) town has really grown on me even if we have to drive to "the city" for any decent shopping. I actually like the slower life. Living out here has really brought Rand and I closer together because for the first little while, we only had each other. It has helped us spiritually-we have a great ward that put us to work right away and keeps us active. We have made some awesome friends through our ward that are such great examples to me and are so much fun to hang out with! We were able to buy a house that we never would have been able to afford in Utah. Rands job is doing well and I am finally able to work in the field I have always wanted to. The list goes on and on! The last year has been good to us! Of course there are some down falls like unbearable humidity, nasty huge bugs, ice storms and tornado's... but all in all, living here has been a real blessing for us and we are happy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tagged Continued...

Thanks for more questions Bree! Here are my answers:

Would you bungee jump?
never ever! That is just crazy scary! Freaks me out just thinking about it...

What's your favorite cereal?
I love raisin bran too!! I also love cinnamon life and shredded wheat

What color pants, shirt and shoes are you wearing?
Khaki capri's, a light yellow dressy shirt, no shoes

What's the last thing you ate?
grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. I usually eat much healthier!

What are you listening to right now?
the new smashing pumpkins cd

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
besides people at work, probably my visiting teacher

Eye color?
Brown (Everyone loves a brown eyed girl!) good answer Bree!

Scary or happy endings?
happy duh. I used to like scary movies, but now I just can't do it. I love when movies end happy

Summer or winter?
SUMMER, I hate, hate, hate the snow!! But the snow isn't bad in Missouri- it's the ice that sucks!

What's the farthest you've been from home?
I would say Belize

Do you like the person who tagged you?
Of course. Tristan is a lot of fun!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


My friend Tristan tagged me the other day, and I thought it would be fun, so here it is!

Jobs I've had:
* Confirmation caller for Russ Whitney Real Estate Seminars
* Food Service Worker
* Diet Technician
* Title Clerk
* Office Professional
* Receptionist

Movies I never get sick of:
* Meet Joe Black
* Office Space
* Dumb and Dumber
* Breakfast Club
*Never been kissed

Places I've called home:
* Pleasant Grove, Utah
* Orem, Utah
* Warrensburg, Missouri

Favorite TV Shows:
* Lost
* Desperate Housewives
* 24
*Greys Anatomy
*The Office
*American Idol
*Anything on the food channel

Favorite Vacation Spots:
* California
* Disneyland
* Hawaii
*the cruise we went on last summer (Key west, Cozumel mexico, Belize). I would love to do that again!

Favorite Websites:
* Friend's and Family's blogs

Places I'd rather be:
* Utah
* on a cruise
* Hawaii
* Europe

I am now tagging:
* Bree
* Jenn
* Amber
* Allison

Friday, August 17, 2007

new purchases

Here are the new things we bought the other day. Jenn wanted to see them so here they are!

This is a cool mirror we added to our bedroom. I wasn't sure if it would look very good, but it matched perfect! It's cool huh?
This is obviously the kitchen. It took us forever to decide what to put on that wall because it is so big. So this is what we decided on (thank you Pier 1 sales!) but it needs some companions. Any ideas what we could put on either side so it doesn't look so funny?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Once again there isn't much to say today, so I thought I would post a few pictures. Don't worry, more to come...

Some of our Missouri friends (plus two utah friends) at a Royals game on the fourth of July. Because of some rain before the game, they ended up having to cancel the fireworks- but we got free tickets out of it...Boo Yah! We had our own fireworks the night before and lets just say that Missouri fireworks kick Utah fireworks butt!

Rian, me, and Stephanie. We decided to go back to Junior High and get matching shirts. (Notice my comparative lack of boobs!)

My bashful cat Chloe

Our house in the Spring before it got crazy hot and our grass was actually green.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Lazy Day

Well, there isn't a whole lot to say about today. It was one of those days that just comes and goes and that is it. In fact, I don't think I did anything...besides work. I don't think I could have been more lazy! But you know what? Sometimes that is exactly what I need. Normally I get up early and go to work. When I get home around 4:45 I change into my work out get-up and get my turbo jam thang on in my basement for an hour. When I am finished stretching, I take a shower and eat dinner (which usually consists of a salad or wrap, etc.). By this time it is usually around 7:00 or 8:00 so we watch a recorded show (or read my book) and call it a night. Doesn't sound like a lot, but I am usually busy up until bed time.
But today was totally opposite. I went to work as usual and got home around 5:10. I wasn't really tired or anything, but I talked myself out of my work out and decided to read. I have been reading a series recommended to me by my friend Maegan. They are by Stephanie Meyer- the first one is called Twilight, the second one is called New Moon (which is the one I am on) and the third one not out yet is called Eclipse. These are young adult books so they are a way easy read, but totally good! I didn't think I would be interested in fantasy books about vampires, but holy shiz- I can't put them down. So if you are looking for something fun to read, I highly recommend them. Anyway, so after reading a few minutes Rand walks in and decides that he is going to make the best ribs ever (seriously... that is what he said). Side note: We have the missionaries over once a month for dinner. We always make a really good dinner- you know, not something we would eat every day. These poor guys probably get a lot of the same stuff, so we try to mix it up a little. Well, the word is out that Rand and I make good food (well...mostly Rand), so some of our friends are trying to compete. It makes me laugh. So we bought some pork ribs to test out as an option for the missionaries this Sunday.
Well, as Rand is preparing the ribs for the grill, I fell asleep on the floor for about 40 minutes. That's right, I was lazy enough to just tip over on the floor and sleep! The ribs took about two hours to cook and the result was amazing. I don't like meat much, and even though the texture was a little weird, they tasted great. So Rand was pumped to have made the best ribs ever...actually I am pretty sure he said in the entire world! After cleaning up, I still don't want to do anything and that I why I am sitting at the computer typing instead of being productive.
So that was my day... I still need to take a shower and wash my hair, and I really don't want to...but I am looking pretty mangy right now so I had better.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My Evening Update

I was wanting to get some pictures posted last night, but that didn't happen. The only time I get to post anything is during the day at work, so of course I don't have any pictures.
Well our anniversary was really good . First off around 4:00 Rand walks into the dental office with a big vase of daisies and roses and totally embarrassed me in front of the ladies training me. Of course they had to tease me for a few minutes after he left as it was lots of fun. I have a feeling I am going to get along with these ladies just fine. After work we drove to Independence and ate at Macaroni Grill (not a super nice restaurant like we originally planned, but I love it and it really sounded good!). Of course we ate way too much food and made ourselves sick, but the night was young so we decided to go to Pier 1 across the street just for fun. We ended up buying a fun big iron hanging wall thingy for our kitchen and a unique wood mirror for our bedroom and headed home. So that was it, nothing really out of the norm, but it was really fun to spend time together- just the two of us.
The dental office I will be working in is going to be beautiful! My Bishop is opening his own practice (he originally shared with another dentist in our ward). The office they purchased had to be completely changed, so it is a mess right now. We are scheduled to open this coming Monday, but they are cutting it really close. As of right now, they are still painting walls, there is no carpet, no cabinets, no counters etc. Not to mention we are all learning dentrix. We are working out of the back office on a card table. So it is pretty crazy there and hopefully everything goes as planned and we can open on time.

Monday, August 6, 2007


So I finnaly got a blog! Youa re all so excited I know! I am still trying to figure this out, so I am sorry for the lack of pictures- I will get some up soon. There is so much to tell, I don't know where to start...
First off, we are now known as The Rands. Several months ago our Bishop was thanking me for doing a wonderful job with the ward newsletter over the pulpit and accidentally called me Sister Rand (he didn't even realize it). Well our friends thought that was the funniest thing and it just kind of stuck, so now we are the Rands. It is kind of an inside joke between all of us to call each other by the husbands name. Got to love our friends!
Second, today is my anniversary! Three years- woo hoo! I can't believe it has been that long! We don't have any big plans because it is a week day. So we are happy traveling to the city and eating at a nice restaurant. It is times like this that I wish we didn't live so far away from everything! But it will be fun.
Third as most of you know (I'm sure mom has told you all about my drama the last few weeks) I have accepted a new job and start today, well this afternoon. I will be working at a dental office here in town as their receptionist. My Bishop is the dentist, so it will be a little wierd but he is a way cool guy. He said that he will at one point work me into being an assistant too- so I couldn't be more excited. I am not excited to learn dentrix though- from what I have heard it is pretty hard.
Well, that is all the exciting news for today. If I have time later, I might add a few pictures. So until next time enjoy your warm non-humid days! lucky you!