Monday, 3 February 2025

3rd February 2025

 Weather: S force 2, backing SSE 2

In a bright morning light 6 Red-breasted Merganser were to be seen over by the West Hoyle along with 385 Brent Geese, many of them on the bank but as it became covered by tide they relocated to Hilbre.

 At the edge of the East Hoyle 2,800 Dunlin fed with 48 Grey Plover scattered amongst them, 12 Bar-tailed Godwit were at the bottom of the gutter, and counted off the E. Hoyle were 33 Great-crested Grebe. A Shag preened on the Whaleback, 310 Cormorant were about, also a Little Egret and a Heron which visited the pond upsetting the pair of Mallard.

On the island 5 Linnet visited briefly, a Goldfinch and 3 Skylark flew over, 2 Rock Pipit were present and of the 4 Meadow Pipit noted, at least 2 were ringed on the left leg so probably returning island birds.

  The Kestrel was present, often on one of it's favourite lookouts, on top of the flagpole.


Photos AS

Saturday, 1 February 2025

1st February 2025

 Weather: SE force 4/5    sunny 

Before sunrise this morning 240 Pink-footed Geese flew out of the estuary along with 300 Cormorant, 280 Brent Geese fed around the islands. A female Goosander was at the North End and the 6 Eider stayed around the east side of Middle over tide. A Peregrine was seen west of Middle but the Kestrel was not about today. In Niffy Bay were 260 Turnstone, 53 Redshank, 100 Dunlin and 50 Knot.


Sadly the roost on Middle did not form properly due to constant disturbance by a photographer who kept changing position, please note that permission to stay on Middle over tide has to be given by the Ranger and a photographers hide should be used. Seventy Curlew had landed but left and didn't return, 4,800 Oystercatcher spent much of high tide flying around using up the fat reserves that they are trying to build ready for migration. The seal haul out on the West Hoyle only held 32 but a singleton came out onto the lifeboat slipway.

 Photos AS

Thursday, 30 January 2025

30th January 2025

 Weather: NW force 1/2  , WSW  2/3 with squalls early afternoon

A high winter tide this morning saw counts of  6,000 Oystercatchers, 35 Ringed Plover, 35 Knot, 45 Dunlin, 40 Redshank and an impressive 420 Turnstone plus 11 Purple Sandpipers. On the sea were 30 Common Scoter and 2 Great Crested Grebes. Our 6 Eider were still showing with 2 Mallard on the pond and 46 Brent of the flock here at the moment. In addition to the Kestrel there were sightings of 2 Peregrines today. A Linnet was on the island with 4 Blackbirds, 2 Song Thrush and 2 Rock Pipits. Just after the tide at the south end a Turnstone was photographed by Matt Thomas that wore the colour rings of the individual ringed here at Hilbre on 30th March 2024 and now returned to the islands.

Photo Matt Thomas

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

29th January 2025

 Weather: W force 3/4,   NNW 2/3 by noon

The best record for today was a count of 30 Purple Sandpiper in 2 separate roosts, the highest count on the island since February 2009. Eighteen roosted in Niffy bay with the remainder at the north end.


 Also in Niffy bay over the tide were 65 Redshank and 170 Turnstone.

 The roost on Middle Eye consisted of over 100 Curlew and 5,000 Oystercatcher.

A pair of Goosander bathed in the lagoon on the ebb, 4 Shelduck fed on the East Hoyle and 4 Eider drifted in the Gutter.

The sea was quiet but noted were 3 Red-throated Diver, 15 Great-crested Grebe and 40 Common Scoter, some of which swam close to the island.


The Kestrel was the sole raptor noted today and smaller birds on the island included 6 Wrens, 4 Blackbirds, 2 Song Thrushes and 3 Rock Pipits.

Photos AS 

Sunday, 26 January 2025

26th January 2025

 Weather: SE force 4   backing ESE 5

A fantastic cold dawn rewarded the early start with some colourful light enabling nice photos.


Two Shags were present this morning, following the early exit of about 300 Cormorants out of the estuary at dawn.


The early tide found waders around the islands included 4,000 Oystercatchers, 300 Dunlin and 30 Knot.

The Kestrel was sat around the east side looking on towards the roosting Turnstone and 16 Purple Sandpiper. 



Brent numbers seen today were 350 birds.

Other wildfowl this morning were 6 of our Eiders, 2 Red-breasted Mergansers, a drake Goosander drifting in after the tide, a Red-throated Diver, 100 Common Scoter and 2 Great Crested Grebes feeding at the north end with some Common Scoters passing by.

 A Grey Seal was hauled out on the old lifeboat slip.

 Early on a fox was spotted near the pond which still has the early pair of Mallard on it.A look around the gardens and paddocks revealed 6 Wrens, 5 Blackbirds, 1 Song Thrush and 2 Robins.

A further sign of Spring despite the cold wind chill was the first Snowdrops in the Obs garden.


 Photos AEH