Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cousin time

We've been lucky lately to be able to spend lots of time with family. The kids have loved playing with their cousins. I didn't take pictures every time but here are some good ones. 

Brandon and Britt moved and their new house has a dirt hill... this is going to be a favorite all summer.  Konnor was in heaven... and completely caked in dirt.  

 Triston's Baptism.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Kambree has been telling me for awhile that she wanted to cut her hair to her shoulders and have bangs. I was a little hesitant but finally decided to let her get what she wanted....

 I love it, she loves it, it's so fun! Though it does make her look older which makes me a little sad that she's growing up so quick.

Sam at 3 months

 Smiles for Mommy
 3 month picture with monkey :)

Ready to roll... 
There we go! Good job Sam!

Sam at 3 months

He is so fun! Smiles and cooing lots.
Sleeping 7-10 hours at night
Still eating every 3 hours during the day
Put you in a jumperoo this a few days ago and he seems to love it.
When he laughs he get the hiccups
Playing with his hands more, instead of just shoving his entire fists in his mouth he has discovered he has fingers :)
Chubby, chubby, chubby and we LOVE IT!!!! 

 Grandma and Grandpa came this weekend. Met Grandpa Lynn for the first time. This is them bonding while watching TV together.
All smiles
Fell asleep while I was making dinner. He was kicking and cooing and then the next time I checked on him he was out.

Sam at 2 months

 My happy little boy at 2 months.

I love this picture! (it looks like a mugshot)
A little bit about Sam at 2 months....

He's so easy.. he's happy most of the time.
He eats every 3 hours during the day but sleeps 7 to 9 hours at night.
He still loves getting his diaper changed
He's smiley and coos when he wakes up in the morning
I put him on his tummy on Easter and he rolled over.  I've not been very good at tummy time before this but he seems to like it for a few minutes. Usually he'll just roll over.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fort in the playroom

Kambree and Konnor made a little fort in the playroom by putting blankets over the play table. Then they wanted to sleep in it :) It was so cute. They got their flashlights and read books and then eventually zonked out.

And because I can't resist here is a cute picture of Sam.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sam 1 month old

Here's the scoop on Sam at one month.

He never really cries, well he only cries when we clean out his nose. He got a little bit of a cold and hated when we would clean out his nose. Even when he wakes up to eat he's not really crying just sorta ;) He completely chills out when we change his diaper even if he was upset before. He loves getting a bath. I've given all but one of his baths to him in the kitchen sink. By far easier than the tub and bath seat at this point.

He eats every 3 hours sometimes 4. He's a good little sleeper, of course he loves to be snuggled but will sleep well other places too. Sometimes it was easier with his stuffy nose to have him sleep in his car seat. He likes to have his arms free and usually up above his head when he sleeps, if his arms get wrapped in the blanket he will grunt and squirm until he gets them free.

Big Sister loves to hold Sam

Grandma Linda and Grandpa Cleve came to visit (and Grandma loves to give baby baths :)

Samuel's Blessing Day

We had Samuel blessed March 4th. It was a really great day, we had family come spend the day with us. All the local Leikis' were able to make it and Brandon and Britt. Our church is at 9, and after sacrament meeting we had everyone over for bagels, donuts and fruit.
Thanks to everyone who was able to make it, it meant a lot to us :)
Samuel's little outfit that he was wearing we borrowed from his cousin Simon. (Amber's son) I loved it, it was the sorta thing I was hoping to find for him and I thought it was a great way to represent Amber's family since they now live in Virgina. (Thanks Amber :)