Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Good News!

Sofia and Bella have some good news to share! That's right, a baby boy will be joining our family on or around March 3, 2014. We can hardly wait! I think we are about due for a little more testosterone in this household. Jordan can hardly contain his excitement, Sofia and Bella have already planned exactly where he can sit in their play shopping cart, and I feel beyond blessed to be pregnant with this miracle boy. Sofia and Bella were miracle babies because it took so much work (and help) to get them here. This little guy decided to come without any extra help and surprised and thrilled us all (after almost a year of trying). He has been the tender mercy this family needs right now. We've been finding out some new health issues that are scary and difficult for me and the fact that he's on his way tells me the Lord is in control and very mindful of us. What a blessing! 

Baby boy and me at 21 weeks.