Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Days Home

We had a picture taking frenzy the first few weeks with Hatch. The girls couldn't get enough of him and neither could/can we!

 Handsome is right!

 They still all fit on my lap!
 Sof wanted Hatch to lay in bed with her.
 Papa Keith surprised us for a visit!

 Love this! Sof got the peace memo I guess?

 Our first outing as a family of 5. Some good ol' Wings.

 Papa and Grandma Baker visit.

 I love this 3 generation photo. They all look so much alike!
 This was a great story! I found this in the fridge. Bella drew a picture of a cake, cracked an egg on it, and had Hatch's baby monitor in their as the timer. She knew she couldn't use the oven to make a cake so she made one in the fridge.
 Papa Jeff threw the girls in the bushes.

This little boy is just a bundle of love. We are SO SO SO grateful to have him in our family! He brings so much happiness!

Bringing Hatch Home

We brought Hatch home on Wednesday, February 26th. The girls were so excited to welcome their little brother home! 

Our baseball sweetheart.

 Look at that bundle of love!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Welcome to the World Baby Hatch!

Well he's here! Our sweet Hatch Jordan came February 24th at 6:29pm. I went in that morning at 8am to be induced at 39 weeks. I had to get an infusion that previous Thursday and needed to be induced as close to that date as possible. My mom arrived the night before at midnight due to a flight cancellation. Talk about cutting it close! We got to the hospital and settled in a whirlpool room. I had one nurse the whole time who never left my room. It was so nice! My doctor came in and broke my water at 8:30am. It immediately put me in labor so they didn't have to turn the pitocin up until I got my epidural at 2pm. So for about 6 hours I labored and got to a 4. In that time I walked the halls, got in their whirlpool tub and sat on the birthing ball. I think the ball was my favorite. Hatch was posterior (face-up) for most of the end of pregnancy so I had back labor. I was really nervous he wouldn't turn but the birthing ball persuaded him and I felt the labor pains and contractions switch to my belly as he turned! 

The epidural was great and I could feel and move my legs. One of my very best friends showed up after the epidural to take pictures of the birth. It is so fun to have those special photos and videos! At this point they cranked the pitocin up and I got to about a 6 by 5:20pm. So slow going. My doctor showed up to check me and we decided she should go home and we'd call her in an hour or two. About 15 min after she left I felt myself transitioning. I got super emotional and nauseous. I asked the nurse to check me and when she did her face got a little white and worried. I was complete and a plus 3! Hatch was coming and soon. She tried paging my doctor with no response. I needed to push. She kept holding me off and I was squeezing the life out of my trusty tennis ball I held throughout labor. Finally she got a hold of my doctor and my doctor told the nurse, "DON'T let her push!" That was fun for the next 20 minutes…NOT. Finally my doctor ran in the door panting, I'm sure having sprinted from her car. She jumped in her scrubs and had me push once. I had to push for 2.5 hours with the twins so I wasn't expecting this to be a fast process. After my first push, my doctor hurried over and kept telling me "wow great job!" I didn't believe her and just kept pushing…for a total of 8 minutes and out came baby Hatch! I think I was the most shocked of everyone that it happened so fast! I guess it was a good thing I didn't push until the doctor got there!

They put Hatch up on my belly and the next hour was pure bliss! One of the very best moments of my life for sure. This sweet little boy who has been a miracle from day one was finally here and he was beautiful and perfect. I love him so much and feel so blessed to be his mom!

He was 8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long. 

He nurses great (after 3 weeks of hard work!) 

He truly is the best natured, sweetest baby I've ever met. He's SO calm and loving. We are blessed.

Going through transition.

My awesome tennis ball.

My awesome friend and photographer, Kortney.

Amazing how accurate ultrasounds are these days!